is secularism the source of social and cultural problems in a modern western society

freaky nut

Registered Member
is the increase of secularism in society the cause of some of the problems faced in modern western society. does hooliganism come from the brake down of family relations achieved in more religious religious communities. does the ideals presented in religion assist with a generations development of morality and disiplin. from this can you also so that religion can give a sense of identity within a soceity and therefore tackle many of the issues that stem from this ('chav'ism in the uk) and gang culture.
Western Europe outperforms America in terms of social ills if I'm not mistaken. It's to do with poverty and absolutely nothing to do with religion in any case.
Some social plagues, such as fundamentalism and the New Age, are reactions to secularism. I don't think secularism itself is such a bad thing, though people do tend to need some kind of spirituality, which is something that secularism itself doesn't offer.
Ideally, I think a rational paganism, ala Greece or Rome, is a system of religion fit for a high level of civilization.