Is There A Genital Shame Gene?


Registered Senior Member
On a perfectly hot day, before the arrival of the Semitic genital shame philosophy from the Middle East, Northern Europeans, young and old walked around without feeling obscene, immodest, filthy or indecent. Or did they feel shame? What does science have to say about this? Is shame science or psuedo-science? Is genital shame from abject psychology or is it genetically based?
On a perfectly hot day, before the arrival of the Semitic genital shame philosophy from the Middle East, Northern Europeans, young and old walked around without feeling obscene, immodest, filthy or indecent. Or did they feel shame? What does science have to say about this? Is shame science or psuedo-science? Is genital shame from abject psychology or is it genetically based?
Clothing (or a lack of it) generally derives from environmental necessity and/or religious/cultural attitudes. In ancient Egypt, children went au natural and wore sidelocks. Adult males sported linen skirts and adult females wore linen sheaths. One could usually tell the station of a person by the fabric grade. The thinner the fabric (transparancy), the wealthier the individual.
Clothing (or a lack of it) generally derives from environmental necessity and/or religious/cultural attitudes. In ancient Egypt, children went au natural and wore sidelocks. Adult males sported linen skirts and adult females wore linen sheaths. One could usually tell the station of a person by the fabric grade. The thinner the fabric (transparancy), the wealthier the individual.

Are female Brest considered as genitals ? why do they hide then on a beach ? why do they hide them when they feed a child ? why women go for breast implant , is it because they consider it as genitalia ?
Are female Brest considered as genitals ?

Not a biology major I guess.

why do they hide then on a beach ?

Culture, laws and annoying men.

why do they hide them when they feed a child ?

culture and being oogled by weirdos.

why women go for breast implant , is it because they consider it as genitalia ?

Large breasts are considered desirable by some men in different cultures. Breasts are for feeding babies they are not genitalia, that fact that some cultures find them sexy does not make them anything other than milk glands.
Large breasts are considered desirable by some men in different cultures. Breasts are for feeding babies they are not genitalia, that fact that some cultures find them sexy does not make them anything other than milk glands.

I wonder If men who were not breast feed are obsessed by breast is because they were not breast feed. As yoi are saying culture , the tabu could have started when started to be bottle feed.?
Pretty sure it's cultural


source: keith1 (free use)
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27. When men of Australia’s Walibri tribe greet each other, they shake penises instead of hands.

And confirmed on

It was thus perfectly natural for the Greeks to associate the male nude form with triumph, glory, and even moral excellence, values which seem immanent in the magnificent nudes of Greek sculpture (25.78.56). Images of naked athletes stood as offerings in sanctuaries, while athletic-looking nudes portrayed the gods and heroes of Greek religion. The celebration of the body among the Greeks contrasts remarkably with the attitudes prevalent in other parts of the ancient world, where undress was typically associated with disgrace and defeat.

The Celts of north Italy wore trousers and cloaks, but the Gaesatae fought naked. At the battle of Cannae (216 BC) Polybius describes the naked Celts and the Iberians with their short linen tunics with purple borders, and Livy speaks of the Gauls naked from the navel up and of the Iberians with dazzlingly white tunics bordered with purple. The Celts in Asia Minor seem to have preserved this custom, for they too are described as naked in battle with skin white because they were never exposed except in battle.

And...these lovely fellows in Papua New Guinea...if you'll follow the link here are wearing their penis gourds and looking rather dapper...
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