Is supernatural powers for a human science fiction?


Registered Member
I have to write a science fiction story for my Creative Writing class. My story is a bout a person who has supernatural powers. This person can see the future through touch. Is this science fiction?
It would have to be for no one today can do such a thing and therefore it is science fiction not based on science facts.
I would say science fantasy, but why use the word 'science' at all here? So, no I would say your story is not Sci-Fi.
well in a sence there is supernatural humans already a few examples
Ben Underwood

Das Uberboy - not sure on this one. wouldnt give a real name

Michel Lotito

Numerous Buddhist monks

Superpower: Generating magical heat energy from their bodies

Dean Karnazes*- man that can literally run forever

they are out there but if your talking flying turning big and great than no. closest thing to that would be the monks who can generate enough bodyheat to boil water.. ill see if i cant find the video