Is Mars Atlantis?


Registered Member
I read somewhere that Mars was Atlantis, and we (European/Mediterranean decendants) used to live there but we screwed up the planet thousands of years ago and came here. Anyone else heard this?
hey who knows
but how come atlantis has soo much gossip type history and yet only now has some more physical proof...
and why is it underwater?
rising water or falling earth/quake/thing...?
maybe we are all martians and greys and reptiles and all mixed into one or parts there of?
:) :D
i guess you would have to have the knowledge to map the human dna by your self LOL :D

groove on
I have seriously been wondering and thinking about this myself. As far as escaping the devastation that we may have created on Mars to come here, remember that movie <i>Mission to Mars</i>, despite the horrendous amounts of cheesiness and the briefly-explored ending, the part about the Martians having to leave Mars and then deposit some seedlings on Earth was a pretty cool point. I'm sure it's not original, but it's one of those things that get you thinking. Which would kind of make us the aliens, I suppose (again, not original).

Mars being Atlantis is like one of those topics where the three pyramids in Giza are aligned perfectly with the belt of Orion. Just makes you wonder where the intelligence behind those things originated from?
I think that it could be very possible

I think that it is very possible, although we can't prove it, Mars atmosphere is interesting. it has little oxygen, nitrogen, but the main atmosphere is Carbon Dioxide or Monoxide, I can't remember, but it is not far from our own. What is left of the atmosphere that is..
hey all
my maybe weird opinion-since i was about ????????????? maybe....young is that we are all a mix of aliens that came to earth and interbread with neaderthal man!
hows that for a weirdo thought? :D
extra thought=more space tourists=more factual data from that arena!...maybe.
groove on :)
more thoughts on this topic please!
re: rip...

About the aliens coming here and originally breeding with Neandertals, I've wondered this as well. I couldn't help but wonder if attraction would play a part, though, you know. I keep imagining myself as the alien visitor saying to himself, "Okay, here we go. This is going to be rough to say the least." The aliens probably kept repeating this mantra to themselves, "Just think of Miss Vega, just think of Miss Vega ..."

Actually, I guess if I think about it a bit more, perhaps if they were intelligent enough to make it to another star system, then perhaps they were intelligent enough to bring along some anesthesia, a couple syringes, and surgical gloves. Maybe they artificially impregnated the Neandertals with more intelligent strains to see what would happen. Maybe they did it all over the earth with different strains, just to see which strain would evolve and reproduce and learn well enough to establish themselves.

I guess it would be nobler to think that the aliens created hybrids with existing stock here on earth, but I wonder as well how they could have pulled this off without the women abandoning their offspring because of how it looks. Then again, imagine what the reaction would have been when the first Neandertal spied himself in the reflection in the local pond, "Gadzooks! Someone invent the comb quick!"

Aliens and Neanderthals

Aliens and Neanderthals, artificial insemination? This one I don’t think I can buy into.

  • If the aliens were this advanced to make it here, surely they would not want their genes tainted with an inferior gene base.
  • It is very doubtful that these genes would be compatible between two races. Even with gene splicing and editing it is very unlikely that a viable offspring would emerge.
  • In nature, usually the mother will abandon offspring that is not likely to make it. This saves strain on the mother trying to raise such offspring and also encourages that the species will go stronger or at least maintain it’s current level of hardiness.


    It would be presumed that any race of beings would want it’s progeny to in essence be like them. Nature imbues survival into what it develops or it doesn’t make it.

    In spite of all the hoop-a-la over gene splicing and what it can do, there are very few compatible mixes that are successful compared to the endless possibilities that can be looked at to be created.

    It is suspected that the Neanderthal was not compatible in its genes with that of Homo sapiens. It is well known that man will try to breed with almost any other race given the chance. And during a time of steal a mate (or club it and run with it mentality) surely this would have occurred many times over. But gene research does not lead us to this possibility.

    Folks, I gotta disagree with this one.
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hey all
just a thought that spang to mind.....
think about how a mother chimp will sometimes drag a dead babby around untill it starts to rot......!?!
and on the other hand a mother lion that watches a male lion eat her babbies?!?
and some birds that raise other birds chicks.
and how many of the animal world are canabils
and i only know of humans to be the only animal that will
kill there own babbies for no apparent spite of availibilty of food and shelter.
its crazzy mixed-up weirdo world.
groove on all
Re: Aliens and Neanderthals

Originally posted by wet1
Aliens and Neanderthals, artificial insemination? This one I don’t think I can buy into.

  • If the aliens were this advanced to make it here, surely they would not want their genes tainted with an inferior gene base.
  • It is very doubtful that these genes would be compatible between two races. Even with gene splicing and editing it is very unlikely that a viable offspring would emerge.
  • In nature, usually the mother will abandon offspring that is not likely to make it. This saves strain on the mother trying to raise such offspring and also encourages that the species will go stronger or at least maintain it’s current level of hardiness.


    It would be presumed that any race of beings would want it’s progeny to in essence be like them. Nature imbues survival into what it develops or it doesn’t make it.

    In spite of all the hoop-a-la over gene splicing and what it can do, there are very few compatible mixes that are successful compared to the endless possibilities that can be looked at to be created.

    It is suspected that the Neanderthal was not compatible in its genes with that of Homo sapiens. It is well known that man will try to breed with almost any other race given the chance. And during a time of steal a mate (or club it and run with it mentality) surely this would have occurred many times over. But gene research does not lead us to this possibility.

    Folks, I gotta disagree with this one.

  • With your response in A you said tainted? You are thinking like a "human" imagine your self to be a super- intelligent being, I mean, like the secret of the universe type. Would prejudice be such an issue?? If you saw a species on the brink of extinction and you had the power to make it become self aware and intelligent would you not ? I mean look at God, if you are a Christian, he could be called an Alien yet he was lonely enough to create us. He, in fact allowed himself, a perfect being to create us(the not so perfect being) so any way you look at it scientific or religious it is just possible.
    There is no way that I we know everything there is to know about genes. There are somethings in this world that debunk even some of the greatest theories in science.

    And lastly humans follow by example any one can be taught or trained if you want to think like an animal to change habits. There is some evidence in history that suggest that we had some 3rd hand interference.

    I am sorry I just can't agree that it could not be possible until we know the truth no one can tell me that it can't happen. Anything is possible, anything just ask the wright brothers when they said they would never be able to fly like a bird.
Sethmac posted:
With your response in A you said tainted? You are thinking like a "human" imagine your self to be a super- intelligent being, I mean, like the secret of the universe type. Would prejudice be such an issue?? If you saw a species on the brink of extinction and you had the power to make it become self aware and intelligent would you not ? I mean look at God, if you are a Christian, he could be called an Alien yet he was lonely enough to create us. He, in fact allowed himself, a perfect being to create us(the not so perfect being) so any way you look at it scientific or religious it is just possible.
There is no way that I we know everything there is to know about genes. There are somethings in this world that debunk even some of the greatest theories in science.

And lastly humans follow by example any one can be taught or trained if you want to think like an animal to change habits. There is some evidence in history that suggest that we had some 3rd hand interference.

I am sorry I just can't agree that it could not be possible until we know the truth no one can tell me that it can't happen. Anything is possible, anything just ask the wright brothers when they said they would never be able to fly like a bird.

I think we will have to agree to disagree. When I said tainted, I meant that most races would have the inherent desire to see any offspring to "be in their image" so to say.

While there are gaps in the record of evolution and spots where we can't put a finger to exactly where the next connection is. There are still possibilities that exist. A gap would also be left by a mutation. No previous link to show where it came from and starts from there.

It is certainly true that we do not know everything about genes. And if we thought that we did there would most probably be someone else to show us the error of our ways. But that still does not change the fact that most gene splice candidates would not be viable. Especially if we are considering an alien race. And being an alien race does not make them a god.

While we can not know everything, I would say that it is more probable that we did not have a helping hand in the gene bank. We have yet to prove that any other life exists outside of this planet much less intelligent life.

I can not believe that out of the goodness of their hearts an alien race bestowed their "god qualities" upon us.

Originally posted by pragmathen
About the aliens coming here and originally breeding with Neandertals, I've wondered this as well. I couldn't help but wonder if attraction would play a part, though, you know. I keep imagining myself as the alien visitor saying to himself, "Okay, here we go. This is going to be rough to say the least." The aliens probably kept repeating this mantra to themselves, "Just think of Miss Vega, just think of Miss Vega ..."

that paragraph there .... Intellectual comical genius !!

Personally i see the most likely form of this would be a race seeing a certain development potential in the life on this planet and maybe "rushing it along" with whatever "machines that go bing" (Monty Python)
human nature / ...?-alien nature......!?!

why do we save endagerd animals?
why do we kill without logical thought?

2 rather perplexing questions??????????????????

is there any known race/civilisations of humans that have been only vegetarians ?

i dont know much about history!
what were the atlantians supposed to have eaten?

groove on