Is the black race more superior?


SF's Incontestable Pimp
Valued Senior Member
Is the black man more superior to his white man counterpart physically speaking? This guy who is preaching black nationilism and the original al- people made more or less the following statement to me

1. Black man has more brain size (on average) than the white man in certain areas of the brain like:
The brain itself is a mass of nerve cells and fibers weighing anywhere from 3 1/2 to 4 pounds in an adult. This mass is made up of the cerebrum, cerebellum, and the medulla oblongata, but this is only a vast network of brain power. Brain power consists of four jewels called the hypothalamus, thalamus, pituitary, and pineal glands. This is basically the area located at the base of the brain and the weight is 7 1/2 ounces in a grown Black man. Each one of these has a special power and function that is greater in the Black man than in the White man, for one is not even found in them. What does it mean that the White man only has 6 ounces of brain power ? There is 1 1/2 ounce difference from 7 1/2 ounces. The 1 1/2 ounces is lost weight in the pineal gland and the half functions of the others. The one ounce is the total non-functionable pineal gland and the 1/2 ounce is the weight loss of other glands to the Black man's glands. The White man's pineal gland is weak and serves no purpose. Scientists will tell you that the pineal gland is a mystery to them, yet this same gland when found in the Black man has been called the "Third Eye", "Seat of the Soul", and "The Mind of Man". The 1/2 ounce is the functioning capacity of their other glands. Study how these glands in the Black man act, then see how they act in the White man and you will see indeed that they are missing 1 1/2 ounces of brain power. The so-called master gland or pituitary gland is not even fully active in them, which is why they respond to life's negativity so readily. Why is the devil weak blooded ? Their blood has a history of diseased blood. They are germ carriers, which is why they are hemophiliacs. Hemophilia is a hereditary blood disorder that affects a majority of White males, though White females carry this disease in one of their y chromosomes, a non-clotting factor, while the x chromosome is normal. That means that a White female may have one or two children said to be normal, but the male child has a greater risk of being a hemophiliac. They have called this diseased blood "royal blood" of their ruling class of European kings and queens. Their blood is weak in the very essence, which is from the bone, meaning the blood cells. Why is the devil weak boned ? Because the blood cells are formed in the bone marrow, particularly in the spine, hips, ribs, and breast bones. The bone needs a great amount of vitamin D to be healthy, strong bones and produce blood cells. The bones need this vitamin D because the body does not manufacture vitamin D. This means that since vitamin D comes from the sunlight, the body would love to be Black with ( melanin ) pigment on the skin that attracts this sunshine to it. The sunlight then changes the melanin chemically into vitamin D. This is not so with the White man, who lacks the attracting powers over the sunshine. The devils lack melanin in their skin to convert the sunshine into vitamin D. This is why they devote themselves to the sun as sun worshippers would and suffer skin cancer from time to time. The Black man's body pulls down sunshine and converts it into vitamin D in the skin. The pale or albino skin does not so their pale skin is burned by the sun in the attempt.

Also he goes into saying that melanin can convert other types of energy other than sun energy thus being able to attain more spirituality or something to that effect....

I dont believe that to be true but melanins relationship with dmt seratonin, etc. and other chemicals of the pineal gland is very interesting to me does it make sense that black skin would be advantageous being more cocentrated since dmt and melanin and seratonin work in the same receptocytes?
Is the black man more superior to his white man counterpart physically speaking?

Worlds strongest men:


Worlds tallest man:

A black person is better adapted to exposing his skin in sunny countries.
A white person is better adapted to getting enough vitamin D from limited sunshine in less sunny countries.

It is a minor genetic variation which varies the amount of melanin in the skin.
There is no other difference.

Why do you ask?
Some West African populations, and their descendents elsewhere in the world, certainly seem to dominate long-distance marathons and sports where speed and leaping ability are crucial. That includes surpassing other groups of Africans in such athletic venues, not just average whites, asians, and sub-continent, islander ethnic communities that "black" is ascribed to. Thus, in regard to this brand of superiority, I'd say it's more about a specific population having claim to being physical uber-humans, rather than ebony people in general.
Some West African populations, and their descendents elsewhere in the world, certainly seem to dominate long-distance marathons and sports where speed and leaping ability are crucial.

I thought Ethiopian an Kenyan are east African.
Is the black man more superior to his white man counterpart physically speaking? This guy who is preaching black nationilism and the original al- people made more or less the following statement to me

1. Black man has more brain size (on average) than the white man in certain areas of the brain like:

Yes the elephant have also a large brain size ]

I lock on Haiti Was the second nation in the America hemisphere to become a free nation . Economically culturally technologically have advanced any farther them most of the African nations . I can make a comparison with the island of Cuba Dominican republic , and Puerto Rico were black , white and indian were mixed . Let them compare . I did not wanted make comparison between African continent and Europa, because there is no point.
The notion of racial superiority is a pile of crap and we all know it. Brain size has nothing to do with superiority, or mental power either. If that were true, whales would be in charge, and Archie Bunker could beat a child prodigy at chess.

Apparently a pure African is more human than the rest of the world, who carry some Neanderthal. This would be the best distinction although no one has a clue yet what that may imply for relative strengths or weaknesses. "The rest of the world" includes all "races" which is not a biological distinction anyway.

Crap, scat, dung, effluence, and squatbucketry.
I thought Ethiopian an Kenyan are east African.

LOL, thanks for pointing that out. I didn't even notice that I'd gone unconscious zombie and included "long distance marathons" in there, much less the inconsistency of it with the explosive activities of sprinting and jumping. Kalenjin runners, I guess, are deserving of mention due to that ability -- but it stems from a different source than athletes of West African descent (more slow-twitch muscle fibers pertaining to the former compared to increased lung capacity, longer legs, and more energy-producing enzymes with the latter).
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Women have smaller brains than men, and yet women are often in the top smartest people in the world lists.

Darker populations simply adapted to sunnier lifestyles. Slavery and harder agriculture in some areas could account for better physical condition in some.

I think all races are blending more and we will end up with some sort of Hawaiian type mix.

The smartest person in the world at the moment is Chinese with an IQ over 210.
Some West African populations, and their descendents elsewhere in the world, certainly seem to dominate long-distance marathons and sports where speed and leaping ability are crucial.

I thought Ethiopian an Kenyan are east African.

They are north of Kenya. East Africa.

You have to be careful when discussing genetically based abilities, otherwise you can easily make racist remarks.

A racist remark, which could just be counted as an understandable error, has unfortunately due to human nature become something far more serious.
A racist remark is simply a remark made about genetics which is mistaken,
but it could, and has, resulted in a fiery cross on your lawn.


I'm glad Jesus was white

The variation of the amount of Melanin, which affects skin colour,
is only one gene.
In black people, some of the people will be paler and darker than others,
and in white people ditto.
Some white people may be darker than black people and visa versa.

Whatever the gene is which is prevalent in people of Ethiopian origin which makes some of them better runners, has nothing at all to to with the gene that makes them black.
If Ethiopia was a less sunny country, they would be white.

Also, it is racist to say that a person of Ethiopian origin must be a good runner.
They have a predisposition genetically to be better runners than English people, for example, but a particular Ethiopian may be very poor at running.
And an Englishman, God willing, may thrash the whole lot of them.
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They are north of Kenya. East Africa.

You have to be careful when discussing genetically based abilities, otherwise you can easily make racist remarks.

A racist remark, which could just be counted as an understandable error, has unfortunately due to human nature become something far more serious.
A racist remark is simply a remark made about genetics which is mistaken,
but it could, and has, resulted in a fiery cross on your lawn.

The variation of the amount of Melanin, which affects skin colour,
is only one gene.
In black people, some of the people will be paler and darker than others,
and in white people ditto.
Some white people may be darker than black people and visa versa.

Whatever the gene is which is prevalent in people of Ethiopian origin which makes some of them better runners, has nothing at all to to with the gene that makes them black.
If Ethiopia was a less sunny country, they would be white.

Also, it is racist to say that a person of Ethiopian origin must be a good runner.
They have a predisposition genetically to be better runners than English people, for example, but a particular Ethiopian may be very poor at running.
And an Englishman, God willing, may thrash the whole lot of them.

If I would make a distinction among African I would draw a line between East and west of the Nile river and south to lake Victoria. There seams some features difference among people
They may be differences, but you should not put those differences down to skin colour. That is a variation on the activity of a single gene.
They may be differences, but you should not put those differences down to skin colour. That is a variation on the activity of a single gene.

By the way I am not Racist , I am Caucasian mu wife is not
Let me ask you:

You have 3 Naked men Black White and Yellow with no name.
You ask your worker to bring you one of the prospect worker for interview ,How would you tell which one to bring in ?
there is no difference in intelligence when blacks and whites have the same educational opportunity. you may find the black person gets higher scores but thats not down to intelligence, thats down to him knowing he will have to work x2 as hard as the white guy to get the same recognition.
but in general black people are lagging behind, simply because most of there countries still do not have a proper education system.
saying that, there are a lot of west Africans at my local collage (North tyneside community collage,uk), which was pretty much all white until about 10 years ago. there tutors say they are a real pleasure to teach as they are hungry to learn, much more so than there white counterparts.
By the way I am not Racist , I am Caucasian mu wife is not
Let me ask you:

You have 3 Naked men Black White and Yellow with no name.
You ask your worker to bring you one of the prospect worker for interview ,How would you tell which one to bring in ?
its likely your worker would pick the 1 with the nearest skin colour to his own... yes thats racist but most people are.
im racist. but i try not to be. which i think is more honest than telling any 1 who will listen that im not.
its likely your worker would pick the 1 with the nearest skin colour to his own... yes thats racist but most people are.
im racist. but i try not to be. which i think is more honest than telling any 1 who will listen that im not.

By the way my example about Haiti was nothing about intelligence it was about economy, technology and culture .
The initial post was about "size of the brain", the implication was about intelligence
Darker populations simply adapted to sunnier lifestyles.
Skin color is one of the most ephemeral of human traits. When a population migrates south it needs more melanin to protect against skin cancer. When a population migrates north it needs less melanin in order to produce enough Vitamin A. It only takes a couple of thousand years for the required amount of melanin to become the norm. Compare the extremely light-skinned Latvians to the extremely dark-skinned southern Indic people. They're both Eastern Indo-European people from the original homeland in the Pontic Steppe, separated only by three or four thousand years of migration in opposite directions.
Skin color is one of the most ephemeral of human traits. When a population migrates south it needs more melanin to protect against skin cancer. When a population migrates north it needs less melanin in order to produce enough Vitamin A. It only takes a couple of thousand years for the required amount of melanin to become the norm. Compare the extremely light-skinned Latvians to the extremely dark-skinned southern Indic people. They're both Eastern Indo-European people from the original homeland in the Pontic Steppe, separated only by three or four thousand years of migration in opposite directions.

Do you mean vitamin D ?