Is this a clever satire or for real?

Clever Satire of religion, or serious fundamentalism?

  • Big joke

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • These people are serious

    Votes: 6 75.0%

  • Total voters

Jeff 152

Registered Senior Member
Check out this website. It is so ridiculous that it makes me want to believe it is a joke; however, I honestly would not be that surprised if this was serious because I have heard things said seriously that are just as absurd. This kids page is the funniest, but check out all the links and stuff, such as the mission to fly a giant cross into space or to change the American flag to have the word GOD stamped on it. Its vast complexity and myriad of links lead me to believe that it is not a joke because of the sheer amount of work that went into it. That and the fact that many people will take it seriously and not get the satire.

But visit the site and let me know what you too.
its serious for them.

When I scrolled over Lambuel's animal logo, the thing make scrreeching sound. I was terrified.
"However, in 1969, Apollo astronauts placed seismic devices on the moon's surface to measure the reverberations directly1. These devices recorded the impacts of meteorites as expected, but they also picked up a strange, persistent, low-frequency waveform. When the waveform was run through audio processing computers which sped it up and applied various filters to it, it was discovered to be an echoing voice. The voice was speaking in ancient Aramaic!"

And this was under the 'educational' section.
"However, in 1969, Apollo astronauts....the voice was speaking in ancient Aramaic!"

And this was under the 'educational' section.

every aspect of life is educational, what differs is how we perceive the lesson learned. Lies are sweet. Illusions are eternally blissful. What's better the cold reality that moon is nothing but a rock or the blissful illusion that there are Gods/aliens there?
I think it is just a very clever parody.

Love Our Lord (LOL)?

I mean, come on...
Look at ths page
(mouse over the baby Jesus)

Triclavianists hold that three, and only three, nails were used to affix our Lord Jesus Christ to the cross. While it might be true that three nails were used -- and, in fact, archeological evidences uncovered by Biblical researchers positively point to this conclusion -- it is erroneous, and theologically dangerous, to make this a doctrinal position. The Bible does not enumerate the Lord's nails and any extra-Biblical research on the subject -- while both interesting and useful for apologetic purposes when dealing with those afflicted with a Secular world view that denies even the historicity of our Lord's passion and crucifixion -- cannot be considered of any substantive import to the Faith.
This is why they hate "tricalvinists"?

Did you look at some of the "creationist" stuff they are selling?

This is real?
I don't think so.
There is some very clever, funny stuff, though.

I also don't think they are trying to shutdown landover, I think they are playing games, and generating publicity for them.
Wikipedia says it's a parody. I'd guess at real, but only tentatively. Some research would be required. At the moment, I can't even get a whois lookup working.

If it's a parody, it's an awful waste of space. Someone has an obsession of sorts.
"However, in 1969, Apollo astronauts placed seismic devices on the moon's surface to measure the reverberations directly1. These devices recorded the impacts of meteorites as expected, but they also picked up a strange, persistent, low-frequency waveform. When the waveform was run through audio processing computers which sped it up and applied various filters to it, it was discovered to be an echoing voice. The voice was speaking in ancient Aramaic!"

And this was under the 'educational' section.

Well that sure educated me who'd a thunk it!!
Wow, that's scary if they're serious. The funniest part i thought was when you click on the atheist goat's head enough times he says "Hey kid, wanna read some Ayn Rand?", that's just priceless.

I also liked the children's art. They even showed a picture sent in by some anonymous person of the sheep putting up his fists at some kids yelling at them to love jesus and LOL, thus making the diversity kids cry. To me, it's obviously a criticism of their whole thing, but to them it shows that his love for god is so strong other's cry (out of joy aparently).

Or there's the picture of the kid learning how to play zelda on the Wii from jesus. If that doesn't make you laugh, I dunno what would.
Living in a state (Kansas) that puts creationists on the Board of Education, I've heard a very great deal of the "reasoning" that these people come up with. I think that board is for real.
Well... Like you said, you live in Kansas and they all believe in the Great and Wonderful Wizard of Oz and buy up all his snake oil.