Is there such a thing as sex addiction?


As a mother, I am telling you
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Your favorite mythbuster yours truly brings you the latest topic:

Is there really such an illness as sex addiction or is it a usual missnomer for something else?

Now this term is rather new, dated back to the early 90s.

"The difference between having an addiction and merely having a high sex drive is the level of compulsion, "disappearing into their own bubble and running away from the world", she says, and there's evidence that's it in the genes.
But Phillip Hodson, fellow of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, says the term "addiction" is not appropriate for this behaviour, which would be better described as obsessive, compulsive or even greedy.
What some may describe as sex addiction does not stand up when applied to the proper definition of the word, says Glenn Wilson of the Institution of Psychiatry.

"The original idea of addiction was that you had a chemical hijacking of the circuits of the brain built to give you pleasure as reward for doing things of a survival value, such as eating or having sex."

"But to turn round and argue that one is addicted to chocolate or sex, which are activities you would expect to be rewarded in survival terms, strikes me as hijacking the concept of addiction."


The jury is still out, I will keep my opinion for a while. What say you?
OH, I just realized there was already a poll on this one, please merge...
This one is for biology.

Like what you did with it SAM.

An addiction with sex can be stated when one feels their need for sex is problematic or interferes with their day to day tasks a socially inappropriate way.
That's a common definition of addiction. The problem with it, IMO, is that it is culture-specific. In US, someone who needs a drink at lunch to get him through the day is considered addicted to alcohol. In Russia, he is a normal, functional adult. Same level of craving for alcohol -- or sex, or hashish, -- can seriously interfere with day to day tasks in some societies, but not in others.
I think pornography has increased sex addiction in the world. It must have, if one leads their thoughts through to conclusion.