Is Polygamy right or wrong?


Registered Member
What would you concider right and what would you concider wrong? I know it may be easy for anyone of you to assume that killing a man is wrong but what about sexual or marital issues that are very different from culture to culture. I just want to see what you guys think about this.

Should Men be allowed to have more than one wyfe?Why?

Should Women be given the same rights as men on this matter?

We know what's right and what's wrong because of what we were tought in our lifes. But when you have two of the worlds most followed religions stating different views, what can you ask your self about this?
Don't tell me what to do asshole!

We know what's right and what's wrong because of what we were tought in our lifes.

No. We think that our values are "right" because we are taught this. In truth, "right" and "wrong" are rather meaningless terms.

Buuuut....this is pretty standard.
Originally posted by CluisM
Should Men be allowed to have more than one wyfe?Why?

Should Women be given the same rights as men on this matter?

Definitely! – But only under condition all people involved agree. There is in fact no reason why polygamy or polyandry should be banned by law. That we have such laws is only another rudiment of perverted catholic morale.
But – you know what’s the natural (and the worst) punishment for polygamy/polyandry? TWO (or more) MOTHERS IN LAW!
There is in fact no reason why polygamy or polyandry should be banned by law.

Nor why marriage in any form should be supported by law. Humans ought not to be commodities.

The simple solution is to just scrap the governmental institution of marriage and let people take care of themselves.
Originally posted by Xev
Nor why marriage in any form should be supported by law. Humans ought not to be commodities.

Well, there some purely practical reasons for this kind of relationship to be officially established. We do not need to call it "marriage" but that would make no difference. There are laws which are applied by one single act of marriage. Without it you should arrange everything separately - things like common property, matters about children, information provided by medical stuff in case of ones illness etc. (BTW - this one of the reasons why homosexuals want the right to get married).
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Originally posted by CluisM
Should Men be allowed to have more than one wyfe?Why?

Yes. Why you ask?....why not!!!!!

Should Women be given the same rights as men on this matter?

Yes, more the merrier.

But when you have two of the worlds most followed religions stating different views, what can you ask your self about this?

Don't listen to scriptures from thousands of years ago. Religion isn't the answer to anything. Religion is only an institution run by blind faith.....nothing more.

You can ask yourself what feels right to you, not what your "god" may think of you, your god doesn't suffer the do.
Since there are only individual perceptions of what is right and wrong , I see no reason why polygamy shouldn't be allowed for both men and women, if that's what they want. They are adults ( hopefully) and are responsible for their own lives and this is not hurting anybody else.
But, would it hurt their children?
From what I know, there originally no laws banning polygamy. Sometime in the late 1800's the law was passed, in part so that certain people could put Mormon leaders in jail. No real reason. The church has revoked the ordinance of plural marraige, by the way, in response to this law. I myself don't think I could handle keeping more than one wife happy, so even if it was made legal and stuff again, I wouldn't do it unless something very messed up happend.

I dont' think it would be a problem for some people, but not others. Just browse and you'll find that many such relationships end up hurting. One rotten apple...
I guess for many they would refuse to have multiple partners for selfish reasons. I am one of those people who don't like to share. I'll share food, drink, any item except my partner:D. I personally can't understand why it would be that if you cared for and loved and respected someone, why one would have to go elsewhere? But that is just my own personal opinion.

And I have to agree with Xev, marriage should be between the people involved (as in the couple), the Government has no place in decreeing who (or what sexes) should be allowed to marry.

Is Polygamy wrong? Probably not? But is it practical?

Polygamy appears to be tolerated in the Bible.

I am not sure why it would be considered wrong for a man to have more than 1 wife. Rather, is it practical? I don't think polygamy is practical for most people.

Actually I would advocate polygamy on some hypothetical planet where women for some reason outnumbered men, 3 to 1, or something, as it would be far more practical for several women to share a man, than for women to be left out, unable to marry. But since the sex ratio is nearly equal, polygamy appears rather unnecessary.

Polygamy seems too complicated to me. Marry 1 woman, and you have only 1 major relationship to get right, and the children rather fall into place. But add just one more wife, and then there is he/she, he/other she, she/other she. That seems way too complicated, and should men be hogging up all the wives so other men can't get married? I don't think so.

And then what about all the dozens of children produced? Can one man care for so many children? Perhaps he can hire assistants to help if he is rich or a king. But for most people, can't all those women be having their children with separate men, so the number of children is just as great, but they are more equally distributed among the families.
If you are looking for the truth of the matter, then it is neither.

Right and wrong are only concepts, and there is no absolutes. I would have no problems with it as long as everyone agreed. Some people would be more comfortable with a single spouce that was life long. Some enjoy occasional lovers and nothing more.
Marriage and other such issues are the same. Why should one standard be endorced for all people? Let people do as they will as long as everyone involved is willing.
That is about as close to right and wrong as I care to get.
Humans are polygamous by nature. However, for pragmatic reasons I advocate monogamy only, due to the fact that it provides a more stable and nurturing environment for the children (you know, those creatures nobody gives a flying fuck about when it comes to their own selfish personal sex goals.)
Originally posted by and2000x
Humans are polygamous by nature. However, for pragmatic reasons I advocate monogamy only, due to the fact that it provides a more stable and nurturing environment for the children (you know, those creatures nobody gives a flying fuck about when it comes to their own selfish personal sex goals.)
Why couldn't a polygamous family provide a stable environment? Maybe a few extra mothers and fathers could be a benefit.
Originally posted by jps
Why couldn't a polygamous family provide a stable environment? Maybe a few extra mothers and fathers could be a benefit.

Actually quite the opposite is true – our monogamous model was derived from patriarchal-polygamous by first Christians (Paul?) and was originally also strictly patriarchal. It’s “stability” was assured solely by the fact that women were totally subdued to man – were almost like man’s property. With the women's liberation movement we can see that traditional monogamous model is becoming highly unstable (see the high divorce rate, domestic violence etc.). On the other hand, we can find less strictly defined families among some “primitive” tribes – usually matrilinear. “Family”, which consists of several adults, lives in on big house, for instance, and mother is important only because she holds the property – whole family, sometimes whole clan or tribe, is responsible for children’s upbringing and education. And it works.
sexual polygamy is obviously a lot easier in practice than love polygamy.

To love more than one woman fully may be a way of not loving any one properly and in the short term this may be easier. But is it of true value. I think that would be a valid question.
Then having large families live in a single house would be the only solution to ensure a stable environment. Whip out your longhouses boys! Mologamy was practiced prior to Christianity, it just wasn't a huge issue until Christianity.
Of course - there were always monogamous as well as polygamous cultures. Polyandry, on the other hand, is rather rare. By "our" I was refering only to so called western model, which is based on Christianity (I know - there are members of other cultures as well - I must get rid of this west-centric habit)
Do what you please and judge an action by it's results. Morality is a hinderance to human progress.