is this legal?

You seriously have nothing better to complain about? If your in violation of building regs tough. You knew (or should have) the rules before you started and the council is completely within its rights to enforce those laws.
You seriously have nothing better to complain about? If your in violation of building regs tough. You knew (or should have) the rules before you started and the council is completely within its rights to enforce those laws.

well its quite obvious u have nothing better to do than troll.. if you had watched the video u would know that thing was there for years with no problem and sticking a pole 3 feet in the ground is far from building anything

*edit ontop of that if they WERE in violation they should beable to keep the property they bought.. thats another issue
It is an example of what is wrong with our pampered society. People have nothing better to do so, they bully their neighbors with the letter of the law instead of embracing the spirit of the law.
So what? My parents had an illegal shed for 20 years and if the council bad decided to order it demolished they would have coped it on the chin because they chose not to get proper building aproval. I did watch the video and the Guy states quite clearly that they were in violation but he was winging because others which were also in violation weren't ripped down too. Hate to say it but "he did it and your not punishing him so why cant I" is not a legal defense under any laws. Oh and disagreeing with you is not trolling
So what? My parents had an illegal shed for 20 years and if the council bad decided to order it demolished they would have coped it on the chin because they chose not to get proper building aproval. I did watch the video and the Guy states quite clearly that they were in violation but he was winging because others which were also in violation weren't ripped down too. Hate to say it but "he did it and your not punishing him so why cant I" is not a legal defense under any laws. Oh and disagreeing with you is not trolling

agin bulding a shed is actual building.. your own words and if they did they would take it down and still posses it.. dug a hole in the ground on there property far from building.. and they did not get to keep it.. the thing is.. you dont know if they would have bitched about it or not because it didnt happen.. on top of that besides it being completely different what does that have to do with the topic on hand?...

if you listen others in the neighborhood that are also in violation.. so technically sice they didnt take them all down they could sue for discrimation if you do it to one person in the block you have to for all of them...

edit* disagreeing i welcome but someone as yourself making acusations without watching first which the video says the oppisite is different... the hoop was there for years
It's too bad. It is legal just not in keeping with being a good neighbor. With all that is going on in the world, why would anyone want to creat more bad feelings?
My actions where my neighbors are concerned are to imagine where I would run in the middle of the night if I need help. I want a positive link with the people around me.
your right pin. a basketball hoop placed a a spot so neighborhood kids can get some exersize is complete and utter nonsense its much better for our youth to sit in inside and play videogames.. thats a much better option
Why don't they just use portable basketball stands? That way everyone wins!

well when they get older and want to dunk u really cant with that.. taht can blow over

But we are talking about 4-10 year old kids not teenagers but even teens could use this set up as well. If its to windy then they could always just wait. I do not think a light wind say under 30 MPH would affect this kind of apperatus and more than 30 they wouldn't be playing with it I wouldn't think. There are ways to make it hold better to the ground lkie with sand bags which are easy to make.

Section 525...yes, it's legal...and stupid.
Also stupid for the lady calling the code enforcement people...why would you want to pick a fight like that with your neighbors?
I wouldn't call officialdom on my neighbors unless they were a threat to my health.

I am a homeowner's association's worst nightmare, so I would never buy anywhere where the neighbors are going to come complain to me about what I do with my house.

Although if they did in some unrestricted area...

My plans for taking a series of trash-picked toilets and rigging a spray-fountain from one bowl to the next, to form a ring of spraying the front yard...with 100 plastic flamingos wearing tribal attire "dancing" around it, well...I'd feel obliged to.

Wanted to add: pink solar-powered floodlights at night, so you can never escape the awesome sight...

Section 525...yes, it's legal...and stupid.
Also stupid for the lady calling the code enforcement people...why would you want to pick a fight like that with your neighbors?
I wouldn't call officialdom on my neighbors unless they were a threat to my health.

I am a homeowner's association's worst nightmare, so I would never buy anywhere where the neighbors are going to come complain to me about what I do with my house.

Although if they did in some unrestricted area...

My plans for taking a series of trash-picked toilets and rigging a spray-fountain from one bowl to the next, to form a ring of spraying the front yard...with 100 plastic flamingos wearing tribal attire "dancing" around it, well...I'd feel obliged to.

Wanted to add: pink solar-powered floodlights at night, so you can never escape the awesome sight...

Revenge is a wonderful thing. Do you know there is a series of 4 or 5 revenge books written to enlighten the average person on how to take cheap revenge and not get caught?

I've been thinking about writing a book about taking superglue revenge. Just think about all the wonderfully irritating things you can do with a tube of superglue? For instance how would you feel if you woke up in the morning and found yourself trapped in your own home? Locks and windows all super-glued shut and then when you finally get out of the house, you can't get into your car.

But your way does have one big disadvantage. All your neighbors will know where to focus their righteous anger.
It goes something like this.

1. The blue basketball pole shown in the video was most likely planted on public property. In most communities, the city property on which the "pavement" rests also includes the "tree belt", the sidewalk parallel to the pavement, and a few feet beyond. That's where the homeowner's personal property begins.

2. Even if the pole was on private property, the municipality could deem it an "attractive nuisance". For example, an in-ground pool in your backyard without a lockable barrier fence could be an "attractive nuisance" ... that is, it is something dangerous that can attract kids and to which kids have easy access.

3. However, the "speaking" officer seems to have lied to the homeowner just to let them take the pole out.