Is there anything more silly and futile?

They better ask God for realistic alternative fuels and appropriate infrastructure to be developed.
What imbeciles..
For many years people have been asking for more energy and lower oil/gas prices... and that's why God has given (prepared) us alternative power sources that can give free energy for all the people in the world. The time has not come yet... people want to make money with oil and scientists refuse to believe in "free energy" machines, but perhaps when the oil 'disappears' (if it ever does) maybe they will believe...
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Right. I could grow enough to make several gallons of moonshine a year. Assuming my vehicle could burn it, that would take me... about 100 miles.

How much more blind and delusional can people be? The Age of Oil is coming to an end. It's not even as complex as evolution, it's supply and demand. Praying ain't gonna hep.[/QUOTE]

I'd agree but anyone who wants to pray sure can for that's their right as individuals just as it is your right not to. ;)
I'd agree but anyone who wants to pray sure can for that's their right as individuals just as it is your right not to. ;)

Yeah no one should stop them, but isn't it a sign of how divorced from reality we as a culture are?

"People have to walk more, leave those cars at home, and carpool, man," he said. "We have to become more practical."
OK, maybe he's not THAT delusional.
Yeah no one should stop them, but isn't it a sign of how divorced from reality we as a culture are?

Not really, look back through time and religions have been around for many thousands of years. People need to believe in something and that's where religion steps in to fill the needs.;)
AAAHHHHHH Haahahahahahaaaaa..... Pffff Hahahahaa.....

That was funny.

Yes, it's come to that. "God is the only one we can turn to at this point," said Twyman, 59. "Our leaders don't seem to be able to do anything about it. The prices keep soaring and soaring."
... people want to make money with oil and scientists refuse to believe in "free energy" machines, but perhaps when the oil 'disappears' (if it ever does) maybe they will believe...
could you post some links to these free energy machines. :rolleyes:
I can't for the life of me figure out why hemp isin't just grown to run engines on, that's what the T-Ford was made to run on anyway.Economies are taking a beating, yet we will cling onto delusional convictions that it is 'evil' - people need to grow up
I don't understand, what does exploration of space have to do with the gas problems anf high cost of fuels?:shrug:

everything! We need to do space exploration precisely because of these problems with fuels...we need to get away to other moons and planets and use fuel there