Is the Christian War in Oregon ending?


Let us not launch the boat ...
Valued Senior Member
Being me, I hate surprises. So these days I check in on old controversies, spot fires, as such. In this case, the Oregon Citizens' Alliance, who have conducted a ballot-level war to destroy civil rights in Oregon and establish a Christian hegemony.

Thus, after looking at their website, I was compelled to inquire of them the following:
As a former Oregon citizen and registered voter who actively worked to prevent the OCA's Christian agenda from attempting to usurp the US Constitution and also civil rights, I do, occasionally, check in on your webpage,, just to see what's going on.

I have, however, noticed a lack of activity. Scott Lively is in California, promoting a Christian-based agenda there; your Newsletters haven't been updated for several months, your Introduction page is blank, your Issues page is at least two years too old (e.g. George W Bush is president now, guys ....), the OCAunderground page is nonexistent, and I see no talk of future ballot idiocies to present to the people.

Does this mean it's finally over, guys?

I don't expect you to stop hating people, especially when you believe God tells you to. But we will all rejoice when you give up this fight and decide to get closer to your God.

"Two Went Up into the Temple to Pray"

Two went to pray? oh, rather say
One went to brag, th'other to pray;

One stands up close and treads on high,
Where th'other dares not send his eye.

One nearer to God's altar trod;
The other to the altar's God.

(Richard Crashaw, ca 1646)

Is it really over, then? Is your war against your neighbors, spanning three decades as I understand it, finally over?

Let us know ... we'll raise a toast to you all.

May God's peace someday find you, and teach you love.

BD _______
Seattle, Washington
Of course, it's not like I'm expecting an e-mail telling me that, "Yes, we've seen the light and gone back to honoring God". But it's something. Here's hoping that the Oregon War is over.

thanx much,
Tiassa :cool:
I didn't know about that club and I can swim to oregon faster than I can drive there.. But I doubt its over as Christians really think if you are not a christian you should be thrown into hell *shrugs*