Is There A Problem?

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Thursday, 2 November, 2006

Is There A Problem With Young Black Men?

Why are young black males in the UK and the US more likely to get sent to prison than any other ethnic group?

In the US nearly half of all of prisoners are black, most of them men. Yet black people make up only 12% of the total population.

In the UK the DNA profiles of nearly four in 10 black men are on the police's national database - compared with fewer than one in 10 white men.

But why is this? Are black males more prone to criminality than those from other ethnic groups? Do you fear young black men where you live? And, as some argue, is hip hop culture promoting attitudes and a lifestyle that easily leads to crime? Or is this simply a case of one group of people being let down by their communities and then targeted by the police and a media dominated by white people?

Give your opinion, and read others:
But why is this?
Are black males more prone to criminality than those from other ethnic groups?
Possibly, but not solely because they're black.
Do you fear young black men where you live?
And, as some argue, is hip hop culture promoting attitudes and a lifestyle that easily leads to crime?
It depends on what you call crime. And regarless of what that is, the crime and the poverty breeds the music, not the other way around(unless you're talking about mainstream hip hop).
Or is this simply a case of one group of people being let down by their communities and then targeted by the police and a media dominated by white people?
I don't think it's a conscious thing(except of course with people like you), but it happens.
A lack of acquaintance with civilization owing to being so recently divorced from savage ancestors wedded to lower intelligence and high levels of testesterone. Contrast with the Indo-European, East Asian, and Semitic peoples, who have welll over 5,000 years of civilization and a significantly higher intelligence.
Go to the BBC site to discuss this. Who knows? You might even learn something.
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