Is the bible infallible?


I find that most Xtians pick and choose which bible stories are literal and which are not. If you feel that this statement needs defense, please stay away.

If it's assumed that the bible is indeed the TRUTH from GOD, then how can the bible need interpretation in some places but not in others?
How can one know when the bible is literal and when it requires interpretation?

If the bible is all literal, then all that need reconciliation is science and the bible, and that's what half of the religion forum is for.

If the bible requires any interpretation, we come upon a colossal problem; which parts do we interpret?

Can anyone interpret the bible, or does it require certain people, such as the clergy or prophets, ordained by God? For instance; those who enter the church, have the been predestined by god to interpret correctly?
However, this cannot be, since there are many, many differing interpretations.

Since there are so many different sects to follow, which one is correct, and which leads to damnation? Or does it not matter which one you follow, as long as you love Jesus? However, the past question is simply an interpretation of Jesus' words, so let's disregard it.

It essentially comes down to luck for one's choice in which church to follow. It depends what your family does/does not believe. It depends on your ability to discern quacks from the real deal, it depends on how smart/dumb/sheepish/individual/depressed/manical one is. It depends one one's previous experience.
Itt depends on both nature and nurture.
Either way, picking the one TRUE faith seems close to statistically impossible. You may even be genetically programmed to choose the wrong faith.

In which case, it really doesn't matter what God put in His book, cause h's already picking which handful of people get to go to heaven, and which join the wrong cult.
Man has not found God yet so he can't see the truth. But when he has found it, he will feel and know what is true in the holy scriptures. As long as we don't harm anyone, we are on our way to heaven. We are all born with different abilities, we are born in different places, and with different genes. We all have our own soul, we walk our own path. According to what we have done in our past lives, we have different stories.

When man leaves the desires of the body, his ego and "free will" will dissapear; he is in "heaven". I am the only one who comes to heaven. It is the same "I" which is in everyone, and "I" will go to heaven. Everything is predestined and we can do nothing to change it. We are not responsible, we think we are, because we "think". We think we have free will. When we stop thinking, our body will become like an instrument of God, who expresses himself through us. We will no longer feel as "I am doing this". The prophets wrote: "Everyone will be taught by God."

Don't think the end comes right after this life. If it would come, then many people would not have a fair chance since they were born with limits. But do not think that the end is not close. It is right here, and if we do not change our hearts in this life, then the damnation is near.
Sufi's thread explains the spirit of the holy scriptures:
Jesus is the Way, the Truth and The Life and no one comes to the Father except through Him. It is through Jesus that you may know God.



Edit: Almost forgot ... Yes it is infallible. It is The Word. And The Word is Good News.
c20 then all the nasty things god has done are true.
not so good news.
if jesus surposedly gave up his life, only to be resurrected, then what did he give up
mustafhakofi said:
c20 then all the nasty things god has done are true.
not so good news.
if jesus surposedly gave up his life, only to be resurrected, then what did he give up

Jesus came as a human being! You are a human being. It would have been dead easy for Jesus to turn round and say "Ok fellas, only kidding. I am not the son of God. Don't kill me. Really sorry! I know I am stupid. I didnt mean to offend you. God doesnt really care what you do. Now please leave me alone."
But He didn't. Maybe He was just sick of carpentry :rolleyes:

He gave up His life for you that the letter of The Law may be fulfilled. Jesus said "My God why have you forsaken me?"
Now did He say that because He still felt God's presence? No! Jesus has become an unnacceptable thing on the cross, a thing that must have it's blood spilled to save the lives of others. An innocent thing made sin for us that our sin might be put to death in Him. Jesus' resurrection was His Father's doing. Jesus had to trust as a human being that God would do this for Him with no evidence whatsoever. Just His faith and understanding of God allowed Him to consent to being that sacrifice. Would you lay down your life for another? Even a stranger? Based upon hope of ressurection? It may be said that Jesus was convicted that He would Himself be raised from the dead but this did not stop the crucifixion, nor did it stop Jesus from begging God to take this cup of suffering away from Him. However Jesus fulfilled the Law by obeying God's will for His life and in humbling Himself even unto death Jesus is now raised up above all others may He be praised.


One needs the Holy Spirit to interpret the bible. The Holy Spirit comes to those who accept Jesus as Messiah. One does not need the Holy Spirit to understand and love the message of Jesus and to embrace Him as Messiah. So only through acceptance of Jesus can one have any hope of understanding the deeper wisdom contained within the Bible.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
c20H25N3o said:
Would you lay down your life for another? Even a stranger?

Is that the right thing to do? Is this person worth more than me? Why would someone be worth more than me, isn't all equal in the eyes of God? There's no meaning saving another person to kill oneself. But of course we could do that, since there's no difference which one we choose.

By the way, didn't Jesus suffer an Eternal crucifixion for us? Doesn't Jesus suffering on the Cross also symbolise the divine self which we have crucified in matter? We have become the slaves of material desires.
Yo dudes,

I am still perplexed. Is Jesus god or not? Are they one and the same?

Hi stretched,

Jesus is God yes. Jesus says "I am not good. Only God is good"
Jesus says this because he knows that the spirit of humilty is good and good is of God.
Jesus is also aware that we are sinners and by imparting His spirit of humilty, by setting us an example, we learn to be like Him and in so doing please Our Father. Jesus is then not ashamed to call us brothers. We do not embaress Him in front of His Father if we adopt His attitudes, rather we are adopted as Sons of God and are treated no differently from the begotten Son of God. It would be an evil father that treated those he called "His Sons" with partiality. But we must follow Jesus if we are to understand this. God is The Father, God is The Son and God is The Holy Spirit that moves among us all. In the Spirit we love eachother, each with our unique gifts as distributed by the Spirit of God. We are like individual notes of a song but God is the whole song and it is to His rythme that we fulfill our parts. Jesus said "If you have seen me you have seen the Father."
Jesus is the whole song and yet he steps back and tells you to play your part in that song.
Hopefully I have explained the mystery of the trinity adequately. Three in one - Father Son and Holy Ghost. As created beings we share in this mystery fully when we live in love.


Yo c20,

Thanks for your response, you are very patient. As hard as I try, I cannot follow your logic. It must be my lack of holy spirit.

Jesus says "I am not good. Only God is good"

If Jesus is god this would read: " I am not good. Only I am not good"


The trinity is indeed a mystery to me. How can the alpha and the omega refer to some entity above itself? This clearly indicates a distinct entity.

Yo c20,

Thanks for your response, you are very patient. As hard as I try, I cannot follow your logic. It must be my lack of holy spirit.

Jesus says "I am not good. Only God is good"

If Jesus is god this would read: " I am not good. Only I am not good"

c20: What Jesus is saying is "Look , why do you call me good?" He said this in response to someone who was trying to trick Him with a tricky question and began by saying "Good teacher" ( secretly they were flattering Him to lead Him into a sense of false security hoping He would trip up in His reply)
So Jesus said rather cleverly I think "Why do you call me good? Only God is good!" - this was the perfect answer since the person was trying to trick him. Jesus exposed the man's flattery of him by being humble which is an attribute of a holy one. The person trying to trick Him had tripped himself up by using flattery. We reap exactly what we sow you see. Jesus was being smart. Out-dodging those tricksters who were just enemies of His :D but He did it in all Humility so that He could not be accused of hypocrisy. Secretly He knew He was Who He Was and when you know you are that you are it is easy to outwit those would be against you for no good reason other than to protect their own investments in the world with their self-righteous hypocrisy.
Jesus could have said "Listen m8, I am God and you better just shut it right!" but then He would have appeared arrogant and Jesus is patient and kind, not arrogant like me for instance ;)

hope that helps you in your quest

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The trinity is indeed a mystery to me. How can the alpha and the omega refer to some entity above itself? This clearly indicates a distinct entity.


c20: The Alpha and The Omega would suggest "All In All". This means that everything is covered. This is why Jesus said it that you may have faith that He was All In All, that nothing was left undone, that He could say "I have already done it" and be true. This could not have been the case had He not submitted to His Father's will to be a sacrifice for mankind. For God so loved the world ...
How could God be All In All unless He was made flesh and sacrificed for all of us consentingly. If God is love then I can think of no greater love than that. This is truly why Jesus is the Alpha and The Omega. Praise His name.

Edit: Almost forgot ... Yes it is infallible. It is The Word. And The Word is Good News.

Hi C2oh If indeed the Bible is infallible do you believe it is really without error?(dont take my question the wrong way I am just curious how you feel about this)If this is so then how do you explain the contradictions? I.E. Goliath's Death Judas Death etc.......?
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When we stop thinking, our body will become like an instrument of God

Many would agree with you. It is those that don't think, that believe in god.

rather we are adopted as Sons of God and are treated no differently from the begotten Son of God.

Shit, we're gonna get strung up aswell all because that's what our father wants?

It would be an evil father that treated those he called "His Sons" with partiality.

It would be an evil father who got his son crucified when he had no reason to. The guy's god, he couldn't come up with a better method?

Jesus came as a human being! You are a human being. It would have been dead easy for Jesus to turn round and say "Ok fellas, only kidding. I am not the son of God. Don't kill me. Really sorry! I know I am stupid. I didnt mean to offend you. God doesnt really care what you do. Now please leave me alone."
But He didn't. Maybe He was just sick of carpentry

Shit son, that doesn't make any sense.
In that case, any fool who kills himself is the Christ. You know, those suicide bombers could just take off those lil belts and say "nope, blowing myself up in a crowded cafe's not for me," but instead they don't. Does that mean they're messianic?

When we stop thinking, our body will become like an instrument of God
Ummm, this is not supported in the NT. In fact, it is contradicted.
"Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." -- Jeebus