Is this false advertising?


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I have used an expert search engine to find an expert witness.

As part of his profile he has posted his C.V which claims that "I can normally prepare a report within 72 hours of seeing the patient".

I hired this Doctor partly based on this claim because he seemed efficient. However, he took 33 days (792 Hours) from seeing me to produce his report and this was 7 days (168 hours) later than the agreed deadline.

He is claiming that he was ill during some of the 7 day lateness period but I have proven that he did attend his normal hospital duty's in this time.

Is this false advertising?
Well, I'm no legal expert - I haven't got a clue, in fact - but I'd say that "I can normally prepare a report within 72 hours of seeing the patient" is a bit different from ""I will prepare a report within 72 hours of seeing the patient".

So I'd say: no, he's got his bases covered.