Is this a crazy idea?


Registered Senior Member
What would be the outcome of lowering admissions standard for medical school to combat the shortage of practitioners?
a lowering of the quality of the practitioners.

A better method would be to lower the cost of medical malpractice, and to limit medical malpractice claims, so that more people will be willing to become doctors. And maybe it will force people to reduce the amount of convinient surgery that they have. Which, IMO would be a good thing.

And pay EM guys more, and plastic surgens less.
With the already high malpractice rate do we really need to lower medical school admission standards?
What would be the outcome of lowering admissions standard for medical school to combat the shortage of practitioners?</I></small>

a lowering of the quality of the practitioners. </I></small>

I don’t think that is true at all. Pure academic ability does not correlate with the quality of the doctor at the end of their training. The fact that is it so difficult to become a doctor is due to the control that medical associations have on the teaching of degrees and training of new doctors, not to do with the actual academic ability that is required to complete the medical degree. Having said that, you still need to be very smart and academically competent to do medicine. But do you need to be the smartest? No way.

I have spent many years teaching biochemistry and genetics to undergrad medical students, so I have seen and dealt with an awful lot of them. They are all very clever when it comes to learning the material, but I shudder to think of some of them as doctors – no people skills, no social skills, no drive or ambition or enthusiasm. The only reason many of them are doing medicine is because they are amongst the best academic students, so they feel as though they ought to do the university course with the hardest entry requirements.

A better method would be to lower the cost of medical malpractice, and to limit medical malpractice claims, so that more people will be willing to become doctors. And maybe it will force people to reduce the amount of convinient surgery that they have. Which, IMO would be a good thing.</I></small>

Now we are on the same page. This would be a very good start.
crazy? yup!

Lower the standards of medical practitioners, then take away the legal recourse that protect victims when these idiots screw up.

sounds pretty crazy to me!

I hope no Republicans are reading this or it'll be in the Republican platform at the next convention.
Re: crazy? yup!

Originally posted by paulsamuel
...then take away the legal recourse that protect victims when these idiots screw up.

That was a pretty stupid thing to say. It’s funny how many people regard doctors as “idiots” until the time that they actually need them.
The best way to entice more people to become doctors would be to lower the costs of med school.
Hercules, I believe paulsamuel was referring to the idiots that the system would be flooded with were the standards lower, not that the doctors currently in practice are all idiots.
Why don’t you make a poll on this? I would also vouch for lower medical school tuition. I also agree that the standard should be harsh but only academic standards?: If that’s all medical school care about then maybe that’s why we have so many fuck ups to begin with! I think its a crime if the guy can get strait As so he gets though med-school yet uses a sawed off steel screw drive for a spinal pin because he was to much of a gooffes to remember where he placed the titanium pin!
na ja, it seems that for most of the medical work you don't really need to be an Einstein.

One would need to lower the wages of doctors to the level of philosohical doctors. Then there might be less doctors who want to be doctor for the money. Maybe there will be more motivated doctors.
Doctors are quite unmotivated already. Tuition is skyrocketing, and even if they land good jobs after graduating it still takes them years and years to pay their student loans.
Lower the standards of medical practitioners, then take away the legal recourse that protect victims when these idiots screw up.
The best way to entice more people to become doctors would be to lower the costs of med school.

I'd say don't lower the standards, lower tuition, and DO put a cap on malpractice, but leave it high enough to scare the goofballs away.