is there?

My friend, can you please take note of the countless other ET threads. The topic has been done to death now. I have no doubts, that your topic will be closed.

Yes, there are ETI's, it's been proven already.
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Yes there is, logically, life forms on other planets.
No it has not been proven yet.
No there have been no substancial evidence of alien visits.
I think it is possible that there are other forms of life in the great void of space, although I also think it is very unlikely.
It is possible however that there are "aliens" out there. However I think that if there were to be aliens out there, that they would be at about the same level technologically that we are, because there is no reason to believe that they were there before or after we were. People always think that if there were aliens, that they would be a radically advanced civilization capible of faster than light travel, and lazer guns...please, get back to the real world.
Why in all of the stories about aliens, are they always so far ahead of the human race in technological achievements? Imagination is what I say to that.
If there really were aliens, then I believe that they would be around the same level we are, and it would be a reasonable guess that, as we have not yet detected them, they have not detected us. We could be two alien civilizations existing, and the other would never know of the others existance.
We do not yet have the technology to really "travel" as we would like to in space. Therefore neither would they.

There it is, a simple explination to the story of aliens
CarrotCake you are applying our technological limitations to another race which may or may not be more advanced, think about historical events, scientists being told something cant be done, but they do it, who's to say laser guns or something arnt the next thing to be in that category? Then you'd accept aliens might have them, the reason the advanced technology case holds water is because we didnt evolve as quickly as we might have done, we are the second dominating species on this planet(after the dinosaurs), if other planets have a similar situation they wont be more advanced, likewise a planet may only ever have had one species dominate, that could give them a million years on us, maybe more, so you see its not so far fetched after all. ;)
We do not yet have the technology to really "travel" as we would like to in space. Therefore neither would they.
I really wouldnt put money on this, and its a rather arrogant statement and assumes we are not only dominant on our own planet but the entire universe as it implies nobody could have better technology than us.
It is possible however that there are "aliens" out there. However I think that if there were to be aliens out there, that they would be at about the same level technologically that we are, because there is no reason to believe that they were there before or after we were. People always think that if there were aliens, that they would be a radically advanced civilization capible of faster than light travel, and lazer guns...please, get back to the real world.
Why in all of the stories about aliens, are they always so far ahead of the human race in technological achievements?

Why would aliens by at the same technological rate as we are? We are advancing our technology at an ungodly rate. Imagine where we'll be in 50 years. For other life to be at the same technology level, that would be that they ceased to continue research or that we were created at around the same time.

And this goes back to the egotisticalness of humans that I mentioned in my post I made a few minutes ago in another thread. People used to think the earth was the center of the universe. If "the" God created us and we're God's children, they must have that selfishness of wanting their creator (mother, etc) all to themselves so they don't want it to be as if God created life elsewhere out of neglect. Neglect, heh, when was the last time anyone has seen God? ;)

So if you think we'd be more advanced than life elsewhere, or at the same rate of technology as them, you're basically in the same mindset that humans are the end all, be all.. "the big bad shit" of this universe. We must somehow be the oldest planet in this galaxy or somehow the big bang started as earth as it's center. I mean, hey, anything other than that would mean that life elsewhere would most likely be older than us and that can't happen. Until one becomes humble and tries to realize their place in this world, it's just going to hinder ones thought process. Imagine how more advanced we'd be if our minds were more open and our egos weren't always in the way. Thinking we're the top dog and center of everything really screws with theories and other ideas in the pursuit of truth. Look how many years were wasted in the past having to confirm those egotistical theories as false.

Heh, oh yeah, and in regards to laser guns needing us to get back to reality? Uh, that is reality, sir. ;) Please take off your simpleton cap.

- N
I really wouldnt put money on this, and its a rather arrogant statement and assumes we are not only dominant on our own planet but the entire universe as it implies nobody could have better technology than us.

You know, if the whole 2012 AD thing actually happens which is supposed to make us "more enlightened"; I would so love for it to be some more advanced race to show their stuff. And it's not to prove that aliens and the like or true -- heck, they don't even have to do anything -- it'd just be to just slap those people around that think we're on top of all. Humbling us is one hell of an enlightenment. And don't get me wrong, I'm proud to be human just as I'm proud to be an American. It's just that arrogance is annoying as hell to me. To think us humans are top dog is Satanism at it's finest (no joke, it is. that's for any paranoid Christian who doesn't know much about religions and thinks I may be using that word as an insult.. even though spelling it out like this is kind if one, lol).

- N
Well I am just saying that everyone thinks that if there are aliens out there, they are always radically more advanced than we are. In all of the movies they always have laser guns and the sort, well now I am opening up another thought: what if they were the same level technologically as us? I mean, I will agree that there is a remote possibility that aliens even exist, but if they do, how do we no that they are more advanced. For all we know they could be in the stone age, I am just taking it down another road of thought. And also when you said that laser guns are in this age today, yes they are, but not on the level that you know I was talking about. We have not yet made weapons out of them, or even begun to put them on fighter planes and the such for firepower. We do not yet have the technology to focus a powerful beam like that, and make it into a weapon. Sure we can cut things with it, but to actually use it as a weapon we cannot.
Also I was not stating arrogance when I said that we cannot yet travel in space like we would want to, so no other species could, I was just tying that in with my theory. It is true though, we would like to travel to the far reaches of space, but we can't yet.

In all of this I am simply opening up a new thought: what if "aliens", if they do exist, are at the same level or lower technologically? I think this could be a possibility, but its just a thought.
Yes, it is possible... we don't have any idea which is more likely though.
There are many but few you would want to talk to. I once meet a bjweronhe and let me tell you they don’t talk much and they live up the their name nick name of “lag humpers”.
Well I am just saying that everyone thinks that if there are aliens out there, they are always radically more advanced than we are. In all of the movies they always have laser guns and the sort, well now I am opening up another thought: what if they were the same level technologically as us? I mean, I will agree that there is a remote possibility that aliens even exist, but if they do, how do we no that they are more advanced. For all we know they could be in the stone age, I am just taking it down another road of thought. And also when you said that laser guns are in this age today, yes they are, but not on the level that you know I was talking about. We have not yet made weapons out of them, or even begun to put them on fighter planes and the such for firepower. We do not yet have the technology to focus a powerful beam like that, and make it into a weapon. Sure we can cut things with it, but to actually use it as a weapon we cannot.

Oh, I'm sure that on some planet out there, there are more primitive beings or those on par with us. However, if they're to visit us, I'll put my money on them being more advanced than we are just because of that fact of them arriving here. But by no means are ALL extraterrestrials far more advanced than we are. The universe is just like earth but on a more grander scale. There are the primitive tribes in the Amazon, the highly technological countries of America, Japan, etc, and then there's those countries in the middle. Why should the universe be any different?

Although, who knows. With some ancient writings, heiroglyphics, and other carvings showing rocketships and applying them to the gods; that's a bit odd to be travelling to another planet in (at least with our current technological setup). Perhaps they, whoever they may be, have some sort of fuel or other highly advanced propulsion system that is used on a primitive (although somewhat current for us) craft. It'd be like attaching a 500 horse power car engine onto a wooden wagon, heh.

But again, anyone who may reach us from another planet, they're most likely far more advanced than us -- at least in the propulsion technologies. We may end up having better weaponry, clothing, food (hell yeah, heh), medicine, artistic abilities, and the like. It's just like video games like Civilization, Masters of Orion, or something. Just because one is advanced in one area, it doesn't mean they dominate all. Or better yet, just like in the real world here on earth. Better farming here, better cars over there, better electronics in that other place, etc. I don't know why some people find these types of examples or talk as absurd all because "the universe" and "aliens" are involved.

- N
crazymikey said:
My friend, can you please take note of the countless other ET threads. The topic has been done to death now. I have no doubts, that your topic will be closed.

Yes, there are ETI's, it's been proven already.
yeah , his will be closed because your all important and obviously more sond than his, asshole,secondly, where the hell is the proof?
It is true though, we would like to travel to the far reaches of space, but we can't yet.
Of course, but i would never apply that technology level to another possible race, your right they could be in the stone age, equally they could be advanced, or the same technology level as us, of course theres a possibility of a wide spread of technology level, we shall just have to wait to find out.
how do we no that they are more advanced
We dont 'know' anything like that, we assume at least 1 other planet has life more advanced than us based on probability alone, like we assume theres life less advanced than us, but less advanced life doesnt make for a very good sci-fi movie now does it.;)
In all of this I am simply opening up a new thought: what if "aliens", if they do exist, are at the same level or lower technologically? I think this could be a possibility, but its just a thought.
I agree yet agree at least one will be more advanced, i dont believe we are the centre of the universe or most advanced or anything like that, i believe in a wide spread of technology throughout the universe, depending on developement, environment, resources etc, comming into contact with it is of course another matter.
Im with Neildo on this matter i think.
I agree with you Neildo in the fact that if we were visited by other beings, then they would obviously be more advanced than us. Like you said, we could have superior weapons to them, but it is likely that if we were visited by some other race I would only assume that with their higher level of space travel technology, that they would also have more advanced weapons. Of course this is just a guess. When you said that one race could be far more advanced than we are, another race could be well ahead of us, and I also agree on this statement too. This is a very possible conclusion, one that I honestly didn't really think about until now.
I think that it is entirely possible that aliens exist, and I think it's not a far shot to say that eti's exist (as for intelligent), but I don't think that there are any eti's in our star system :D
there could be alien life on Europa though