Is this just too much of a good thing?

They're foolishly wasting their money. It should be going to better standards of living and weaponry - not fancy buildings and islands that in formation take the shape of the Earth!
The recent development of Dubai, although gorgeous, isn't it a little overdone?

Who needs the world we have. We can improve it. Disney world, GM foods, the Dubai world, psychotropic medicines, Genetically modified animals and humans. Let's replace ourselves and the planet and ecosystems that birthed us with cartoon versions.

Let's not notice how much hatred and self-hatred there is as we replace it all with something else.

It is something scientists and religious people can all join in. there is something wrong with nature, ours, the one out there. Let's just replace them both.

Our conscious minds can certainly handle all the variable. This will not be later looked back on with grief when the few cartoon figures we birth who can still feel notice that something is missing.
In a few hundred years the Earths ocens will rise over 20 feet and many coastal cities will be underwater then.
So I take your point is that it is waste of money? But if I am going to live only 40+ more years, why should I worry about 200 years??? Most buildings' length of usage is way less than 200 years...
Holy shit, Like why ? do these people just have too much money and too little conscience ?

Well, one answer is that they are diversifying, their GDP is only 6% oilbased. So they are getting ready for the future, more tourism.

Also, it is nicer to spend a shitload of money on a 7 stars hotel than on an ICBM.... (that is a nuke missile)
Also, it is nicer to spend a shitload of money on a 7 stars hotel than on an ICBM

The people that build the ICBM go to 7 star hotels with the money they earn making those weapons.
They're foolishly wasting their money. It should be going to better standards of living and weaponry - not fancy buildings and islands that in formation take the shape of the Earth!

And what happens when their oil runs out, which it will? Gotta bring in some revenue somehow, and tourism is their goal. Besides, Halliburton needs a royal city for themselves, moving their headquarters there and all, probably doing most of the work. ;)

- N
It's not gorgeous - it's hideous.
It's as "gorgeous" as Pam Anderson or Las Vegas.
I agree with everything sowhatifit'sdark said.

People work so hard to try and hide from reality.
Fear rules people's lives.

It's sad to see.
Well, one answer is that they are diversifying, their GDP is only 6% oilbased. So they are getting ready for the future, more tourism.

Also, it is nicer to spend a shitload of money on a 7 stars hotel than on an ICBM.... (that is a nuke missile)

Well, still, Oil is their main income.
It's not gorgeous - it's hideous.
It's as "gorgeous" as Pam Anderson or Las Vegas.

Hey, one person's gorge is another person's hide...

Well, still, Oil is their main income.

It is not. Only 6% comes from oilrevenues, the rest is banking and such.

Now one could make the point, that when oil runs out, that means that cheap ENERGY runs out, thus how will they power all those buildings? And that is a much better argument against this development.

I don't mind the hotels, but the islands are overdoing it and wasting too much energy for too little and not worthy gains. People who been there said that beside shopping, swimming and desert, there is not much else...