Is this guy for real or what?

In Chaos Theory there is something known as The Butterfly Effect. You might of heard of the theory and the usual analogy given might even sound ludicrous, it goes something along the lines of:

'A butterfly flaps it's wings and on the opposite side of the world there's an earthquake'.

The truth of the matter however is the statement is a fallacy, however it doesn't rule the effect out from existing. Quite simply if people employ methods to control the weather then they have to control ALL the planets weather systems, otherwise any action they make is going to cause an action somewhere else on the planet and not necessarily for the better.

Lessening tornadoes and hurricanes around the Gulf of Mexico could in fact cause vast droughts or monsoons elsewhere in the world.

For any such manipulation of weather it should of course be done through a body not run by one government but something similar to the UN with Environmental watch groups also being apart of it. Since if one government just deals with their localised weather they are potentially going to upset the balance of the weather for other governments which in turn is going to create political disputes.

As for the guy being real, well there are methods to generate weather conditions and there is theoretical methods in how to control them. He however might be pulling peoples legs just to get people accessing his blog.
I have heard of the silver iodine before to make it rain that is real but his idea is theoretical. Can Computers actually model this guys theory and would they want to if his claims are realistic??
In Theory it would Work.

If you placed wind generators in the wind currents path. It will capture the energy from the wind and created electricity and give off heat . It's will slow the wind down and give off some heat which would allow for a faster equalization of temperatures.

In real life it probably would not work. Hurricanes are powerful and a huge area powers it. It might not be possible to cover enough area with wind generators.

So basically what we would get in the end would be like wind going through a filter. The end result would be a smaller hurricane.
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I read it some more he is actullay upwelling deep ocean water to the surface to cool the SSTs while at the same time generating hrdroelectrical power!. I don't think he is talking about wind turbines
Oh I see.

Yeah that's an even better idea.

Our Oceans are huge.I doubt he will be able to cool the ocean's water at anything that will make a change. You would have to extract an insane amount of energy.
The Hurricane turned into a bit of a pussy by all accounts...the GW alarmists were most disappointed...thousands of Mexicans refused to bite the dust.

A storm in a teacup really.
The butterfly effect is taken a bit out of context.
When a butterfly flaps it's wings, it does not neccessarily mean it is going to cause a hurricane on the other side of the earth, it just means that every action has a reaction, and that reaction will have an effect and cause another reaction, and so on infinitely.

Not neccessarily meaning a hurricane is a "direct" result of a butterfly flapping it's wings, but that at the extreme level, everything effects everything to some degree in the physical universe.
I did kind of shorten what Moementum7 posted with just 'The statements a fallacy', perhaps I should of gone to great lengths to preserve it's meaning :)

The main point of the post was to underline the knock on effects of messing with the weather systems (further?)
Even so that's sure a heck of alot of hydroelectrical power those things produce! That would remove most of the fossils!