DaleSpam said:
1) What harvesting procedures would lead to maximal fish yields and how should they be adjusted due to diseases or natural disasters, and how would the harvesting affect the size and quantity of harvested fish?
2) What actions could we take to maximize the biodiversity of a rain forest?
I am at a loss to see where evoloutionary theory would have much of a part to play in answering these questions. These are matters of ecology, population dynamics a and the like.
The answers are complex, yet answers to subsets of these questions have already been generated for a wide variety of scenarios.
DaleSpam said:
3) What is the next step in the evolution of a particular species given a specific environment, including both introduction of new traits through mutation and enhancement or suppression of existing traits and potentially including some natural disaster or other sudden change in environment definitely?
This question ignores the tautological reality of
survival of the fittest.
Firstly, we cannot predict what mutations will occur, since these have a significant randomm component. A plant might benefit from redder flowers, since these are more attractive to a species of wasp which pollinates them. If none of these plants experience a mutation that makes their flowers redder then this particular fitter sub-species will not develop.
Secondly, the determination of what constitutes fitness for survival is not determined by theory, but by the interaction of environment, animal/plant physiology, biochemistry, animal behaviour, ecology, etc. The theory of evolution says these will control the determination of fitness, but it is an understanding of those fields and their associated theories that will permit prediction and answers to questions such as 3), not evolutionary theory.
Your position seems, therefore, to reflect a faulty understanding of what evolutionary theory is about. Your complain reminded me of the creationists who say 'but evolution cannot explain how life began'. No, of course it cannot. Nor can it deliver the kind of predictions you are seeking, because that is not its business.