Is Suri Cruise's biological father L. Ron Hubbard?


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: It's been on Entertainment TV that Katie Holmes was impregnated by IVF with L. Ron Hubbard's frozen sperm. I'm curious, what do you all think about this rumor that is discussed in Andrew Morton's upcoming book? When Katie's pregnancy was announced, the Scientologist hierarchy elevated Tom Cruise to a lofty status in their "church," making him an elder or some shit. Baby Suri looks like Katie, and I've tried to see Tom in her, but now I don't know. What do you think? Comments please!
That's just mean. :mad: As if Katie was a puppet and her marriage was a lie. Why would Tom do that? Why would Katie? Its just mean!!!
I remember when Anna Nicole Smith's son died people said he killed himself because the baby was his. After all, mother and son were very close.
That's just mean. :mad: As if Katie was a puppet and her marriage was a lie. Why would Tom do that? Why would Katie? Its just mean!!!
I remember when Anna Nicole Smith's son died people said he killed himself because the baby was his. After all, mother and son were very close.
M*W: People love gossip. I have more respect for Katie Holmes than I do Tom Cruise. Andrew Morton is/was the chronicler of the royals. His works are respected. I'm just curious about Katie's impregnation, now that it's been aired publically.

To look back on Tom's and Nicole's marriage. They adopted kids, because they couldn't have any of their own. Then Nicole suddenly had a miscarriage, and Tom dumped her rather immediately. Something just wasn't right with those events. Of course, we really don't know the truth about these people, but I find the sequence of these event to be curious. Personally, I think Tom is sterile and/or homosexual. I guess all we can do is watch how fast Tom shoots up the ladder of Scientology.
Why does it matter, except to screw up that poor kids life?

The kid is who she is, her parentage alleged or otherwise is irrelevant except to check for diseases.

Let her be.
M*W: People love gossip. I have more respect for Katie Holmes than I do Tom Cruise. Andrew Morton is/was the chronicler of the royals. His works are respected. I'm just curious about Katie's impregnation, now that it's been aired publically.

To look back on Tom's and Nicole's marriage. They adopted kids, because they couldn't have any of their own. Then Nicole suddenly had a miscarriage, and Tom dumped her rather immediately. Something just wasn't right with those events. Of course, we really don't know the truth about these people, but I find the sequence of these event to be curious. Personally, I think Tom is sterile and/or homosexual. I guess all we can do is watch how fast Tom shoots up the ladder of Scientology.

Nicole said she had a miscarriage early on in their marriage, which is why they chose to adopt. Then she had one later, leading to the ending of their marriage. From what I understood, she was on location filming Moulin Rouge when she got pregnant. Its telling that Ewan Gordon McGregor immediately released a statement saying he had not had an affair with Nicole. And all Tom had to say was "Nicole knows what she did"
Well I don't know who's junk was in that turkey baster, but that's how the deed got done. Tom's a total ass-Panzer.
why do people care if Tom is bi-sexual? How is it anyone's business?
M*W: Well, it's nobody's business. They have a beautiful baby girl who is the spitting image of Katie. She's a beautiful woman... too much woman for Tom, I'd say. Anyway, that's none of my business, and I don't pretend it is. I'm just a curious onlooker. Baby Suri is precious, and they are fortunate to have a beautiful little girl like her. In the long run, it doesn't matter who her parentage are. She's precious. They are lucky to have such a beautiful daughter... wherever her genes came from.
It bugs me when Tom or any other homosexual goes and pretends to be straight. I think they should live the life they really want to live, rather than living a lie and ruining more than their own life.
Why would you think he is homosexual? There is a lot to be learned from this thread.
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It bugs me when Tom or any other homosexual goes and pretends to be straight. I think they should live the life they really want to live, rather than living a lie and ruining more than their own life.

LOL, you think he's trying to 'pass'? I think he is living the life he wants to live.
And why do people think he is gay? Because of the tabloids? The same ones that say Suri is L Ron Hubbards daughter?
I don't know if he's gay or not. Everyone says he is, so it must be true! lol.

I give not even one muddy poop if he is gay or not. It's fun to pick on him, that's what happens when your a big shot, your a target for the plebs like myself. It's fun.

I stand by my statement though, living a lie does not just hurt yourself.
Heh, this thread gives me chuckles thinking about Jews gossiping about Mary's sex life back in the day.

What kind of proof could Morton possibly have that leads to such a crazy idea?
LOL, you think he's trying to 'pass'? I think he is living the life he wants to live.
And why do people think he is gay? Because of the tabloids? The same ones that say Suri is L Ron Hubbards daughter?
M*W: If it were just the tabloids, I'd dismiss it, too. However, this has been documented in Andrew Morton's book. I've met Andrew Morton, and he's a proponent of the truth. I personally don't care about Tom Cruise or his sexuality. I started this thread as a question. I'm only looking for the truth. This is not about the tabloids. I don't buy them.
This brings up an interesting question of ethics and the right to privacy, if such a thing exists. You say you're only looking for the truth, but should you be regarding this particular matter? After all, it's a decision a married couple made in private about their child. Are other people entitled to your personal medical/sexual exploits as long as they are smart enough to dig it up? Or does the fact that they're celebrities, or that they're prominent scientologists, somehow remove any right to privacy they might have?
....his has been documented in Andrew Morton's book. I've met Andrew Morton, and he's a proponent of the truth.....

he better be able to prove it or Tom is gonna sue his ass. And for me proof is a picture, not a gay porn star saying "yep, I slept with him"

And as far as him being a proponent of the truth, he used to be a tabloid journalist. His books are about any hint of scandal he can dig up, not truth. He writes unauthorized biographies.

Tom Cruise: An Unauthorized Biography
Madonna: An Intimate Biography
Diana: Her True Story
Monica's Story (about Monica Lewinsky)
Posh and Becks
he better be able to prove it or Tom is gonna sue his ass. And for me proof is a picture, not a gay porn star saying "yep, I slept with him"

And as far as him being a proponent of the truth, he used to be a tabloid journalist. His books are about any hint of scandal he can dig up, not truth. He writes unauthorized biographies.

That s terrible. I always liked Sean Penns way of dealing with the 'papperazzi' or whatver the stalkers are called.

This is a recent phenomenon brought on by the advent of digital cameras.
How is it anyone's business?

He is a celebrity and as such, he is common property. :)

Unfortunatelly America doesn't have royals, so we have to fill the void with celebrities.
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if it was fact and not fiction, why wouldn't they sell it?

Tom Cruise: The Unauthorized Biography” by Andrew Morton hits shelves in the U.S. Tuesday, Jan. 15, but expect other countries to proceed more cautiously about stocking the controversial tome in their bookstores. Citing libel laws, publishers in England have declined to publish and stock the book, and according to the Sydney Morning Herald, Australia’s largest retailers are following suit.

Kate Jones, spokeswoman for bookseller Angus & Robertson, told the paper, “There are certain legal issues that have occurred overseas and with all of the risks involved we will not be stocking it.”

A decision as to whether New Zealand will sell the book is due to be made later this week.