Is me posting this thread rape?


Seriosly whats with all the rape threads, They are still going on to this day why?.

If a person forces another person to have sex that is rape. what is not understood and why is there a need to waste time on a moot subject that needs no intelectual input and also is not even funny or interesting.

Males = dominant, terrotorial, violent, Nymphomaniac need woman bash on head with club take to cave make babies.

Seriously what's with the contradiction within this messed up ethical/scientific community. with one sword stroke it is claimed humans are non spiritual, biological animals without souls etc. Witht he second sword frust you also expect them not to act like the mechanical animals you branded them as.

If the human animal urge is not subdued, restrained and disciplined by society and parents it will show through the uptight modern human cover of clothes and language. Don't call people mechanical animals and then complain they are not acting like angelic beings sent down by the almighty to shine love and ethics throughout the land.

Ofcourse some men are going to rape women, jut like a dog will rape a dog when it wants sex or ducks will gang rape other ducks. you can't have fairy tale ethics when your telling people they are nothing but animals who live on earth then do not exist when they are dead.

Maybe if you gave them hope and let them know that god is there and not to worry because you will live after you die and we have to be good people for the right reasons. teach them to respect other people and just like how you teach your citizens to not steal, you teach them to not rape. nobody ever Said to anybody when they are young. do not rape women or take advantage of them and not force yourself ont hem. they are probably to shy and unneasy telling a child or teenager not to rape anybody.

Conclusion, Rape = forcing sex on somebody. Do not contradict yourself so much, Believe in god. Understand humans are also Animals and we act like wild animals unless we are trained. what will happen with a wild dog near your baby?. what will happenw ith a trained family dog near your baby?.
