Is there no stopping these idiots


and it was
Valued Senior Member
I read today with great Interest an article in the Independent (UK)

here is the jiest of what it says

Shame of the House of Saud: Shadows over Mecca
Previously unseen photographs reveal how religious zealots obsessed with idolatory have colluded with developers to destroy Islam's diverse heritage. By Daniel Howden

Saudi religious authorities have overseen a decades-long demolition campaign that has cleared the way for developers to embark on a building spree of multi-storey hotels, restaurants, shopping centres and luxury apartment blocks on a scale unseen outside Dubai. The driving force behind this historical demolition is Wahhabism * the austere state faith that the House of Saud brought with it when Ibn Saud conquered the Arabian peninsula in the 1920s.

The Wahhabis live in fanatical fear that places of historical or religious interest could give rise to alternative forms of pilgrimage or worship. Their obsession with combating idolatry has seen them flatten all evidence of a past that does not agree with their interpretation of Islam.

Irfan Ahmed al-Alawi, the chairman of the Islamic Heritage Foundation, set up to help protect the holy sites, says the case of the grave of Amina bint Wahb, the mother of the Prophet, found in 1998, is typical of what has happened. "It was bulldozed in Abwa and gasoline was poured on it. Even though thousands of petitions throughout the Muslim world were sent, nothing could stop this action."

Today there are fewer than 20 structures remaining in Mecca that date back to the time of the Prophet 1,400 years ago. The litany of this lost history includes the house of Khadijah, the wife of the Prophet, demolished to make way for public lavatories; the house of Abu Bakr, the Prophet's companion, now the site of the local Hilton hotel; the house of Ali-Oraid, the grandson of the Prophet, and the Mosque of abu-Qubais, now the location of the King's palace in Mecca.

You see these wahhabi clowns are another bunch of fuckwits i detest. Just because they are insecure about their beliefs does not mean we all are.. How dare they start destorying sitees just cos they think people would start praying to graves and houses etc.... And if people did then obviously the religious teachers including the fucked up Wahhabi ones are not explaining and teaching islam very well so therefore they should look at themselves and try to improve themselves.

I think Oliver touched on the Buddha thing in another thread, but yes these imberciles are a bunch of morons who should not inflict there fuckupness on everyone just because of there own insecuurity.

But we all know it is all about money, greed and power

as always your thnoughts pls
I read about this awhile back and thought the same. These folks are obviously very insecure about the history of islam, like it may not jibe exactly with what they believe or are preaching. I also suspect that the destruction of one of the oldest surviving qurans in Pakistan last year was also a result of this campaign.
I think it goes further than that puppet, yes the pakistani Quran definitely fits into this.

These Wahhbi clowns are so insecure it is unbelievable, if the Islamic teachers taught about Islam properly then there would be nothing for them to fear as no muslim would worship stones and material items.

This is just a pretext for gaining power and money.

I'm in despair, these people have absolutely no shame.
Sadly Zak there will always be folks who will abuse the power they have over others. propagating ignorance, fear and hatred are the tools of the trade.
Well instead of those muslims protestuing overe the cartons perhaps muslims should be venting there frustrations at these acts, and also the muslim governments should take some action against the House of Saud also.

The sooner the Monarchy of Saudi arabia is held accountable the better, not just for this but for all the shame, hypocricisy AND PURE EVIL FUCKUPNESS they have illustrated. those wine drinking, gambing hypocrites
Agreed, the whole cartoon thing was just a part of it, whipping up fear of and hatred for the west, it helps distract attention and keeps the crowd anxiously milling about waiting for the next message from the authorities. Bush uses the same tactic.
This is my whole point through out the forums , that the masses get a tarnished image through the actions of their fuckwit leaders.

Pure manipulation, and unfortunately in most msulim countries the dictators dont like there people to be that well educated as they will grow up to be a threat to their power
Another threat in the same vein Zak? Hopefully not but it seems to have a relation.

CAIRO (AFP) - A fatwa issued by Egypt's top religious authority which forbids the display of statues has art-lovers fearing it could be used by Islamic extremists as an excuse to destroy Egypt's historical heritage.Egypt's Grand Mufti Ali Gomaa, the country's top Islamic jurist, issued the religious edict which declared as un-Islamic the exhibition of statues in homes, basing the decision on texts in the hadith (sayings of the prophet).....

The fatwa did not specifically mention statues in museums or public places, but it condemned sculptors and their work.

Yep unfortunetly the same type of shit.

If muslims have been taught properly then why would they worship anything other than God even if it was in front of them.

Even in Mosques when you are at the front you prayer in front of a wall, does this mean you are idolating the wall

power power power is the real thing behind this

the power to control and of course money

thank you for the call Puppert, the sooner muslims stop doing stupid shit like this the more likely things will turn in our favour
The Saudi kings are the enemies of the Islamic people. They are a curse to the holy land and pawns of the West.

They do not represent Muslims at all, and majority of their own people are against them.

They came into power with support from the West and stay on their thrones with Western support.

Anyone who destroys the houses of Sahabah and the memories of great men among the people will be punished for this.

Looky Zak, Osama bin Ladens favorite spokesIslamist. OHHHHHH THE EVIL WEST, IT IS THE WEST AND THE JEWS AND THE GAYS AND SHAITAN etc etc ad nauseum.

She is like the muslim equivilent of Kiwi123 :D
DiamondHearts said:
The Saudi kings are the enemies of the Islamic people. They are a curse to the holy land and pawns of the West.

They do not represent Muslims at all, and majority of their own people are against them.

They came into power with support from the West and stay on their thrones with Western support.

Anyone who destroys the houses of Sahabah and the memories of great men among the people will be punished for this.

Yes diamind the
The Sauid monarhcy are indeed a bunch of aresholes, and they are propped up by the west, however i am not sure which is worse, leaving the house of saud there are getting some other Whabbi nut case in charge of Saudi.

Anyway Diamond it would be interesting to know your take on Whabbism
While the Saud monarchy is supported by the West today, they originally came into power by using Wahabbism as a political tool. They are simple oppurtunists are heart, and will suck up to whoever will keep them in power, be it Islamic extremists, the West, or whatever.
The Saudis have a product that the world very much wants. They make billions of dollars selling that product, thier biggest customers are in the west mainly the US. That is all the support they require to stay in power, all crackdowns and anti-government activity carried out in KSA is carried out by the Saudi government. They would have all the funding they need to stay in power regardless as until we come up with alternative fuels they have the oil to sell.