Is the Christian/Catholic concept of eternal damnation bogus?


Registered Senior Member
Here's an excerpt from a letter from Victor Zammit, some lawyer, to the Pope. I think Zammit believes in an afterlife and that everyone can eventually go to a realm which many people call "heaven" at one point or another.

Victor Zammit said:

The other related issue for urgent consideration by His Holiness and the cardinals is the Catholic teaching about 'eternal damnation'. Again, empirically elicited information through psychic mediumship shows this not to be correct. Whilst, empiricism supports the Church's teaching that there is a dark sphere - perhaps theologians' closest description is 'hell' - empiricists state that those who go to the low dark realms are NOT condemned to stay in those horrible conditions for eternity.

Further, there is no Biblical authority for the doctrine of eternal damnation. The problem exists because of intentional or accidental mistranslation of the word 'eon.' Historically, the word 'eon' never ever meant 'eternal.' The legitimate definition of the word 'eon' as used at the time of Jesus was a period of time. In Roman/Jesus times it meant the equivalent of one hundred years. A number of times in the Bible, 'eon' is properly translated as a period of time: blasphemy against the Spirit, "... shall not be forgiven either in this 'eon' or in that which is to come …" Further, in the parable of the sower, it is said that some seeds were choked with the cares of this 'eon' …Further still, in the parable of the tares among the wheat Christ explains that "… the harvest would be at the end of this eon …" Even in the passage from Saint Paul's Epistle to the Corinthians "We speak a wisdom not of this 'eon' nor of the rulers of this eon."

In all of these 'eon' was translated correctly to mean a period of time. But whenever 'eon' preceded some punishment, the ecclesiastic translators from the Greek version willfully misinterpreted 'eon' and incorrectly translated it to mean 'eternal.' For example, in Matthew 18:8 where it says, "If your hand or your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it from you; it is better for you to enter life crippled or lame, than to have two hands or two feet and be cast into the eternal fire" the word that precedes 'fire' is 'Aionios' the adjective from "eon" as it is in Matthew 25:41, "Depart from me, ye cursed, into the eternal fire".

Strangely enough, we are informed from the writings of a book by former Catholic priest, Johannes Greber - from which this has been taken, the original text of Matthew 18:8 did not even contain the word 'eon' but read "into the hell of fire" and Matthew 25:41 originally stated, "Depart from me, ye cursed, into the outer darkness." (1970; 379).

These are most spurious alterations which must be dealt with forthwith by His Holiness and the Vatican cardinals because they constitute wilful misrepresentation and fraud on a global level against mankind.

We must never accept that 'God' - where we are informed is all loving, all forgiving, omniscient, infallible, prescient and omnipotent, has 'inferior' morality than an informed human being.

There will be universal acceptance that no informed human being will ever condemn another human being to 'eternal damnation' for what the Church calls a 'mortal sin' - even, technically, a one off 'mortal' sin - a transgression such as a one-off not attending Church on a Sunday or even one-off sex before marriage or even a one-off five minute what the Church calls 'adultery' with a divorcee.

I submit that the average intelligent Catholic is not accepting 'eternal damnation' and unless theology has substance and unquestioned credibility it will not survive and the Church will inevitably get deeper into crisis.

Source of quote:

What is everyone's thoughts on this? I'd be interested to hear what Christians have to say about this in terms of the translation of the Bible word "eon." Does this guy make a good point or is he way off base?

Has anyone ever read any books by Victor Zammit? How are they? Are they good?
It does not matter a jot to me what the catholic religion pontificates on the subject of the Lake of Fire.

You may as well have posted the position of a hindu or islamic cleric on the subject.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Has anyone ever read any books by Victor Zammit? How are they? Are they good?

I have downloaded his book on his site. It's in pdf format and free.
While I don't consider this man a guru or trust in him explicitly much of what he says I agree with.
Near death experiences ,their overall theme anyways, seems to corroborate a lot of what is written by people like Victor who deal with pychics.

Yep, the fundies hate this stuff.Of course they label it new age and false because it attacks the foundations of their idiotic dogma which many seem to cherish above all else.
The Eternal Damnation idea is dying! Thank God! It was a fear mechanism to control mass groups of people, and it worked. Now that people are free to choose, most youths are choosing other ideas/beliefs more humane and liberating.

The eternal damnation idea is one of the most wicked lies ever to be told. I have been to different parts of the world and observed the youth rejecting this proposterous nonsense everywhere. Many of them are rejecting religion altogether.
"Empirically elicited information through psychic mediumship"? Talk about a pot and kettle situation.
It does not matter a jot to me what the catholic religion pontificates on the subject of the Lake of Fire.

You may as well have posted the position of a hindu or islamic cleric on the subject.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Yeah but non-denomination Christians, not only Catholics, also believe in an eternal Lake of Fire. Don't they? So it isn't just limited to Catholics.

I personally can't picture a God who would torture someone for eternity for any reason. God would know how weak and feeble we are and would understand our inability to serve him. I wouldn't want to torture someone for eternity for anything, and I'm human so I'm sure God wouldn't want to either.

It seems like Zammit is saying that everyone lives after their physical death in some other realm. There seems to be a lot of evidence for it so its hard to disprove. My question is what the hell is everyone doing when they die? Just walking around the earth aimlessly? Maybe that's just some people.
Yep Bogus. Catholics made it up a long time ago to keep going with the Roman system of crowd control.

Even the some of the most vile pagan religions never thought up something so sick though.

Other religions have adopted the concept for it's usefulness in crowd control of weak, fearful people(face it that is a majority - religious or not).
Yeah but non-denomination Christians, not only Catholics, also believe in an eternal Lake of Fire. Don't they? So it isn't just limited to Catholics.

Yeah. but i still don't care for anything the catholic church pronounces on the issue. It does not matter if they finally find it advantageous to declare the lake of fire to cease to exist or they stick with their current position. As has already been said their declaration of the existence of limbo and later declaration that it does not exist makes their claim of infallibility the joke that it is.

I personally can't picture a God who would torture someone for eternity for any reason.

What one can personally picture or cannot personally picture has no bearing on what will actually happen, does it.

God would know how weak and feeble we are and would understand our inability to serve him. I wouldn't want to torture someone for eternity for anything, and I'm human so I'm sure God wouldn't want to either.

Yes, He does understand our inability to live up to the ideal He places before us. But We are not condemned for our human weakness nor are we saved by our ability to live to the ideal. We are saved because we believe His ideal is good and all that stands against that ideal is evil.

It seems like Zammit is saying that everyone lives after their physical death in some other realm.

Well zammit was quoting someone else there, but anyway, yes i agree no one will cease to exist in eternity. We will all exist for eternity.

My question is what the hell is everyone doing when they die? Just walking around the earth aimlessly? Maybe that's just some people.

I don't know and finding out is not important. I am sure God has something in mind that will be worthwhile. :) We shall see. Well correction, some of us will see :( .

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Everybody goes to heaven when they die, it doesn't matter how evil you have been. It doesn't matter if you were Hitler.
Everybody goes to heaven when they die, it doesn't matter how evil you have been. It doesn't matter if you were Hitler.

Just curious...what do you base that on?
Do you think people who commit horrific acts deserve paradise?
According to many,many NDEs' I have read about this is not the case. People who commit vile evil acts or have a very low level of spirituality will be drawn to a place with hell like conditions for a time...until they learn the lessons of love and selflessness.Then they can advance to the higher realms.
Do you think people who commit horrific acts deserve paradise?

Everyone deserves eternal paradise because no one chose to be born, but no one can have eternal paradise, only temporary. Eternity can't start somewhere, so if there was an eternal paradise or hell, it would be now, but instead we are in a wheel of eternal heaven and hell.

No one is evil, it's just the environments and events in life that make people evil.

People who commit vile evil acts or have a very low level of spirituality will be drawn to a place with hell like conditions for a time...until they learn the lessons of love and selflessness.

It's true that some people can go to hell, but it's only because they think they deserve it so they unconsciously create it for themselves. And they stay there until they realize that they were actually innocent.
No one is evil, it's just the environments and events in life that make people evil.

Isn't that statement contradictory?
No one is evil but an enviromental factor or event makes them evil??:bugeye:
Or,perhaps you meant not inherently evil?

t's true that some people can go to hell, but it's only because they think they deserve it so they unconsciously create it for themselves. And they stay there until they realize that they were actually innocent.

I hardly think Adolf and Stalin were "innocent"
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