Is There Anybody There?


Recovering christian
Registered Senior Member
There's a lot of talk about death and the afterlife on the boards.

Has anyone ever seen a ghost, attended a seance or visited a medium and been given evidence to suggest some truth in what they have observed?

My example is a silly one really

One day at a local spiritualist church the medium addressed this woman and was asked to say to her by 'the spirit' of her long dead someone or other...

"Fancy forgetting the boots"

A strange thing to say you'll agree.
Turns out her son had gone off to scout camp that day and she'd forgot to pack his wellington boots. A little obscure to be guess work I thought; tho' I have seen many shiesters in my time some of them can be very uncanny.

Lets join hands and begin
When I was 4 or 5, I lived in another house. A long corridor down the middle, half way along were about 5 steps going down. Below the steps on the right was my parents' bedroom, with a door ahndle like one of those horizontal levers. That room had no other exits apart from the windows, which wouldn't opn enough for climbing through.

So, one day I was walking down there, and at the top of the steps I stopped and looked ahead. The door handle on my parents room mived down, the latch clicked open, the door opened slowly and then shut again, the door handly moved, and the latch clicked shut. So I went down there and into the room. Nobody in there at all. But I had the feeling that my grandmother (on mum's side) was in there, even though she lived in Queensland and we were in Victoria. Later I found out she had died around that time.
Never saw a ghost. Never felt the reputed cold spot. Never heard chains rattling at night. Never heard any unexplained thing that could be attributed to supernatural. Just boring me and the world around me.
Hey Adam
your post sounds like one of those movies where the teenage heros says

"Hmmm, sounds like an axe murderer outside I'll just go check!"

Why do they always do that?

Why not stay inside under the bed until daylight then go HOME:confused:

You're a brave bunny alright!
There can be no doubt you are a heterosexual:D :D
Now what kind of movie could they make with that kind of attitude?

...Psst! Hey Joe, there's a noise outside. Get up and go see what it is.

Nah, I gonna wait here till morning where it is safe. 8 hours later the movie ends with Joe still snoozing.

You gonna to pay to see a movie of that????
Okay but they could at least listen to the music.

As soon as the high pitched violins start get the fuck out!!

(It was a joke by the way:D)
(It was a joke by the way)

Yeah, I know. I just couldn't resist...
... and the wind moans, the windows slam open, the door know turns and Adam is standing looking in....

Wait a minute, that is another thread...:D :D
Once we heard a crash upstairs and when, 8 hours later we decided to investigate, we discovered the bathroom cabinet in the bath.
Not so spooky you may think, until you realise that the bathroom cabinet was hung on a wall six feet away from the bath.

If it had just fell it would have hit the floor.

Why did the sonnofabitch fly?:eek:
Soory, bbcboy. We already got one of these so I am going to stick with it. But come join in...
Is anybody there? Knock once for yes and twice for no.

Knock knock.
Who's there?

*Cue audience groans*

When I was a little girl, I used to beg my mother to move us into an older house. I never got to see ghosts, you understand, and thought that the older houses must be haunted....

Funniest thing, she did not find my rationale convincing.
Originally posted by bbcboy
Once we heard a crash upstairs and when, 8 hours later we decided to investigate, we discovered the bathroom cabinet in the bath.
Not so spooky you may think, until you realise that the bathroom cabinet was hung on a wall six feet away from the bath.

If it had just fell it would have hit the floor.

Why did the sonnofabitch fly?:eek:

Ever heard of "The Invisible Man"?
Never seen or heard anything from the unknown. Although Ive heard stories... A few times, Ive gotten really creepy feelings like someone was watching me. A few weeks ago I was hiking with my dog out in the boonies. All of the sudden, there was a huge gust of wind and the dog started acting really funny and I looked up and the sun was coming through the trees and I got a really creepy feeling, so I took off, didnt stick around. I heard its an old Indian burial site:eek: But who knows.....

Groove on
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That's what ya get for going down the 'boonies'
What the hell are the boonies?

Hi by the way :D