is this right?


Registered Senior Member
ok, im trying to help my mate pay off $1200 in driving fines, which i believe are at least partially unjust:

he was pulled over twice in one night, and given the same fine, one of which(the $400 one) was because he didnt have his full license, although he can sit for it in a month, and he is a better driver than most of the people i know with full licenses. and the other was for having no warrant on the car he was driving($200), although it only ran out a week before he got the fine.

since im under 18, im entitled to a tax refund, which would be enough to cover these fines. i had previously planned to leave the money unclaimed as i think it is only fair that as a worker i should be taxed the same as everyoen else, however now i am wondering whether it wolud be right to get a refund in order to pay off these fines.

my friend who got the fines is earning just over minimum wage, and has enough trouble paying for anything as it is, let alone $1200 on top of that to the police
Are you asking if it's okay to claim your tax refund? If so, why wouldn't that be okay? I don't understand the dilemma.

If you're asking if it's okay to pay off someone else's fines. I don't see why not, it is your friend afterall.
in my opinion, me getting a tax refund simply because of my age, is just as appalling as the fact that the minimum wage for people in my age group is less than that of 'adults'. normally i wouldnt even think of getting a tax refund, but this is a unique situation.
This is how we 'grow up'. If you paid his fines, you would be stealing his chance to 'grow up' (become responsible for his own behavior) a bit, and would just feed your 'ego'.
No 'good' done anywhere for you to 'bail him out'.
Live and learn?

As for the tax money; its yours! If you want to get all 'loony' about it, collect it and donate it to a good charity... which the 'government' is NOT!
Hahaha socialists!

Sorry this thread is too messed up for an American to comprehend.
I think you should take the tax refund and donate it to a charity like the boys and girls club or march of dimes. Why let the government keep it and put the money in defense spending when their are deserving and needy people that the money can do good for in your own community. That sort of donation can do a lot for a local boys/girls club...
I think you're confused on what a tax refund is. It's your own money, money you overpaid in taxes. What the hell is the moral dilemma of accepting your own money back? If you live in the U.S., it's not like the government will be hurting for that refund. Considering that they make on average $2,000,000,000,000 in tax revenue. :bugeye:
I say take the refund, cover your friend's fines as you see fit, and take SkinWalker's suggestion with the rest of the money. Think about it: You'd be redistributing the wealth. You would be a good friend, and a good samaritan, to do so.
i think ricks plan is a good one. but just a sidenote for quarkmoon:

i earn $15 per hour, 20.5% of this goes to the government, just like it does for every other worker earing less than $38,000 per year. yet because i am not 18, i dont legally have to pay tax, despite the fack that i am doing the same work, for the same pay, as my adult co-workers. therefore i feel that it wolud be unfair of me to claim that tax back at the deficit of those on welfare.

however you are right, with the current government, welfare is minimal and still going down with the special benefit being cut this year while increasing family assistance coverage, giving money to people earning up to $100,000. and for this reason i believe it would be put to better use in the hands of a charity, and in the end, the money i pay the fines with is going straight back to the government anyway.