Is Satan both the Holy Spirit and God’s wife or Asherah?

Greatest I am

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Is Satan both the Holy Spirit and God’s wife or Asherah?

In the beginning, if we follow the more common Christian dogma, we find the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit alone in the whole universe.

For some reason, the Holy Spirit holds the highest rank and we know this because we can curse both the Father and Jesus and be forgiven but we will not be forgiven for cursing the Holy Spirit. Jesus, as man’s forgiving force thus put’s the Holy Spirit above himself and God the Father.

As above so bellow. In my family the only one both my children and I defer to is my wife and their mother.

In pondering what Eden was like and why God would have done the foolish thing of casting Satan to Eden, one can only say that that must have somehow been God’s best move. God would not put an enemy in his garden so Satan must have been good and not evil. This is irrefutable. The only worthy helper then for God would have been the Holy Ghost and it must then be who we know of as Satan and if God deferred to her then she is his Asherah or wife.

In esoteric terms this also makes sense as we have to go through fire/Satan to reach God. Note the burning bush.
In real terms, we all know that to move the man of the house to buy, it must first be sold, generally speaking, to the woman.

Eve had to go through Satan/fire to reach wisdom and a moral sense that as God said was as sophisticated as Gods own moral sense. That is why Adam followed so sheepishly. As Man’s guide, Satan was given the power to deceive the whole world and God gave Satan dominion over the whole earth. A huge reward from God to Satan and this passing on of such a great power also makes me think Satan is God’s wife.

God in Job is seen as under Satan’s control as it has God stating that Satan moved him to do evil. Logic then says that Satan is in control of God. To this point, as shown, we have God deferring to Satan yet again.

Who have men of power ever deferred to?

Only their wives or other men of power. Kings have always fought for Queens, family and country.

From our human POV, we see God deferring to Satan both in punishment of cursing and also in Eden . If both men and God defer to women as the usual form, then Satan logically is God’s wife or Asherah.

Asherah thus rules heaven and earth and if as above so below then women on earth should rule over men.

There is a hymn that says of Adam’s sin that it was a happy fault and a necessary sin.
God made sure it happened by putting his best in charge of the earth and Eden. His wife or Asherah, Satan. God’s greatest love is Satan just as a man’s greatest love is his wife hence the great rewards heaped onto Satan by God.

I know that we are all conditioned to think of Satan as a mean man tempting us. Please try to think of him as a her the way Michael Angelo and the Pope did.

There can be no other logical explanation for God putting Satan in Eden and why God rewarded Satan so nicely. God does not reward evil, he rewards good, --- and so Satan must be good and if so then his being God’s wife or Asherah is quite logical.

Do you agree or do you think God rewards evil?

The entire thing about Asherah has to do with Yahweh as a Hebrew god. It's a Jewish concept, and a pre-Diaspora Jewish concept at that. By the time Christianity developed, Judaism had become adamantly monotheistic. Likewise, in the Jewish tradition, Satan was a divine "prosecutor" so to speak, testing the faith of the Jews. The entire idea of Satan being both an evil figure, and appearing in the Garden of Eden, is something that developed in Christianity long after the Hebrew Bible was written down.

So doesn't really make any sense to make conjectures about explicitly Christian concepts that relate them to a Levantine goddess that the Jews no longer believed in. It's like trying to hammer a square peg into a round hole, so to speak.
The entire thing about Asherah has to do with Yahweh as a Hebrew god. It's a Jewish concept, and a pre-Diaspora Jewish concept at that. By the time Christianity developed, Judaism had become adamantly monotheistic. Likewise, in the Jewish tradition, Satan was a divine "prosecutor" so to speak, testing the faith of the Jews. The entire idea of Satan being both an evil figure, and appearing in the Garden of Eden, is something that developed in Christianity long after the Hebrew Bible was written down.

So doesn't really make any sense to make conjectures about explicitly Christian concepts that relate them to a Levantine goddess that the Jews no longer believed in. It's like trying to hammer a square peg into a round hole, so to speak.

I agree in a sense but we sort of have to because Christianity reversed the original elevation of Genesis to a fall while keeping the same characters or changing their value to the myth.

You are right though that Christianity makes no sense.

M*W: I've deduced from the study of astro-theology that the Garden of Eden (GoE) refers to the Zodiac (as does the "manger" where the son/sun of god was born.
Close enough.

That would explain his deferring to and rewarding her.

Strange that he prefers the Lilith type to the Eve type he straddled man with.


He prefers the EMO type. I think he had a bad childhood, wrong side of town, emotionally unavailable parents, etc.