is sciforums a c.i.a moderated dissension control box


Registered Senior Member
thoughts anyone?

if most of us dont know who we realy are...

how do we know who others are not?

please expand as you like
this is the free thoughts area :)

thought provoking...???
i hope so :)
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I like the symbol that Sciforums uses in it's logo. What is that circle thingy anyways?
It is not just a symbol. THe design was discovered/developed thousands of years ago by my order, and we use it to ensnare the subconscious and get you all to reveal your innermost thoughts in ways even you do not comprehend. We are inside your mind... :p
Yes, when you look at it long enough, it will start to spin and hypnotise you.

It is famous because of that effect. Did you not know this..? :p
Originally posted by Adam
It is not just a symbol. THe design was discovered/developed thousands of years ago by my order, and we use it to ensnare the subconscious and get you all to reveal your innermost thoughts in ways even you do not comprehend. We are inside your mind... :p

What order?
The order. You're not cleared to know more than that. Well, I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.

2500 posts wait to go!..............That was cheesy I don't think i'll do anything like that again.
way to go, sorry.........even my cheesyness is spelled am I sleep deprived:eek:
heyya all

yo pine_net...
i like your a einstien quote
good thing he is not born in this half of the century or he would have been brainwashed by now :D

yo banshee
too true
it breaks down the minds free will to hold on to an idea or idioligy and stops the mind/person from being able to concentrate like in meditation.
although this is not soo strong these days because of the media saturation ,
this is why implants are being placed in people by the secret organisations.
but these can be overridden with the correct instruction.

.. "how do i get this cuddly jacket off"???
it seems to have all the bukles on the back!!!

Xev... which way to the cushion room? :D

<i>is sciforums a c.i.a moderated dissension control box</i>

Shhhh! It's supposed to be a secret.
Originally posted by ripleofdeath
i like your a einstien quote
good thing he is not born in this half of the century or he would have been brainwashed by now

LOL :p :p :p
The helicopters hovering over your house do not exist. Please carry on with your normal business.
The men in the dark suits are not coming to eliminate any witnesses.
have a nice day.
Sciforums is OBVIOUSLY not what you state it is.

The CIA is a nice group of very smart, funny, handsome, cool people. They would never lie, they always do what's right, and they're never at fault.

Generally, I think people fear our wonderful CIA (we're very lucky to have these wonderful, attractive, intelligent men and women) a little much. I mean, brain implants? Such technology obviously doesn't exist! And then there's the arguement that perhaps they've developed this technology in secret. Well, I highly doubt that these nice people would keep anything secret from the world, their only intentions are to do what is best for us and I'm sure they keep us informed on everything.

I think that we shouldn't try to interfere with the jobs of such wonderful agencies as the CIA, we should just mind our civilian business and let these wonderful, smart, attractive, people go about their jobs protecting us and keeping us informed at every turn.

I do not think that this wonderful agency would create such a Communistic place as you suggest. These people are for a Democracy, and they see that obviously Communism is evil and must be erased.

I think that these people know what is best for us, and that we most certainly should not interfere with their jobs.
Shhh! Ripleofdeath, you are telling everyone our secrets!!! You know they will be after you...
Originally posted by GB-GIL Trans-global
The CIA is a nice group of very smart, funny, handsome, cool people. They would never lie, they always do what's right, and they're never at fault.

Are you sure about this? Or are you one of them, that you talking in such defense of an obscure agency which has proven itself to be not so smart after all.

It doesn't matter though. I guess a lot of people are deluded and do not see where this is actually leading. Make from it what you wish.

Don't take it all to serious. This was a very free thinking thread opener, to start with... :)
You must respect your government and its organisations, especially CIA, FBI, NSA, MJ12 which have dedicated their existence to make your lives safer. Be cooperative and forthcoming to the agents and officers. Never question their authority.
Follow these suggestions and you'll never have to worry about such things as MiB's , Black Stealth Copters or brain implants.
Have a good day.
the only thought that comes to mind from that is

why should we limit the public perception and the
image of a nation by pretending to err is impossible and
to not hold to account those who need more training..
or early retirement (not a covert word for murder!!!)

imagine how much more accurate they would all be
-ref to all govt agencies that is

but hey
***how many people wont kill the cow yet will eat the cow and nothing alse???

now whos realy pretending?


banshee was on to it from the start :D

Xev please use the internal line for the phone call :D
and reserve me the tie-died (orange-limegreen-fluroyellow)
arm-chair in the tv room

keep grroving all :)