Is there anything that nobody would ever do?

domesticated om

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As much as humans subscribe to 'constructs of practical allowable actions', in reality there is nothing that stops anybody from doing anything.

This excludes anyone who is imprisoned, or physically restrained.

That being said, is there any one action that nobody would ever do?
As much as humans subscribe to 'constructs of practical allowable actions', in reality there is nothing that stops anybody from doing anything.

This excludes anyone who is imprisoned, or physically restrained.

That being said, is there any one action that nobody would ever do?

i dont think so unless it was physicaly impossible.

"You should try everything in life at least once, with the possible exception of incest and Morris dancing" - Sir Arnold Bax
Yeah, Morris dancing sucks.
..., is there any one action that nobody would ever do?

Simple answer? NO! Humans are capable of anything and everything that anyone could possibly conceive of or dream of ...and some things that even the most heinous of us would never dream of.

Baron Max
Simple answer? NO! Humans are capable of anything and everything that anyone could possibly conceive of or dream of ...and some things that even the most heinous of us would never dream of.
I'm just wondering if you can give me an example of someone doing something (presumably a bad thing..) that none of the other 'bad' people have ever thought about doing?

Or are you just talking out of your arse as usual? :)
Nobody would ever do the following action:

Find an action that nobody would ever do, and do that action.
IceAgeCivilizations said:
Say it ain't so!
It's true, I'm afraid. This is hard for me to say but I've actually ... I've *sob* ... SEEN Morris dancing performed.
It's true, I'm afraid. This is hard for me to say but I've actually ... I've *sob* ... SEEN Morris dancing performed.

i think morris dancing has a deeper meaning than its face value, if im not mistaken morris dancing was not a social activity, i believe it has roots in with a fighting system for training warriors for combat,

(im not 100% sure but i think im right)

Not fighting a system that I've ever heard (except in Terry Pratchett "And spin and kick and KILL and spin... great for trashing elves), I was taught that it's a corruption of Moorish - brought in through Spain (therefore a trdaitional English dance of course :D ).
Apparently a fertility-type ritual. That would fit - they all look like wankers.
Morris dancing is not as stupid as wearing neckties. But it is noisier.

If there were anything that no one would do, and sometone figured out what it was, they might do it just for that reason.
So you are saying that someone will one day acheive world peace and global happiness & fulfillment?

Only when there's just one human left on Earth ...he just might, maybe, achieve some sense of happiness and peace. But as long as there's more than one person, there'll always be conflict and hatred and violence.

Baron Max