Is my grandmother a christian?

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The first fault in this thread, is that were it somebody else writing it, it wouldn't have near the same ammount of meaning. I think that I notice my grandmothers intent far too well. These issues (me) has been described in many threads if you've seen em. But passing aside that and assuming it is true that I do actually sence her intent, which is terrible....

She is very stupid. She is very old. Ok. I guess christians can be very stupid and very old lol! But! Who would a christian make someone suffer like she makes me suffer?

EEk! She is evil! I tell you! It's her and her life. She is so selfish.

Would anybody like to discuss with me what would make her a chritian?
Its probably her past experiences which condition her to behave in that way that makes her appear evil. It has nothing to do with Christianity or Good or Evil.
It depends how you define Christianity. If you define it as anyone who claims to be Christian, then yeah she is. If you define it as those who follow Jesus Christ, then no.
Don't be sarcastic! I'm not asking if god exists, i do consider though that how we define christianity will be held strict.
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