Is this a crime?


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Registered Senior Member
So a long time ago I went to a Skateboarding Demo and I got three professional Skateboarders signature. I didn't have anything so I had them sign a one dollar bill(U.S.). Now I have heard that this is considered "Defacing Gov't Property" and this is a crime. Is this true? The reason I ask is that I am considering selling it to either a local skateshop or on ebay... Would I run into any problems?
Destroying/damaging currency is a crime in Canada... don't know about the US.

That's why they changed that old Ginsu commercial where the guy slices the hundred dollar bill in half.
Apparently it is. I'm not exactly sure how severe a crime it is, and I'm not really sure how they'll punish it, but defacing currency is a crime in the u.s.

But would that mean doing the classic 'put-a-penny-on-the-train-track-and-then-get-a-flat-penny' be illegal? Or howabout those machines that you run a penny through in Disneyland and you get a print of Mickey Mouse?
Destroying federal property is illegel - if I were to cut a penny or nickel in half with a bolt cutter, that would be illegal.

If I were to break into a pay phone, or blow up a mailbox, that would be a federal crime

However I don't think having someone scribble their name on a bill is a crime. Now if you were to tear it 40 pieces, yes that would be illegal.

Cash can still be redeemed for its face value if it has writing on it

However you could run into copyright issues, or some other kind of crap. If one of these skateboards knows you are trying to sell the bill, they might object to that. However I think someone would just warn you and ask that you cease and desist. I seriously doubt someone would actually try to prosecute you unless you would informed then sold the bill anyway or something.
But would that mean doing the classic 'put-a-penny-on-the-train-track-and-then-get-a-flat-penny' be illegal? Or howabout those machines that you run a penny through in Disneyland and you get a print of Mickey Mouse?

Good Point! I am not sure how that all works and really the penny is like the most pointless currency anyway. It is sad that it costs more to make the pennies then the actually value.
They have this machine at the zoo. You stick a penny in it, and put in a quarter, and the machine converts the penny into a little pendant with the zoo logo and some animal.
It wouldn't matter, you didn't deface it. They did. ;)

But apparently it isn't illegal:

" Question 93: Is it illegal to deface money?

Answer: There is no law or statute against simply writing on a cash bill. For instance, it is not against the law to draw giant red lips on George Washington's portrait on the front of a One Dollar Bill.

However defacing currency with the intent to alter the bill to gain a benefit is illegal. If someone alters a written instrument (such as a check) without permission and with the intent to gain a benefit, then it is called forgery, which is a crime. If one tried to alter a cash bill (like changing a $5 bill to a $20 bill) for the purpose of presenting the altered bill to gain a benefit, then that could be considered a forgery. Forgery of United States Currency in this manner is called counterfeiting and carries with it very stiff penalties."

Originally posted by cool skill
They have this machine at the zoo. You stick a penny in it, and put in a quarter, and the machine converts the penny into a little pendant with the zoo logo and some animal.
Actually, there is an exception in the law that specifically allows those coin-smashing machines! I find it kind of funny.
Come on, I'd expect someone like you to have common sense... But you are a skater, which is somewhat self explainatory ;) anyway...

It might be an offense by law, but it's not like anybody cares. Authorities have more than a 1 daollar bill to worry about right now. BTW, it is probably not worth more than a dollar anyway, it seems that people are not too big on signature collecting from skaters, unless it is "official".
Our paper currency is not Federal property. Its not even issued or printed by a government institution. It is issued by the federal reserve bank, which despite its name is a private bank not associated with the government. However they do have special laws that the government has passed that makes it illigal to deface this currency. They are the source of our legal tender, so of course they would get some special treatment.
I read of a case recently where a head shop was visited by the secret service and charged with defacing currency, because they were stamping "I Grew Hemp" talk bubbles onto all the one dollar bills. I think that the law says you have to be defacing them in such a way that they are unusable, but clearly, thats open to interpertation. Anyway, I agree that you dont' need to worry about it in this case.
Yeah, a lot of people don’t know that the secret service's job is guarding US currency from counterfeiting and I guess destruction would count too. They are attached to the treasury department. I'm not sure how they got into the business of being the presidents bodyguards too.

Also, George Washington didn’t just grow hemp, he grew marijuana for the purpose of smoking, as can be seen in his personal letters to his gardener instructing him to sort the male and female hemp plants, a step that is only necessary if you are going to harvest the buds of the female plant for smoking.
BTW, it is probably not worth more than a dollar anyway, it seems that people are not too big on signature collecting from skaters, unless it is "official".

Come on now, people will spend money on anything nowadays. I sold an autographed poster of the band reel big fish on ebay for over $120. There is always somebody out there willing to spend money and thus, yard sales and ebay are born.