Is there a God?, well theres several versions(at least) of various depictions of what


Registered Senior Member
Can we have a rule in Pseudoscience to the effect that "Thou shalt not invoke God to 'prove' your hypotheses"?

Some of the pseudoscience topics might merit actual research, but when people bring in God it just makes the subject into a funding repulsion field.

It may not be so far fetched for there to be an all mighty being. More and more people are starting to believe in consciousness which is in everything and continues to exist outside death of the physical. And that this physical is just holographic projection of our collective consciousness. This consciousness is like a ocean, you can take out a drop and that would be us, but put it back in the ocean and its One again. Personally i think the God depicted in many instances in the bible was advanced ET civilazations which seeded our planets, others were prolly ETs which had a negative influence on us. Some of the Nag Hammadi speak of the real God or the perspective which is One with everything and experiences everything all the time.
Theres a link to Nag Hammadi

Heres a link to a video(3rd in a series of 3) about the holographic nature of what we see as the physical and about consciousness.
-secrets of the matrix part 3

Im pretty flexible about all this, i dont take it as concrete truth but it feels right to me. So anyway enjoy!
I will never agree with peoples assessments of ET being responsible for this or that or being a deity.

There has never been any REAL proof of Life sustaining alien worlds let along Aliens. The transversement of space from such distance worlds if aliens are proven to exist is itself proven to be INFEASIBLE outside of Science Fiction and Hollywood Science.

The stories that usually accompany encouters also do nothing but debunk alien existance as a falcity. (For instance do you think and entire planet of super advance aliens would create space "Sports" craft models so that a family of aliens could go on a picnic to a distance alien world that takes light years to get to?)

If aliens existed obviously they would do something similar to the old Heraldry "Trumpet call" when someone important entered a room, There would be a planetwide communication before physical contact from a few of their Scientist/Explorers (and probably one Military Analyst/Advisor).

The entire interpretation of "Deity" as a whole is someone that sits on the peak of Heirarchy forcing everyone below them to serve them. It's basically a Slave Master position and I really do not agree with Slavery, especially not agreeing to willingly becoming a Slave.

On top of that both the links you've provided are complete:
(For instance do you think and entire planet of super advance aliens would create space "Sports" craft models so that a family of aliens could go on a picnic to a distance alien world that takes light years to get to?)


Or most likely these smaller craft are just shuttles similar to the ones in Startrek, used for exploration once the mothership is wherever its going.
The problem here is you attempt to equate how something can be possible and use StarTrek as a source of proof, don't you understand how some people can see how irrational it would seem that the proof is a work of fiction created by a bunch of people paid to "dream" such things up for television networks?

Space is *THE* most hostile place for *any* creature to transverse, if the lack of the atmosphere, or long-term effect of weightlessness doesn't get you, you then have the lack of food/fuel source and extremes in temperature.

Can you remember some time ago they did a biodome project, where a number of people were sealed into a biodome with the intention of making a self sufficient ecological system, where the oxygen they would breath would come from the plants they grew for food etc. Well the experiment proved that the dome and amounts grown weren't enough to sustain the number of scientists in the experiment, they actually had to break the seals early.

Now apply that to something trying to transverse space, imagine how much calculus would have to be done everytime someone ate, exercised, drank, used the toilet or stepped on a bug. (Bugs would be part of any ecological system) Obviously the calculus would be catastrophic, it would be a toll on the psychology of those undertaking it let alone whether it would allow a success of being sustained indefinitely.
Scientists need proof. They are unable to find proof, but what if they were to look at strings and quarks? A sign of God, possibly as undefined as they may be they may be the beginning of a higher power.
I don't believe in a GOD, the being. But I believe in the TEACHINGS of bible and other religions. I see them as books, with characters. They shaped our world till this day. I see less barbarism, people in the Bush camp used religion against its followers, and now we see Bush as what he was trying to kill: Evil. One doesn't have to believe me go watch C-SPAN. I do believe in the Subconscious and its powers over us. Why do we pray and repeat our prayers? We are doing so to talk to our Subconscious, we are at a meditative state when we pray (or at least some of us are). Why do you think Hypnosis relies on the subject being in a dreamy state. So bottom line is, god is our subconscious. War and such is driven by testosterone driven males who don't know how to meditate or subdue their anger. I have been in such situations many times and have done so experimentally. I agree that some teachings in the bible are inappropriate and way antiquated at dealing with our way advanced society. This is just a teaspoon of my thoughts on this.
I make no statement about god. But in history there have been mentions of "Gods", some think them to be aliens, some think it is just the ignorance of people without science.

It has been stated before that a sufficently high level for technology would look god like.

Some of the power of nature could sure look godlike too. But I think it is rather condisending to say that men are too stupid to see something for themselves and know what they saw. In old stories we judge what we read off of our own lives. Why were they limited to our standards? Greece had a standard for anyone entering the military that would empty ours if we ever adopted it. It was that you were no physicaly fit unless you could jump your own hight. With that kind of fitness I would think they could tell us what they saw and if it is a little out there it should not be droped just because we find it hard to believe. And at one point they said gods, giants and strange creatures walked the Earth. Perhaps they had a reason to need for all that fitness. That so many people of old say gods walked the Earth makes me wounder. Yes they coul dhave made alot of mistakes but I don't think they were all that stupid.