Is this a preminition?


Registered Member
Hey Im New to these forums and My girlfriend has said shes had a dream of me hanging myself or being hung (not sure which) and it was outside on a tree, and she was just standing there screaming but unable to move. She explained as the dream as having brighter colours than reality. Shes had this dreams 3 times in the last little while and she said she had the same sort of dream about her dog being run over 8 times untill it actually happened.

Im sort of freaking out about this and im just wondering could this be a preminition or just a bad dream...
It could be that she's just worrying about you, that you will do something to hurt yourself. Would you?
The hanging can also be symbolical, as most things in dreams are, and this can represent that you will do something she thinks is very bad for you, but not necessarily killing yourself.
You are going to DIE. HAHAHAhahaha. Ummm....


I'd have to say it's just a dream, just a bad dream, that's all.
according to what I can remember if the dream has highly vivid colors it is often a sign of internal strife. Hanging can mean a change of state towards the hanging person or thing. given it was you and the screaming you may want to talk with he on how she feels about further commitment as this may be the source of the dream.
Plu7oNiC said:
Hey Im New to these forums and My girlfriend has said shes had a dream of me hanging myself or being hung (not sure which) and it was outside on a tree, and she was just standing there screaming but unable to move. She explained as the dream as having brighter colours than reality. Shes had this dreams 3 times in the last little while and she said she had the same sort of dream about her dog being run over 8 times untill it actually happened.

Im sort of freaking out about this and im just wondering could this be a preminition or just a bad dream...

A dream is just a dream. The only possible connection to reality is that she may have some underlying emotional issues.

But the important thing is, no matter what you're heard, there truly is no such thing as a premonition.
Plu7oNiC said:
Hey Im New to these forums and My girlfriend has said shes had a dream of me hanging myself or being hung (not sure which) and it was outside on a tree, and she was just standing there screaming but unable to move. She explained as the dream as having brighter colours than reality. Shes had this dreams 3 times in the last little while and she said she had the same sort of dream about her dog being run over 8 times untill it actually happened.

Im sort of freaking out about this and im just wondering could this be a preminition or just a bad dream...

Would you say it fair to describe you as being a person who can be hard to draw out a deffinate answer to certain issues... such as relationships, where things are going, that sort of kidney...?

What I mean is, does your girlfriend try to draw you into certain types of discussions you yourself would really rather avoid being definate about?
everone thinks there going crazy yet we know so little we do not fully understand anything around and as everone one knows the brain is a complex organ that knowone understands yet or know the brains full potential nonone has the right to call anyone crazy ...we know so little of life to give an opinion of the matter
Hmmmm well I can say that most of my dreams that I remember actually come true. But some dreams can be symbolic and hanging cuts the flow of blood and oxygen. It could mean that you may willingly cut yourself off from something of extreme importance in your life. I would say that you should be careful about voluntarily cutting yourself off from things and people that can profoundly affect your future. Remeber suicide is a voluntary act generally based upon a mispreception of a present situation. I would go with that thought and make sure you are realistically evaluating things in your life. Good luck.
honestly can say ..i dont know. cnt just explain i away like th resident skeptics. i also have had weird experiences tat i dont understand, which include seemingly is strange. just know tis. i have heard that ANY premonition is not set in stone. reality isn't a machine, and it communicates deeply in images, similar to dreams......usually people separate 'dreams' from deeper experiences,
wit their premise dreams are meaningless and not a continuum wit reality at deeper levels

having said all that. it could be symbolic in oter ways. a 'Hanged Man' is an occut symbol meaning a radical change in life, if my memory seves me well. could me a meaning for HER rathew than you also

i just dont know. tese kinds of events open you up to wonder, deep exploration about life and death. not a bad thing in itself
There have been a few times in my life that I had a dream that then became reality. EVERY time, it was about something having an impact upon MY life. I have never had any kind of premonition about a major impact upon anyone else's life.

I think it is most likely that her dream has a personal meaning for herself, and that your image in her dream is symbolic to her, but not meaningful of any fatefully impending event in your life.

But, could it be, rather than a prescient vision of what must be, a logical assessment of something you might be moving toward doing which might be a wrong decision? Employment? A major purchase? A career choice?

Perhaps she knows of some major decision you are close to making which she, whether right or wrong, is uneasy about. And perhaps she is too shy to confront you about it. But, her subconcious won't let her rest, therefore agonizing dreams about misfortune for you. Ask her if she has such unease. And make it plain to her that you respect her concern for you and appreciate her opinions.
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