Is Jesus Biased?


Does your dog bite?
Registered Senior Member
I happened to be looking at a piece of jewellery today, a cross with the words "Protect Me" inscribed on it.

This got me to thinking. Jesus loves the whole of Mankind right? I mean that is pretty much undisputed? So, hypothetically speaking, you have two people who need protection/solace/help against the works of Satan, one of whom happens to have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour, the other a member of another of the major religions Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism etc. Now, would Jesus afford preferential treatment, you know go above and beyond the call of duty, for His follower rather than the member of another faith?

If not, what is the point in worshipping him? In Christianity at all? He loves you anyway, and many of the major religions have different methods of making reparation for ones sins and entering Heaven.

I have formed the opinion, through threads on this forum and conversations elsewhere, that a lot of people get hung up on the physicality of the man Jesus. That is, many of his worshippers advocate that the only way into Heaven is quite literally through him. When Jesus said: "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through me." John 14:6-9, was he refering to his actual body or his teachings, philosophies, and behaviour?

Any opinions out there?
What? Jesus wouldn't care about saving his follower because they'd already been saved, and thus he owned their soul.

The other person he might help because they weren't yet saved.
So a person saved by Jesus is impervious to the works of Satan and would require absolutely no help?
IIRC wasn't Satan originally an Angel who corrupted other Angels before being cast from Heaven? Being Angels and in Heaven and everything one would assume that they were also saved?

The hypothetical situation in the OP could also be applied to two unsaved people. One who had committed murder in a fit of passion, and another who planned and enjoyed it. Would Jesus help the person who planned his killing more than he would help the other, therefore showing favouritism? Are there "degrees" of badness? Is it a bigger coup for him to redeem the soul that is "worse off"? What implications does that have for a souls behaviour on Earth?
IIRC wasn't Satan originally an Angel who corrupted other Angels before being cast from Heaven? Being Angels and in Heaven and everything one would assume that they were also saved?

The hypothetical situation in the OP could also be applied to two unsaved people. One who had committed murder in a fit of passion, and another who planned and enjoyed it. Would Jesus help the person who planned his killing more than he would help the other, therefore showing favouritism? Are there "degrees" of badness? Is it a bigger coup for him to redeem the soul that is "worse off"? What implications does that have for a souls behaviour on Earth?
M*W: Metaphor, my friend, metaphor. Satan (Lucifer) was a star in the sky (heavens) who some say is the planet Venus aka the Morningstar. The Morningstar rises with the sun (as is a competition of who is the brightest light - Lucifer or the Sun?). Stars fall and are called meteors. No rocket science about that. The "rebellion" was a meteor shower around the planet Venus (Lucifer). Metaphor, my friend, metaphor.
Thanks M*W, I'm aware that it is very well probably metaphor. I was just illustrating that contrary to the beliefs of darksidZz, "saved" isn't necessarily always saved. I'm just putting my thoughts down here, arranging them if you will. A sort of "What if?" scenario. I just wondered whether anybody else had any opinions regarding them.
This got me to thinking. Jesus loves the whole of Mankind right?
No, not at all. He condemned most of humanity to the abyss while he was alive...and esp non-jews.

Youre getting your ideas about Jesus from sunday school picture books.
The topic of this forum is a flawed question; perhaps Jesus was biased, but he certainly isn't anymore. ;)
I happened to be looking at a piece of jewellery today, a cross with the words "Protect Me" inscribed on it.

This got me to thinking. Jesus loves the whole of Mankind right? I mean that is pretty much undisputed? So, hypothetically speaking, you have two people who need protection/solace/help against the works of Satan, one of whom happens to have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour, the other a member of another of the major religions Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism etc. Now, would Jesus afford preferential treatment, you know go above and beyond the call of duty, for His follower rather than the member of another faith?

Yes He guides those who are willing to be lead. Who embrace the Love of his truth. Those who take joy in unrighteousness are given over to great deception. There is no neutrality with God. People either accept His will or they are given over to be used by satan. Preferential treatment goes to those who accept preferential treatment. Those who reject preferential treatment get none.

If not, what is the point in worshipping him? In Christianity at all? He loves you anyway, and many of the major religions have different methods of making reparation for ones sins and entering Heaven.

It takes two to love each other to form a relationship. Those who reject the Love of God do not have access to the gift of that love, the forgiveness of sins made available through acceptance of the Messiah Jesus.

I have formed the opinion, through threads on this forum and conversations elsewhere, that a lot of people get hung up on the physicality of the man Jesus. That is, many of his worshippers advocate that the only way into Heaven is quite literally through him. When Jesus said: "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through me." John 14:6-9, was he refering to his actual body or his teachings, philosophies, and behaviour?

Well it is through acceptance of His words His deeds and His gift of redemption. If you reject the redemption of the redeemer then you will not receive the gift. Jesus will decide who shall enter into eternity. Because all fall short of the requirements of eternity and only Jesus can give what no man can obtain.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days