Is religon somwhat fourced


insane, atheist, and not dead
Registered Senior Member
Is religon fourced upon a child by the parents? sure, they can convert, but if you where born, raised, and displined in the islamic manner(or whatever, not just islamic) then aren't you probbably going to be islamic?:worship:

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probably but in some european countries you gain some religious freedom from your parents at 16
but then for 16 years you were taught in one religon or another. 16 years under figures you know an trust is pretty hard to break from, true?:shrug:
In most countries whatever the predominant religion is will be what you are brought up learning about. It would be difficult to want to change your religion if almost everyone were the same religion. Children really have no choices in most instances because they aren't taught anything but what their parents are associated with.
Exactly, and there are few people who can really be convertd by door to door morons(if your dumb enough to even answer)
My daughter is a believer. If anything, I'm forced to take her to church and bible It makes her happy.
I think most kids love going to church and Sunday school. Its not til they become teenagers when they start to not like it.
I don't think any child is forced to believe.
probbably becuase it is comferning t think that there is someone protecting you, but then when you get older with time to waste, you start questioning.
yeah, when you quit believing in Santa, tooth fairy, etc, god kinda comes into question.

Good point. I took it upon myself to be straight up with my kids (no fun stuff that I had...aren't I a scrooge?) ;), so in the event that I decide there is a God, they might be more apt to believe me.

To answer the thread:
Yes, I think religion is instilled into children. I stopped going to church because I'm looking for God...if it if anyone knows him, tell him to drop me a line, I'm waiting....

....seriously....I want to be right on this.

I definitely see a current breakdown of religion. They can't recover from it, it must change one way or another.

People need a connection from personal experience nowadays in a world where our senses are being bombarded.
Other countries have laws that dictate when children can dissent from their parents religion? Wow I didn't know that... well I guess you learn something new everyday. :D

Most children believe whatever their parents tell them to believe and usually don't question those beliefs until they begin to question their parents "all-knowing wisdom". I think most remain the same religion as adults, but when they do go through this trying phase in their life, I think its important for parents to be understanding and tolerant if they decide that their parents religion isn't for them. It just makes the transition so much easier for them when they already have so much other crap going on in their lives.
Is religon fourced upon a child by the parents? sure, they can convert, but if you where born, raised, and displined in the islamic manner(or whatever, not just islamic) then aren't you probbably going to be islamic?:worship:

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But all people come to a stage in their lives when they question their beliefs. That is the doorway to wherever they want to go.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Is religon fourced upon a child by the parents? sure, they can convert, but if you where born, raised, and displined in the islamic manner(or whatever, not just islamic) then aren't you probbably going to be islamic?:worship:

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In many Islamic Countries it is even a matter of statute. People are Islamic by definition of their birth status, and there is no getting out of it.

I think some States in India have Anti-Conversion Laws. In order to keep troublesome Missionaries out, they forbid anybody converting from the Religion of their Birth. One can see why. When a Protestant Missionary comes into a Country that is not even their own and begins to teach people that they can sin all they want as long as they agree that murdering Jesus was a good thing... it causes bad repercussions that the Missionaries simply fly away from, but the Society then has to put up with - No Shame Christians who will at least cheat on their taxes because Christ Forgives All Things.
Is religon fourced upon a child by the parents? sure, they can convert, but if you where born, raised, and displined in the islamic manner(or whatever, not just islamic) then aren't you probbably going to be islamic?:worship:

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suppose you were spoken to in Japaese your whole life - do you think you'd just naturally think in Japanese when you were an adult? Did you have a choice in the matter? Can you now change this - stop thinking in Japanese and start thinking in Chinese? German?
Is religon fourced upon a child by the parents? sure, they can convert, but if you where born, raised, and displined in the islamic manner(or whatever, not just islamic) then aren't you probbably going to be islamic?:worship:

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if you allow other fallable people to make your decisions for you, you will be.
suppose you were spoken to in Japaese your whole life - do you think you'd just naturally think in Japanese when you were an adult? Did you have a choice in the matter? Can you now change this - stop thinking in Japanese and start thinking in Chinese? German?

it doesn't seem right that language would be much of a barrier for god right?