Is Time Travel Possible?


Keeper of "good" ideas.
Valued Senior Member
Okay I know that some will argue this thread is Science and it's in the Pseudoscience forum. Well to be honest it doesn't really matter currently, after all we aren't dealing with the actual mathematics it's just the simple question "Is Time Travel Possible?"

I haven't created this into a vote since after all I'm not asking if you Believe it is, I'm asking if you (those that read) know anything that would suggest it is possible and why?
I'm sure there are theoretical physicists that will tell you that it is possible but it is only a theory so far, no actual experiments have been sccomplished that proves it can be done.
Well to be honest I've only ever heard that there is a special relativity case for time travel but that's only in regards to information and not mass, it should be interesting to see other peoples opinion on this.
Here's me thinking they'd already done tests confirming the possibility.
It must be possible, the OP is by the same guy who asked this question the next time.
They ask this question...:bugeye:
Yes, see my post on John Titor. He is a time traveler. Nice guy.

If you mean time taveller in any sense other than the usual rate of one minute per minute going forwards, then no, he isn't a time traveller.
At present, time travel is a one-way trip into the future achieved simply by accelerating ones body to a much increased velocity relative to that of Earthbound clocks. Another way to hasten time passage (with regards to these terrestrial clocks); is to hang around in a high gravity environment ........ travel to the past is a shade more difficult, involving transit beneath the event horizon of a hypothetically super fast rotating black hole, although the past you'd end up in would not be the past of our history, merely one of a near-infinite number.

ps; you can always go for a bit of cryo-stasis. :D
Well theoretically speaking a gravitiational singularity of the right kind can do the trick. Ie a black hole. In some physicists theory is that the universe is basically like a blanket on a bed, different objects of mass create dents in it like wight, this has been proved so it is actually a theory not hypothesis. They proved this because there was a solar eclipse where the moon blocks the sun, and a star was seen which should not have been because normally the sun would have blocked the view, what happened is that light from the distant star curved around the sun and came to earth. In theory a black hole does not only create a dent, it rips a large hole in the blanket to G-d knows where.
If you mean time traveler in any sense other than the usual rate of one minute per minute going forwards, then no, he isn't a time traveller.

no Titor came back from 2035. It was a complex world he lived in. He has been back since, just very quiet. If you would like me to try an find his email I can.
I'm sure there are theoretical physicists that will tell you that it is possible but it is only a theory so far, no actual experiments have been sccomplished that proves it can be done.

Actually it's barely even a hypothesis. a theory means that it has been tested many, many, many times and has always proved correct. A hypothesis means little or no testing.
I'm sure there are theoretical physicists that will tell you that it is possible but it is only a theory so far, no actual experiments have been sccomplished that proves it can be done.

Not saying it has or has not been accomplished....... but how do you know? :shrug:
Of course time travel is possible. I traveled in time while reading this thread.

About 30 secs or so into the future.