Is Sex Innate?


Registered Senior Member
Are we born with the process of sex at birth or we do have to be taught it?

If a boy and a girl of sexual maturity were never given any sexual education whatsoever, but felt the urge to have sex, would they know that the penis has to enter the vagina?

In animals, for example, the whooping crane could be used as an example. Whooping cranes are currently endangered, but one way to replenish the population was to use surrogate mothers of a similar species, the Sandhill crane. The problem with this, however, was that the baby birds did not know how to reproduce, meaning that perhaps the parents are involved in sex education.

Where do we get it from? Porn?
Are we born with the process of sex at birth or we do have to be taught it?

If a boy and a girl of sexual maturity were never given any sexual education whatsoever, but felt the urge to have sex, would they know that the penis has to enter the vagina?

In animals, for example, the whooping crane could be used as an example. Whooping cranes are currently endangered, but one way to replenish the population was to use surrogate mothers of a similar species, the Sandhill crane. The problem with this, however, was that the baby birds did not know how to reproduce, meaning that perhaps the parents are involved in sex education.

Where do we get it from? Porn?

yes its programmed in us. The attraction is what guides us... its like having a homing missile guided by the ground laser coming from a house that is to be hit. :D
If a boy and a girl of sexual maturity were never given any sexual education whatsoever, but felt the urge to have sex, would they know that the penis has to enter the vagina?
did anyone ever show you how to screw your partner befor you actually did it?
There seems to be a natural connection, but I do not know if they would know how to do it.

In "The Blue Lagoon" they sure did, though.

Ah, teenage sexuality. How blissful a thing you are.
Ha. James R., when I was posting that I did not see you write that. Good that we are on the same page.
Old joke:
Scene: a dark room.
He: May I stick my finger in your belly button?
She: That is not my belly button.
He: That is not my finger.
If you buy a dog as a puupy, and it gets loose later on, it's likely to have sex. Sexual education is there for prevention, because kids fuck up your life, STDs fuck up your life, and people don't want their kids having sex.
I'm pretty sure that isolated kids could figure out "Tab A" and "Slot B", but maybe not the Kama Sutra.
there was at least one case in Japan where a young couple had been sleeping together for two years, but couldn't have a kid.

Turned out that they slept int he same bed, and thought that, by the definition of the term "sleeping together", it was enough to create a pregnancy.

IIRC, I heard this story on NPR during an interview w/ a western GP who had moved to Japan to practice while her husband was in the Military.

So I agree that sex is a natural process that does not need to be taught *most of the time*; however, in some cases, the details are not obvious.
Sure, sex is innate, but it should would be an interesting experiment to see exactly to what extent the sexual instinctive knowledge of the mechanics of sex is. If take a compatible man and woman and put them together in the right environment, I'm sure they'll couple and mate, very naturally--without any knowledge about the mechanics of sex pass on through culture, society, relationships, etc. Animals do it, right?

We progressed from monkeys, didn't we? And they surely know how to get it on. However, even the case of monkeys, the same experiment might be interesting. Because surely, like humans, monkeys learn from others. How much fiddling around would it take for them to figure things out on their own? I'm sure eventually it will be done. But... still an interesting thought.
No. Reproductive knowledge is not inate in humans.

Humans can learn masturbation on their own because it feels good.

Humans can learn mutual masturbation for the same reasons.

There have been numerous cases where uninformed partners thought they were having reproductive sex when they were having anal sex and in some cases, urethral. (imagine how painful that was for the woman.)

We have to be taught, either formally from classes, or informally from friends, family, or an experienced other.
If you buy a dog as a puupy, and it gets loose later on, it's likely to have sex. Sexual education is there for prevention, because kids fuck up your life, STDs fuck up your life, and people don't want their kids having sex.

Or their dogs, apparently.
What about sex at current intensity? Is it natural? Is it meant just for enjoyment or for reproduction?
Both...enjoyment and and dolphins i believe, are the only animals who "fuck for fun"