Is this behaviour accepted/suggested in Islam?


Registered Senior Member

The post below about "How peaceful is Islam?" would probably help me clarify this as it deals with the same topic, but I just saw this link today and I would really like to know if this is "normal" behavior in Islam? I understand that most people wouldn't come right out and say "Yes, the Koran says to "honor kill" your daughter if she disgraces you", but where do they get this idea from? And why in the world does murder make sense to these individuals?

The post below about "How peaceful is Islam?" would probably help me clarify this as it deals with the same topic, but I just saw this link today and I would really like to know if this is "normal" behavior in Islam? I understand that most people wouldn't come right out and say "Yes, the Koran says to "honor kill" your daughter if she disgraces you", but where do they get this idea from? And why in the world does murder make sense to these individuals?

No its not acceptable in Islam, its a carryover of patriarchial society and has been present in all patriarchial societies, a gender power play in societies that treat women as property.

Honor killing is forbidden in mainstream interpretations of Islam.[15] There is no specific mention of the practice in the Qur'an or Hadiths except in so far as the custom of killing baby girls to protect the family honor, which is specifically condemned in the Qur'an, was a form of honor killing. An honor killing refers specifically to extra-legal punishment by the family against the woman, and it is often argued that this is technically forbidden by the Sharia (Islamic law). Some modern Islamic religious authorities and Muslims disagree with extra-legal punishments such as honor killing and prohibit it, since they consider the practice to be a cultural issue.[16] They believe that since certain pre-Islamic cultures have influence over a number of Muslims, murderers of females use Islam to justify honor killing, even though there is no support for the act in the religion itself.
because they are morons, I haven't seen my mother or my little sister for over six years, my brothers would kill me if there could my father has shunned me. they dont know where I live, luckily.
all I did was fall in love, it wasn't till much later that I became an atheist, I could not follow something so evil. all religion is evil, to set father against daughter, brother against brother just has to be the purest of evils
because they are morons, I haven't seen my mother or my little sister for over six years, my brothers would kill me if there could my father has shunned me. they dont know where I live, luckily.
all I did was fall in love, it wasn't till much later that I became an atheist, I could not follow something so evil. all religion is evil, to set father against daughter, brother against brother just has to be the purest of evils

I am sorry, they sound like complete jerks; you should try to get your sister away from them.
No its not acceptable in Islam, its a carryover of patriarchial society and has been present in all patriarchial societies, a gender power play in societies that treat women as property.

Thanks for clearing that up. I assumed it was just some radical thought that was involved, but I just wanted to make sure.