Is Marriage In Scandinavia 'Dead'?


Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member
Is it the fault of gay marriage?

This article claims that the institution of marriage in certain portions of Europe, particularly Scandinavia, has been effectively killed, or at least severely weakened, by the legalization of gay marriage. Its numbers and such come from a study I can't seem to locate online.

I'd like to specifically ask any of you who live in the areas mentioned in the article, and/or those who might have seen this study: is there anything, anything in that study, or in your personal experience living in Scandinavia, to support any of the assertions in this article? Is this just yet another case of correlation/causation? Just because A is increasing as B decreases is not evidence of any relationship between the two. For instance; Levels of Internet fraud increased, as car crash fatalities decreased last year. There is no relationship between the two.

And, indeed, this is exactly what the article fails, or even attempts, to do; establish a relationship between the fall of one type of marriage on the rise of another. It is relying on the reader not questioning the fundamental premise of the entire article by simply producing some figures. And even if the article did establish a correlation, what relevance would it have on America?

Why do people insist on legally disenfranchising entire groups of people based on some intangible "ick" factor?

:m: Peace.
Yep, just another example of how to lie with statistics. Another article implying that marriage is better than alternatives, without any support of that opinion. I’d like to see the divorce rate hit 100% and then nobody get married forevermore.
The article fails to take into account that since 1990 the hole in the ozone has been growing larger. How can the traditional family unit stay cohesive in a godless, ozoneless world?

Seriously though, what is this websites deal? An IP address for a domain name, and they advertise the weekly standard? Oh yeah, makes them seem real credible. It could only be worse if they had links to "Real UFO videos" as well

EDIT: oh wait they ARE the weekly standard. Why not take a look at Its a socioty of americans in favor of america taking over the world. The editor of the Weekly Standard is one of thier founding members. I think the links to pictures of "real UFO's" would add credibility to the article in this case
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MARRIAGE IS SLOWLY DYING IN SCANDINAVIA. A majority of children in Sweden and Norway are born out of wedlock. Sixty percent of first-born children in Denmark have unmarried parents. Not coincidentally, these countries have had something close to full gay marriage for a decade or more.

Right off the bat it claims that it is not coincidental that gay marriage is legal in Scandinavia and that it's marriage rates have slowly been decreasing, but doesn't go on to say why this is more than a coincidence.

Will same-sex marriage undermine the institution of marriage? It already has.

Will BatMan and the Boy-wonder finally get it on? Tune in next week, same bat-channel, same bat-time!

Just a little sensationalist and reactionary, don't you think? Again the article fails entirely to go on to give any support to this claim, carrying on as if it had never been made.

I love the idea, though, sort of a strange blend of fantasy and outright delusion. How is the marriage of someone you don't even know going to effect your own? Do conservatives think that there are that many homosexuals out there, that suddenly, as soon as it's legal to do so, all married couples will cast off their heterosexual marriages and marry a member of the same sex just like they've always dreamed of doing? It's a bit ridiculous, don't you think?
Just because A is increasing as B decreases is not evidence of any relationship between the two.

Le chateliers...who knows. Could be that marriage seems less glamarous now, and more of a legal decision than anything else.
Good, next I hope we fags can de-glamorize property ownership. If we can scare heterosexuals away from things just by being associated with them we could really turn this to our benefit. Though that is assuming that the president wont call for a constitutional amendment to redefine property ownership as being between a strait man or woman and the earth.