Is Parkinsons' and Tetanus the same?


Registered Senior Member
Tetanus requires many boosters throughout your life. The symptoms are the same yet mild if you are up to date on your Tetanus vaccine. If you have only had one shot for tetanus. .... are you more likely to aquire parkinsons if you do not get the boosters for Tetanus?

Could "hording" also be caused by not properly treating Tetanus?
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Tetanus requires many boosters throughout your life. The symptoms are the same yet mild if you are up to date on your Tetanus vaccine. If you have only had one shot for tetanus. .... are you more likely to aquire parkinsons if you do not get the boosters for Tetanus?

Could "hording" also be caused by not properly treating Tetanus?
Why ask stupid questions?

You can easily look up what tetanus is, it seems. So what's stopping you looking up Parkinsons's disease?

P. S. What's "hording"? I am not aware there is such a word.
Why ask stupid questions?

You can easily look up what tetanus is, it seems. So what's stopping you looking up Parkinsons's disease?

P. S. What's "hording"? I am not aware there is such a word.
Thank you Exchemist for reminding me why I no longer post here because of the toxicity. I have looked up Tetanus and the symptoms are very similar to parkinsons. Did you read the link? My question stands regardless of one mans indignation.

If you skip your booster shots could the for mentioned symptoms be a result of the once common infection of tetanus?

If you could not figure out that hording was hoarding then that too says a lot about your toxicity Exchemist.
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I have looked up Tetanus and the symptoms are very similar to parkinsons.
Symptoms do not the disease make. (Allergies and a cold have the same symptoms but very different causes (a cold is a viral attack, allergies are an auto-immune disorder)).

Tetanus is an infection caused by bacteria called Clostridium tetani.

Parkinson's disease is a brain disorder.

If you skip your booster shots could the for mentioned symptoms be a result of the once common infection of tetanus?

If you could not figure out that hording was hoarding then....
It behooves you to ask questions with enough context for readers to understand them.

The reason neither Exchemist nor I could figure out what you meant by hording is because hoarding also appears to have nothing to do with anything you're talking about. Why would anyone make such an illogical leap in interpretation?

To make it explicit: if hoarding is the word you meant to type, what does it have to do with Tetanus or Parkinson's?
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Thank you Exchemist for reminding me why I no longer post here because of the toxicity. I have looked up Tetanus and the symptoms are very similar to parkinsons. Did you read the link? My question stands regardless of one mans indignation.

If you skip your booster shots could the for mentioned symptoms be a result of the once common infection of tetanus?

If you could not figure out that hording was hoarding then that too says a lot about your toxicity Exchemist.
If you bothered to do basic homework you would not be asking silly questions. One is a degenerative condition of the brain and the other is a bacterial infection. So, obviously, there is no connection.

And what does hoarding have to do with any of this? Hoarding of what, by whom, under what circumstances?
are you more likely to aquire parkinsons if you do not get the boosters for Tetanus?

Could "hording" also be caused by not properly treating Tetanus?

mental condition/illness , not a blood or neurological disorder

all humans hoard as a natural evolutionary process
hoarding is a part of the human required process to survive through the winter.
lack of hoarding ability results in death/human species extinction

hoarding as a subjective diagnosis of a 3rd person is subjective to the environment

toilet paper panic buying
bottled drinking water shortages

anthropological psychology in a cultural function

all fairly technical stuff to have a "real" discussion about

3 separate subjects(all are science subjects, not religion or philosophy)
  • degenerative neurological conditions
  • viruses
  • vaccines
are you more likely to acquire parkinsons if you do not get the boosters for Tetanus?

it would be fairly easy in 1st world universal health care systems(the real 1st world societys)
Canada UK Australia Norway Denmark etc ...

immunization records
matched with vaccine records
matched with patient data
would make it a very simple obvious data set to obtain.

but how do you create a conspiracy propaganda subject to create anti-vaxer media spin ?

is that what your doing ?
creating a false back channel of applied medical logic to create an anti-vaxer medical link to, so you can create new anti-vaxer information ?
(that is a real question)

parkinsons, while well documented, is not understood very well
there is no known cure
it is a degenerative fatal condition

the % of parkinsons is not a high % in society compared with tetanus

so extrapolating a causative function from a wide spread data set of un-documentable hard science inside a tetanus vaccine recipient list
is propaganda flaming the vaccine process

are you suggesting people who do not get their tetanus booster have a higher rate of parkinsons than those who get their booster ?
are you playing the anti-vaxer propaganda game suggesting that by getting the tetanus vaccine gives you a higher chance of getting parkinsons ?
(this is a serious question)
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I Googled

is there a link between Parkinson and tetanus

and got the below at top of the list

Severe but transient parkinsonism after tetanus vaccination | Journal ...
by JC REIJNEVELD · 1997 · Cited by 5 — Although we are aware that a causal relation between the vaccine and the hypokinetic rigid syndrome is far from established, we have no ..

The blue link section did take me to the site. Did not go to site to read as site requires acceptance of cookies

If Acitnoids wants more - you are welcome to search with - is there a link between Parkinson and tetanus - and accept cookies

My gut feeling (I have a very Scientific gut) there will not be anything substantive there

I assume the answer to my question is no. I work with steel. Many of the old timers I have worked with end up with Parkinsons, dementia, alzheimers. We know bacteria evolve. Having that first shot gives us immunity but we need boosters to keep our immune system on guard.

I was just wondering out loud. Could skipping those booster shots (I am not an ati vaxer) allow the bacteria that causes Tentinus to "evolve" into other symptoms such as the ones I just mentioned? Could their protiens be responsible for other symptoms than Tentinus if we are not fully vaccinated with the boosters?

Bacteria evolve.
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I assume the answer to my question is no. I work with steel. Many of the old timers I have worked with wind up with Parkinsons, dementia, alzheimers. We know bacteria evolve. Having that first shot gives us immunity but we need boosters to keep our immune system on guard.

sounds like you almost have all the answers your looking for
but your looking for something dressed in drag singing a broardway song wearing shiny heels

metals ...

what does iron do to the blood ?
how is iron transported in the blood ?
what is ferrous poisoning ?
what is metal poisoning ?

what is the average diet of the average worker for the last 20 years who works with you ?

do they suffer from the same rate of cancer as other people in your community ?
what types of cancer ?

do they get cancer before they get parkinsons ?

dementia is a very wide non specific bracket

how prevalent is alzhimers ?

Could "hording" also be caused by not properly treating Tetanus?

i am happy to get more technical about psychology if you wish to discuss this on a psychological level
if your asking if hoarding can be caused by a virus, the answer is like asking if fire can be created from nothing

when your colleagues were consuming vast quantities of pesticides in vegetables & massive quantities of antibiotics & animal drench in meats
and all sorts of terrible chemicals in tooth past
mercury in dental fillings

what were you doing at the time ?

what long term exposure have you and your colleagues had to high frequency power lines and large machines ?
all day fuel/gas/petrol/diesel fumes ?
hands being covered in diesel and oil how many times per week for how many years ?

you dont want to answer my questions because of your emotional problems
i understand that
i dont care
(if you put the cart before the horse emotionally you will never achieve anything scientifically)

its a big subject
as the Chinese say a journey of ten thousand steps starts with one step

here is some vague real hard science info for you to frame the complex malaise of metal toxicity


Several heavy metals are found naturally in the earth crust and are exploited for various industrial and economic purposes. Among these heavy metals, a few have direct or indirect impact on the human body. Some of these heavy metals such as copper, cobalt, iron, nickel, magnesium, molybdenum, chromium, selenium, manganese and zinc have functional roles which are essential for various diverse physiological and biochemical activities in the body. However, some of these heavy metals in high doses can be harmful to the body while others such as cadmium, mercury, lead, chromium, silver, and arsenic in minute quantities have delirious effects in the body causing acute and chronic toxicities in humans. The focus of this chapter is to describe the various mechanism of intoxication of some selected heavy metals in humans along with their health effects. Therefore it aims to highlight on biochemical mechanisms of heavy metal intoxication which involves binding to proteins and enzymes, altering their activity and causing damage. More so, the mechanism by which heavy metals cause neurotoxicity, generate free radical which promotes oxidative stress damaging lipids, proteins and DNA molecules and how these free radicals propagate carcinogenesis are discussed. Alongside these mechanisms, the noxious health effects of these heavy metals are discussed.

blood cancers
simple example
5. Health effects of heavy metal toxicity in humans
Heavy metal toxicity can have several health effects in the body. Heavy metals can damage and alter the functioning of organs such as the brain, kidney, lungs, liver, and blood. Heavy metal toxicity can either be acute or chronic effects. Long-term exposure of the body to heavy metal can progressively lead to muscular, physical and neurological degenerative processes that are similar to diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy and Alzheimer’s disease. Also, chronic long-term exposure of some heavy metals may cause cancer [7]. The various health effects of some heavy metals will be highlighted below.
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so when we break down what your referring to here RE viral DNA mutation to be causative to a neurological degenerative fatal condition

the DNA would need to be consistent to some degree

the DNA of the mutated Virus would have some type of signature variance to its outcome

like all high speed mass causes damage when it hits something

the physical variance process exchange
needs to be functionally noted

in this case the hand off is
virus DNA mutation
specific type = cause to create parkinsons or pre-condition to parkinsons

as to your "hoarding" question
most trade professionals hoard things because they have lots of parts required to fix things
more things = more money
its like a banker moves small amounts of money around
a trade professional/engineer stores/hoards things because things are not only money
but also mind/hobby/lifestyle/professional
and ability to carry out professional function

breaking that down into a anthropological level gets a bit more tricky and possibly too far from where your wanting to muse
Double if missing booster tetanus a link exist

those who miss their tetanus booster
also are same as those who miss their measles booster ?

what is the incidence of STI/STD's in this same group ?
(how many have mercury fillings? & is it a socio-ecconomic group?

[i.e is the only reason they are getting these diseases and presenting is because everyone else is dying sooner from other things from lack of access to better food housing or health care?])
what types
for how long prior to treatment & frequency
is there any dietary commonality ?
long term common human habits eg volume and strength of immunological influencing factor chemicals and compounds like alcohol etc.
is there any dietary commonality ?
In the days of door to door salesman the cast iron pot salesman had a field day when Aluminium was found in tangled nerves of Parkinson's

Aluminium cooking pots the cry went up cause Parkinson's


aluminium found in tangled nerves of parkinson



something to ponder

In the days of door to door salesman the cast iron pot salesman had a field day when Aluminium was found in tangled nerves of Parkinson's

Aluminium cooking pots the cry went up cause Parkinson's

something to ponder


while they were eating meat soaked in antibiotics and parasite killing chemicals
breathing heavy coal particulates and massive volumes of lead from vehicle emissions

what was in their bread they eat every day ?
what type of heavy metal pesticides etc ?
massive phosphate poisoning ?

for how many decades ?

who pays the usa private health care bill ?
old money or new money ?

who can be blamed and sued ?

summer band camp sex ed dietary culture ...
who wants some raw feces and raw algae to eat ?

how many years was metal work shops not ventilated properly ? most of them !
who pays for that ? you cant prove anything !

USA private-health-care-system-Customers versus Science
for the end of life cheque payee

using selective science facts to undermine process to terminal high cost illness accountability causation
just like all the anti science propaganda and religious propaganda
it is gaming the private health care customer against institutionalized science to prevent accountability of who pays for the illness
health care is the biggest cost & the biggest profit ad the biggest expense in the usa
#1 reason for home-foreclosures
#1 reason for bankruptcy's
#1 highest cost of life for all working class usa citizens

if you want to talk real science
you need to know what real science is
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while they were eating meat soaked in antibiotics and parasite killing chemicals
breathing heavy coal particulates and massive volumes of lead from vehicle emissions
None found in brain clusters (as far as I know - not researched and don't intend to)

About Tetanus

Tetanus is different from other vaccine-preventable diseases because it does not spread from person to person. The bacteria are usually found in soil, dust, and manure and enter the body through breaks in the skin — usually cuts or puncture wounds caused by contaminated objects.

Today, tetanus is uncommon in the United States, with an average of about 30 reported cases each year. Nearly all cases of tetanus are among people who did not get all the recommended tetanus vaccinations. This includes people who have never received a tetanus vaccine and adults who don’t stay up to date on their 10-year booster shots.

30 reported cases each year.

and you are taking that from 350,000,000 people
and then using that as causative to parkinsons ?

About Parkinsons

Who Has Parkinson's? Approximately 60,000 Americans are diagnosed with PD each year. More than 10 million people worldwide are living with PD. Incidence of Parkinson's disease increases with age, but an estimated four percent of people with PD are diagnosed before age 50

causes ...

so the same thing as insecticides and pesticides ?
Scientists believe a combination of genetic and environmental factors are the cause of Parkinson’s disease (PD). PD is an extremely diverse disorder. While no two people experience Parkinson’s the same way, there are some commonalities. PD affects about one million people in the United States and ten million worldwide. The main finding in brains of people with PD is loss of dopaminergic neurons in the area of the brain known as the substantia nigra.

this is me making my point about why you need to know what real science is if you want real scientific answers

anti depressants are to blame ?
or pain killers ?
or a combination of both ?
or a lack of proper nutrients in long term diet matched with things that mess with dopamine, like codeine and other pain meds & anti depressants ?

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i never post my most valuable science reading links because i know there are lots of people who openly attack science and will go after web sites and people & institutions if they think they can influence people.

so i am reading one of those and it occurs to me
another group

  • RE metal poisoning long term
life style

drinking water pipes
electric jug element coatings
rust in water boilers


metals inside heating metals
in trace amounts every day for years on end
dietarily combined with trace nutrient key times

sitting on top of massive carbohydrate flooding
and massive lack of multi vitamins & minerals
swamped in heavy fats
like deep fried saturated fats

30% plus of usa citizens are fat

imagine how many are nutrient poor
in ill health
not only nutrient ill health
but long term life long bad nutrient

probably 50%
that figure was previously probably closer to 75% maybe 80% from the start of the 1930's to the late 1980s

the question is

is this "how do we use science to get someone to give us money"(private health system user pays society)
is this about "science"