Is the racisim towards African-Americans finally over?

A Canadian

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Is the racisim towards African-Americans finally over?
You don't hear much about the issue anymore.
Granted someone somewhere is still going to dislike african-americans for no appearnt reason, but all in all, it just doesn't seem like a big problem anymore.

What do you think?
It's not over, but greatly diminished.

The bigger problem in my opinion is that poverty is self propogating within low income families and communities.
Persol that isnt really a racial issue

poverty is universal and should be treated by case not by race

i have herd a lot about the american system of dealing with there poor and i personally find it discusting because it treats being poor and\or unemployerable as lasyness where its not

i am living on the cusp of the unemployment benifits for australia which means basically i dont get anything

im lucky because my GF's familly is looking after me while i establish myself here (i moved inter state so my own family is too far away to surport me altho my dad has been great in giving me money if i ask for it). now i am trying to pay off a car that is nessary for me to get to work, find a house with a rent i can aford and pay genral living expences on a very limited buget so i can apreciate people who are poorer than i am

im sorry
i just realised i am compleatly rambling but hay, its chrismas day and i am in a state compleatly alone because my GF's family went to sydney to see the rest of there family and im house sitting for them by my self so i guess i have an esxuse for being compleatly tanked

but my point was going to be that if you refuse to give the poor a bost to get them and there children out of the poverty they are in how are they surposed to?

everything costs
more so in other countrys like the states but it still does here too

you might be born compleatly able to take on the role of a doc with the right training but how can you if you cant aford the training?

same with every job

how is it that kids of poor familys are surposed to live up to there potential when everything is about how much money you have access too?

thats not about racisium. its about payisum
Asguard said:
that isnt really a racial issue...poverty is universal and should be treated by case not by race
That's my point... most problems which are considered 'minority problems' in the US are in reality economic problems. The majority are minorties simply because povery is self-inducing from generation to generation.
Racism is diminishing. Whites still mention in conversation that someone is black even when it adds nothing to the topic. You don't need to tell me their skin color or great-grandfather's nationality unless it's relevant. It irks me that our census asks about race (I put "AFRIJAPANINDIAN"). That info can be used only discriminatorily. The people who support such a policy are racist even as they may think they're doing good.
Matrix to some exstent your are apsolutly correct and some your wrong

Your right especially in sexual descrimination. when was the last time you saw a movie about guys doing to there x's what they did in first wives club? or a range of movies

guys getting at there x's is consided compleatly wrong as it should but for some reason the reverse isnt

However racial discriminiation isnt gone

As i said before i just moved from melb to adilade and i am apsolutly amazed at the treatment aborigionals recive down here. Even as far as one said "hi" to me when i was in the city the other day and when i said hello back my GF acted like i was telling a gangster with a gun that i screwed his wife. I really dont understand it. There is a huge problem with drugs and achole (especially petrol sniffing) in the aboriginal comunity here and i think we are the reason. No one wants anything to do with them and if i had to deal with that i would be bitter too. Its really a cycle. If we do nothing except be scared of them and do nothing to help them they will continue and give us reason to be scared. Drugs are the main result but they arnt the cause
TheMatrixIsReal said:
No, reverse racism is the "in" thing nowadays.

Black comedians still joke around about "if I was white this would not happen to me" kind of attitude.

Is this what you mean matrix?

Plus (No offence), but "blacks" just have a different attitude towards everything now. Or at least in the media's eye.

Every "black" musician is a rapper... or at least the MOST are.
Are they stereotyping themselves or is it just because?

They are still people like you and me. But why is the media picking up on the ones who use this "reverse racism?" Who clearly accept the stereotype and ignore it.

This is the reason there is has been no "black" presidents....
Because the media only acknowledges "black" people who fit their stereotype...

You are a rapper... we see you
You are a comedian... we see you
You are a Harvard alum night... we don't see you.... :(

Makes you wonder….
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