Is recognition that Jews have the best ideology of the Abrahamic cults the reason Muslims and Christ

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Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
Is recognition that Jews have the best ideology of the Abrahamic cults the reason Muslims and Christians hate Jews?
Rabbi Hillel, the older contemporary of Jesus, said that when asked to sum up the whole of Jewish teaching, while he stood on one leg, said, "The Golden Rule. That which is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. That is the Torah. And everything else is only commentary. Now, go and study it."

Please listen as to what is said about literal reading.

"Origen, the great second or third century Greek commentator on the Bible said that it is absolutely impossible to take these texts literally. You simply cannot do so. And he said, "God has put these sort of conundrums and paradoxes in so that we are forced to seek a deeper meaning."

Muslims and Christians foolishly read their holy books literally, ignoring that none of the Abrahamic cults did in the past.

This fact makes Muslims and Christians idol worshipers. All Muslim and Christian denominations ignore that the Jesus they all profess to respect preached that we should all be God seekers and never become idol worshipers the way Muslims and Christians have done.

Gnostic Christians like me were and are esoteric ecumenists. You might say that to the old Abrahamic cults of Muslims, Christians and Jews, we were the religious whores of those old days, thanks to the fact that our mystery schools would pick and choose the best tenets of all religions and work them into our Universalist creed. We would not tie ourselves down to becoming idol worshipers of imaginary demiurges the way Muslims and Christians did in ancient days and continue to do today. The fool says in his heart, I know who God is and who his prophets are.

Gnostic Christians and Jews, --- having a superior ideology and philosophy of seeking a good God, --- instead of becoming idol worshipers like Muslims and Christians, --- shared the hate and attempted genocide that Jews suffered thanks to Christians then Muslims.

Should Muslims and Christians admit their ideological deficiencies and turn their hate to love. It should be quite easy for religions that say they are all about peace and love.

I think it would be fitting for Muslims and Christians to start walking their talk and apologise to Jews and Gnostic Christians by giving them the recognition for excellence in religious matters.

God should call a press conference and sort it all out with a policy statement.
Until then everyone will think whatever suits them.
Is recognition that Jews have the best ideology of the Abrahamic cults the reason Muslims and Christians hate Jews?
How exactly are you comparing ideologies to decide which is the "best"?
Why do you assume that Muslims and Christians hate Jews?
Aren't you unfairly generalising? There are literally millions of Muslims and Christians in the world. Are they all the same?

Muslims and Christians foolishly read their holy books literally, ignoring that none of the Abrahamic cults did in the past.
Again, you appear to be making a rash generalisation. Do you really believe that Muslims in general, or Christians in general, take their holy books literally?

Gnostic Christians and Jews, --- having a superior ideology and philosophy of seeking a good God, --- instead of becoming idol worshipers like Muslims and Christians, --- shared the hate and attempted genocide that Jews suffered thanks to Christians then Muslims.
Is this a "my god is bigger than your god" kind of argument, then? Are you preaching here?

I think it would be fitting for Muslims and Christians to start walking their talk and apologise to Jews and Gnostic Christians by giving them the recognition for excellence in religious matters.
In general, you mean? Despite the fact that there are important doctrinal differences among these religions?
Is recognition that Jews have the best ideology of the Abrahamic cults the reason Muslims and Christians hate Jews?
You know I doubt if any religion supports hatred of others and your post is rather nasty.
Would it not be better to look for common ground and seek the path of peace and tolerance.
Just because someone holds different beliefs is no reason to dislike them.
I would say that if there is s God would he not see all humans as his children and do you think he would be happy if he read your post.
Imagine judgement day is here could you say that you made this post with a pure heart.
I doubt any God would see your action as anything other than sinful.
You could think about this and repent by making an apology to the members here and seeking forgiveness.

Like, "Best in Show"?
Are there prizes?

Usually, yes.

One would think that the best moral ideology would win the greatest converts but since neither Christians or Muslims seem to care about morality.

I guess that the prize of a better and more moral ideology is not thought to have any value. I think people are wrong on this and should gravitate to the highest morality available.

God should call a press conference and sort it all out with a policy statement.
Until then everyone will think whatever suits them.

I agree.

While governments maintain their noble lie of religions being worthy of respect and our tax dollars, we will be stuck with the immoral garbage religions we presently enjoy, unless you are gay of a woman of course.

How exactly are you comparing ideologies to decide which is the "best"?

By comparing points or issues within their ideologies.

Why do you assume that Muslims and Christians hate Jews?

Because they do and did with a long history or persecution.

Aren't you unfairly generalising?


There are literally millions of Muslims and Christians in the world. Are they all the same?

Basically, if they fly their flags, then they get the label. I will let you sort out all the various denominations that are all trying to get past their own labels.

Again, you appear to be making a rash generalisation. Do you really believe that Muslims in general, or Christians in general, take their holy books literally?

You tell me. Do Christians believe in Jesus and do Muslims believe in Allah?
If they do then they must be literal readers to some extent.

Is this a "my god is bigger than your god" kind of argument, then? Are you preaching here?


But I am not preaching for Jewry as Jewry is inferior to Gnostic Christianity. They do not take equality as far as Gnostic Christians do.

In general, you mean? Despite the fact that there are important doctrinal differences among these religions?

There are indeed and that is why they can be looked at to determine which is superior.

This thread is an example of question-begging flame bait.

In a way. But it makes theists uncomfortable because it asks them to look at their religions morality and ideology and they do not like what they see.

Are you one of those?

If not, them are you willing to argue for Christianity or Islam? They do not seem to have the balls but you might.

I agree.

While governments maintain their noble lie of religions being worthy of respect and our tax dollars, we will be stuck with the immoral garbage religions we presently enjoy, unless you are gay of a woman of course.

It is probably best to wait for the press conference before you do any second guessing.
Many problems turn on various folk believing they know what God expects and of course no one knows what God expects. No one knows but unfortunately many think they know and seek to impose their view as fact... but no one knows.
You know I doubt if any religion supports hatred of others and your post is rather nasty.
Would it not be better to look for common ground and seek the path of peace and tolerance.
Just because someone holds different beliefs is no reason to dislike them.
I would say that if there is s God would he not see all humans as his children and do you think he would be happy if he read your post.
Imagine judgement day is here could you say that you made this post with a pure heart.
I doubt any God would see your action as anything other than sinful.
You could think about this and repent by making an apology to the members here and seeking forgiveness.

When pigs fly.

The Abrahamic faiths have had 2000 years to find common ground and they are still killing each other.

You go ahead and waste your time on that. I prefer to point to the better ideology.

I have no problem in standing before Yahweh or Allah and listing why they are immoral religions and unworthy of mankind

If you dislike that I hate those immoral religions, you might wonder why you respect Gods that do not deserve it.

It is probably best to wait for the press conference before you do any second guessing.
Many problems turn on various folk believing they know what God expects and of course no one knows what God expects. No one knows but unfortunately many think they know and seek to impose their view as fact... but no one knows.

I agree that all priests, preachers and imams all lie to their sheeple constantly as, as you say, no one knows.

If you dislike that I hate those immoral religions, you might wonder why you respect Gods that do not deserve it.
You do what you like however I avoid hate. There are things I dislike but I believe hate is destructive and I do better without letting that emotion into my views.
It is unhelpful and damages all involved.
Respect I extent to all I can even those who I dont agree with.
I find I enjoy the peaceful feeling I get by not hating others.
You do what you like however I avoid hate. There are things I dislike but I believe hate is destructive and I do better without letting that emotion into my views.
It is unhelpful and damages all involved.
Respect I extent to all I can even those who I dont agree with.
I find I enjoy the peaceful feeling I get by not hating others.

I am sure that that is a great feeling for you, but it does nothing for the many victims that will be created by those religions you resect, that do not deserve it.

For evil to grow, all good people need do is nothing. You are doing less than nothing by showing respect for immoral religions that do not deserve it.

You certainly do not show love for your neighbors nor care that he or she is being victimized by a homophobic and misogynous religion, --- that you respect.

For evil to grow, all good people need do is nothing.
That is one of those sayings that sound great but for me makes no sence.
Evil grows is not even helpful.
And let the evil ones take responsibility rather than blame others for not being a watch dog.
And to suggest that somehow my pacifist approach is to blame for the evil in the world I reject.

. You are doing less than nothing by showing respect for immoral religions that do not deserve it.
Perhaps our definitions of respect are different.
My respect is my way of saying I try to be tolerant and see that persons view.
That does not mean I agree or condone.
You certainly do not show love for your neighbors nor care that he or she is being victimized by a homophobic and misogynous religion,
I think you are mistaken that I somehow support victimisation.
I do not like the inequities in this world.
And I think the game is way past blame and my only suggestion is that rather than cultivate hate paries in conflict should seek common ground and build upon the commonality to achieve peace.
A point must come where everyone must realise the other is not going away so living in peace needs to be addressed.
Anyways I wont accept responsibility that the worlds problems are somehow mine because I wont favour one side over another.
Anyways I wont accept responsibility that the worlds problems are somehow mine because I wont favour one side over another.

You should not accept full responsibility. That would be silly.

But to say you have no responsibility for the existence of the poor religions we now suffer, while you try to show tolerance to what should not be tolerated, would be a lie.

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