Is there such a thing as real people having 'Angel(like)wings' appear & disapear??


Registered Member
:confused: Heres something really wierd, and its not that i am a skeptic but I want to know if there are other people like this. My fianc'e thinks that he keeps seeing these 'wings' on his back , like in a mirror he passes by, sliding glass doors, or turned off TV's, things like that. He is not crazy, i know this. He does have ADHD, but that does not classify you as a skitzo ( they're the ones who see things mostly). He has even taken a picture on his webcam, he didnt even plan on taking the picture it just happened as his computer was shutting down. In the picture there were these wing like objects coming up from his back, his head was facing down, and there was this bright like in the background...It wasnt a lens flare or anything because there isnt anything in his room/basement bright enough to cause it. I am really worried about him, if someone out there could reply to this and reassure me that hes not crazy, or that its true then i would be sooooo grateful. Ummmm i havent seen the picture for myself , but people he knows have, and he didnt mention the wings, but they pointed them out too. If you'd like to know more about this, there is alot more to it,k ? And i'll get the picture so if someone would like to see for themselves they can, just ask me. Bye byes.:rolleyes:

-me @}-----/-----
I'd love to see this picture. Usually I'd just say it's an overactive imagination, but cameras don't imagine things.
Though cameras sure as hell aren't 100% accurate, if I let the camera's strap swish by the lens as I snap a picture it'll make for a strange sort of blurred swish in the picture, which someone who has an over active imagination could interperate as a ghost. . . another good example would be in lady's "paranormal photo" thread, with her picture.

I've never heard of this particular sort of thing before. . . well not spacificaly seeing wings, or anything, though I've always wanted a pair myself, so do post that picture, and I'll stick with this thread.

If this guy is particularly religious it might be stigmata. . . though I'm not an expert on that. Usually it's a term that refers to bleeding wounds that develop on the hands/feet and the like, mimicking the wounds of Christ, or like a bleeding cross in the middle of your forehead, bought on by some intense psychological factor, though I don't know if hallucinations would count.

I dunno, i dont think its a stigmata....I know what that is, but its not that extreme. He thinks he sees them all the time, he thinks he can feel them all of a sudden. Its not all visual, which is scarey. He knows how to make them appear or some crap, all he has to do is think about certain anything good in his life ( that would make them appear), anything tragic/terrible (make them fade or go away). He is really affected by all of this, so i know hes not lying. Ummmm, its very odd. I cant say that I 100% believe this, but there is nothing he is taking that could cause this, and he is not a skitzo. I've never heard of anything like this before. A while back my friends and I would go ghost hunting at the San Pasqual Battle field which is really close, and i'd take pictures for them ( things would show up too, it was great ). This is just outta my league in paranormal stuff i supposedly believe. Thank you for replying, it means alot ;) email me if you find something serious or want to know more , my email should be on some sort of profile on here or something...byebye

- Me @}----/--------
Very, very interesting. Perhaps he should see some one like a psychiatrist or a psycologist, or someone who would know something. Maybe you could post a picture of it, to see if it is what it seems, but i'm sure you've already shown some more capable then a lot of us.