Is This An Out Of Body Experience?


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When I was 12 years old. I fell off of a 250 foot cliff. Here in Tennessee. I felt myself outside hovering over the cliff, watching my body falling and tumbling down the rocky cliff side. I was thinking that my body looked like the raggedy Ann and Andy dolls that I had always envied other kids having. I don't remember anything else really...

The rest could only be described as a dream so I wont go into it, but I woke up saying, "No, God I wanna be with you." Over and over again. Till I realized I was outside, had been sleeping, something which I had made it my personal rule never to do. Then it all came back to me that I had been up there at the top, and looking up there, I couldn't see because of a lotta trees in my way. I tried to get up and felt an electric shock like feeling go down my left thigh. Then I knew I had fell off of the cliff from the top...
If it wasn't a dream, I know that feeling. When I broke my leg, everything suddenly became confusing. I was playing basketball, runinng down court at full speed. When I landed, I heard a loud crack. I was thinking, "No, that wasn't me, it was the ball. Where am I. I wanna wake up from this dream. Why me?" It felt like my leg was glued to the floor. I tried to get up, but it didn't want to get up with me. It felt like i was in a dream. I was all dizzy. I couldn't feel anything, I could only see the padded wall in front of me and hear the ball. I was trying to tell myself that the loud pop was only the ball dribbling, and it came to the point where I was almost demanding my mind it was just a loud bounce of the ball, but then I looked at my foot. It was twisted in a strange direction and I could not move it. I was so dizzy, everything spun around me, and then it began to hurt like crazy. If I made the slightest movement in any part of my body, it would hurt unbearably. It took only about 20 minutes for this confusion to go away, but it sounds like the feeling you felt when you fell. It seems like your body knows what is about to happen and it is in slow motion. It almost seems like you see yourself. I had broken my tibia and fibula cleanly in half. I think the out-of-body, dreamlike experience is like your body's natural morphine.

Also, a while back, I was on a trampoline. I flew into the net, and my heavy friend fell on top of me. The net began ripping, and I felt the watching-myself feeling again. It felt like whatever happened, it wasn't going to happen to me; just the body that was falling headfirst towards the floor. Luckily, I was able to catch a piece of the net and roll over in a complete backflip.
Kind of. Except you it's impossible to truly leave your body. In extreme circumstances, the pineal gland produces DMT, a natural and extremely powerful hallucinogen. When given artificially, it induces something like a near death experience.

You have a personal rule to not sleep outside?