Is there a 10th planet


Registered Member
The existance of a 10th planet is not to be rejected. Far from that. Distortions in the trajectory of Pluton shows that there is a large object, orbiting around the sun ( but not on the same axe..) . There are many resons to believe that this planet is inhabited by an extra-terrestrial intelligent lifeform... one of the most interresting is a writting dating back from Babylon: it shows our solar system... but there was Pluton( we only discovered it in 1930 ) and a 10th planet.
That 10th planet was documented to be the homeplanet of a human race, just much taller. They would have created the human race 400'000 years ago, by genetically mixing their race with a terrestrial animal/man we know as "Lucy" .
This explains the huge number of sightings of UFO's around the world, their interest in our civilisation, their discretion, but also explain constructions such as stone henge, and other constructions composed of stone blocks of 400 tons , etc...
So many cultures are build upon the belief that men( sometimes refered to as giants or gods) came from the heavens and gave them this knowledge of our solarsystem.
10th Planet

Hey Oliver,

How come you missed posting this in 'Pseudoscience' too?

I think the TV series '3rd Rock From the Sun' dealt with this very question a while back - Dennis Rodman, if I'm not mistaken, came from the 10th Planet. Oh, and by the way, where is your documentation? Or are NASA and JPL supressing the Hubble photos of it too?:D
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Clyde Tombaugh discovered Pluto in 1930, he searched long and hard to find a 10th planet but in vain.
Planet X or Nemesis theories have been around a long time. Ever since Neptune’s and Uranus’s orbits were determined to have discrepancies in the predicated orbits speculation has been that something causes it. Other speculation calls out for there to be a 10th planet by the oddball linkage of killer comets and species extinction on massive scale on the earth. The reasoning is that there seems to be a regularity to the timing of the extinction’s leading to the idea that something in the Oort region is slinging rocks or changing orbits to such. (Not necessary rocks per se but also ice lumps and whatever else is out there) Dr. John Murry is a supporter of this theory and his specutaions are that it should at least be the size of Jupiter, it should be about 3 trillion miles out, slow moving and extremely faint. Dr Matese believes that it is disrupting orbits and sending as much as 25% of the comets into the inner part of the system. He also states that the origins of some of the comets describe an arc indicating that something is there in orbit to sling these objects away from the normal space that they occupy. People have looked for generations for it to be there to no avail. Not all agree with this as other astronomers think that it might be errors in the info on the orbits and there is no 10th planet to be found. Dr Chocran believes that these are two kooks with a hair-brained idea (so to say). That if there was another planet it would leave it’s signature in the orbits of the nearest planets and she does not see that. So I will leave this much as it started, with only speculation because the jury is still out.
Well, I have two things to put in here : one is great job on everyone for keeping an open mind, and the other is shame on others for being alarmists. I've read several things here that are way out in left field... which is fine if you have evidence to back it up. But I could say here that for example, Dennis Rodman is an alien from Mars intent on destroying the planet. I have no proof of that.

That aside, it would be impossible for anything resembling a human to live on a 10th planet, if it exists, and highly unlikely for that matter. Oops, that sounds redundant, but I will explain. First of all, if there is a tenth planet, it would be extremely cold... I think Pluto is somewhere in the range of -250C, and a tenth planet would be colder than that. Anything living in that kind of temperature would likely be very compact, since larger=more surface area=more heat loss thru radiation (this is in part why cats curl up into a ball when they sleep). And it wouldn't likely be anthropomorphic (man-like), since we developed due to unique evolutionary pressures. Such pressures wouldn't exist on such a planet. Also, it is unlikely that a creature on a planet like that would be anthropomorphic for sheer probability; the odds of two creatures evolving to look similar are hard enough, but in the same solar system?

If I were to see any proof of these Babylonian texts, I would proceed to hypothesize that these people came from a different solar system.. however, I imagine it would be difficult to explain solar systems to people without telescopes, especially if you (as they likely would) have an imperfect grasp of their language. I would imagine they simply said "a planet beyond the ninth" and left the Babylonians to interpret it how they would.

Furthermore, if there were a tenth planet, we would likely have detected it by now. The Hubble is able to magnify things millions of times, and take wide angle shots that capture a huge amount of the sky. And there are dozens of earth-bound observatories capable of seeing past the edge of the solar system. I personally suspect this tenth planet myth started because Pluto does have an eratic orbit, which is actually caused by it's moon (Charon). Pluto is so small, the gravity exerted on it by it's moon is enough to change it's path.
I can't say your wrong... regarding the detection of the 10th planet, it is impossible to say whether it does exist... you can't prove it doesn't exist either. Hobble ain't that powerfull, unfortunatly. we have no mean to detect , or denie the existance of a 10th planet.
the biggest problem would really be the temperature on such a planet.