Is Jehovah the God of all creation...?


Life, The universe, and e...
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Is Jahovah 'God of the Jews'? And not The creator of all, the universe, everything seen from the Hubble and beyond.:)

Not actually part of my thesis, just a really cool site.

Then again, maybe it is;
6,000 to 10,000 years. Indeed!
Is Jehovah 'God of the Jews'? And not The creator of all, the universe, everything seen from the Hubble and beyond.:)

Not actually part of my thesis, just a really cool site.

Then again, maybe it is;
6,000 to 10,000 years. Indeed!

Try this again:Ok, here's the idea: Could it be that Jehovah, while a powerful entity that a mystic such as Moses, trained in Egyptian Magic, (don't know about Abraham/Avrahm mysticism if any) contacted and enlisted its help to free the Jews, but is not the consciousness that created "everything seen from the Hubble" and beyond?

A god, but not God. FYI, I don't usually use the word God

Disclosure: I am a pantheist. Thumbnail: Take everything, all matter/energy, put it together and that is 'God'. As in 'God' is not seperate from existance. Rather a part of existence and more. Synergisticly speaking.
Back to the Greek 'Pan-all' & 'theos-God' & 'ist-ist'

pantheism |ˈpanθēˌizəm|
1 a doctrine that identifies God with the universe, or regards the universe as a manifestation of God.
2 rare worship that admits or tolerates all gods.

Dictionary, Version 1.0.1 (1.0.1)
Copyright © 2005 Apple Computer, Inc.,
Is Jahovah 'God of the Jews'? And not The creator of all, the universe, everything seen from the Hubble and beyond.:)

[...] Try this again:Ok, here's the idea: Could it be that Jehovah, while a powerful entity that a mystic such as Moses, trained in Egyptian Magic, (don't know about Abraham/Avrahm mysticism if any) contacted and enlisted its help to free the Jews, but is not the consciousness that created "everything seen from the Hubble" and beyond?

A god, but not God. FYI, I don't usually use the word God

Anything is possible. But looking at it from a strictly mythological perspective, Jehova (a.k.a. Yahweh; a.k.a. Elohim) is the god of the Israelites and thus the god of both Christians and Muslims since both cults are derived from the former. Each of these cults have texts that claim this god is creator of all (Pentateuch and Koran).

Neither cult provides evidence to support their claim, so if there is a god in the universe that is a "creator," it could very easily be one that hasn't made itself known to man. But, as an atheist, I see no good reason to believe that the universe requires a creator at all and thus recognize the gods of Abrahamic religions as creations of man.
Is Jahovah 'God of the Jews'? And not The creator of all, the universe, everything seen from the Hubble and beyond.:)

Jehovah is no more God than is : Apollo, Odin, Artemis, Athena, Asar(Osiris), Isis (Aset),Pan, Zeus (Mr Dawkins fav:),Hathor, Aries,etc,etc....
Due to proper promotion as the "one true God",Jehovah is normally much more familiar to people than the others.
Personally I believe there are Gods/Goddesses with qualities that are a better reflection Of what God truely is than Yahweh.

A good history of the Yahweh cult:

"The Early History of God: Yahweh and the Other Deities in Ancient Israel"
by Mark S. Smith
But, as an atheist, I see no good reason to believe that the universe requires a creator at all...
So? Being a atheist doesn't give you any special powers of truth or reason either.
As an atheist you are someone who has a belief about god just as much as someone who has a belief in god.

Look, Just because one of the semitic tribes tribesman had contact with something greater than him and had someone else write it down a few hundred years later...

I am very much a theist who believes in the sanctity of life, and frankly Jehovah strikes me as either a violent psychotic or just plain malevolent.

His sanity notwithstanding, Jews tend to say something akin to: "Our god. No converts wanted, thank you."

BTW, atheist, you guys are the first to point out the contradictions within the Bible as a way to discount it.

i will have to read up more about this subject before making a reply, i dont know enough about jahovah to describe his full function from the texts.

i will get back to you on it soon.

So? Being a atheist doesn't give you any special powers of truth or reason either.

No. Those special powers come from my reluctance to buy into fantasies for no good reason; my critical thinking skills. These "powers" inform my atheism, not the other way around.

As an atheist you are someone who has a belief about god just as much as someone who has a belief in god.

True. But only in as much as I have a belief about the power of pigs to fly without the assistance of cannons; pink unicorn herds on the dark side of the moon; or fairies granting the wishes with the wave of their wands and a flap of their wings.

The difference between the beliefs of the reasoned mind and those of the credulous are the former bases them on evidence.
Say what you will, but the mythical figures of Yahweh and Allah are both the same god. The evidence is that both the cults of Christianity (and, thus, Judaism) and Islam have the same core mythology regarding the mythical figure of Abraham.

Indeed, the very word "Allah" is cognate to the word, "Elohim." Allah comes from "al ilah," the feminine form of "the deity." Interestingly enough, the Aramaic word for "god" is "Elah."

So, you can pop in and say "false" all you like, it doesn't change the fact that each of these fictional characters are but different languages rendering the same thing. Clearly, you protest it since admitting such a thing would mean that you might need to recognize that your cult might not be the correct one and that one of your god's other cults is.
The evidence is that both the cults of Christianity (and, thus, Judaism) and Islam have the same core mythology regarding the mythical figure of Abraham.

Irrelevant. It's what these cults provide by way of "evidence" concerning Jesus Christ that is the issue.

Indeed, the very word "Allah" is cognate to the word, "Elohim." Allah comes from "al ilah," the feminine form of "the deity." Interestingly enough, the Aramaic word for "god" is "Elah." So, you can pop in and say "false" all you like, it doesn't change the fact that each of these fictional characters are but different languages rendering the same thing.

My declaration "False" regarding your equating of YHWH and 'allah' has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the particulars of your etymological red herring.

Clearly, you protest it since admitting such a thing would mean that you might need to recognize that your cult might not be the correct one and that one of your god's other cults is.

'Smells' of projection on your part...regardless, I "protest it" because the souls of fellow immortals are hanging in the balance. You are obfuscating the Gospel by proclaiming error concerning God, and I, concerned that some might be led astray through your error, have proclaimed the truth of the matter. Period.
Irrelevant. It's what these cults provide by way of "evidence" concerning Jesus Christ that is the issue.

They provide no evidence concerning "Jesus Christ."

My declaration "False" regarding your equating of YHWH and 'allah' has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the particulars of your etymological red herring.

Red herring? This would only be true if you had a pre-conceived conclusion to which all other data must be false because you allow yourself to be deluded by a mythical necessity. Etymology is anything *but* a red herring and your saying it is so doesn't make it so. Indeed, it is an ignorant and narrow minded accusation that denies reality.

... I "protest it" because the souls of fellow immortals are hanging in the balance.

LOL! No need to read any further with you! This is a clear statement of delusion! If I'm wrong and you aren't deluded, please cite the evidence that you are "immortal" as well as who your "fellow immortals" are. Failing to do this, please don't bore us with your deluded silliness. Even though this is the "Religion" subforum, there's no reason why we can't base our comments and discussions in reality.
But only in as much as I have a belief about the power of pigs to fly without the assistance of cannons; pink unicorn herds on the dark side of the moon; or fairies granting the wishes with the wave of their wands and a flap of their wings.
Had I been the one to bring up such fanciful notions this might be relevant...
Say what you will, but the mythical figures of Yahweh and Allah are both the same god. The evidence is that both the cults of Christianity (and, thus, Judaism) and Islam have the same core mythology regarding the mythical figure of Abraham.
So? This is a side track. As in: Very little to do with my question.
Originally Posted by Photizo: Irrelevant. It's what these cults provide by way of "evidence" concerning Jesus Christ that is the issue.
No it isn't. The issue whether Jehovah is the supreme being, or just an a powerful entity who made a deal with Avraham.

SkinWalker: Clearly, you protest it since admitting such a thing would mean that you might need to recognize that your cult might not be the correct one and that one of your god's other cults is.
Photizo: I "protest it" because the souls of fellow immortals are hanging in the balance. You are obfuscating the Gospel by proclaiming error concerning God, and I, concerned that...
Photizo: some might be led astray...
lead them astray. Please find somewhere else to find converts for your religion of intolerance
Photizo: ...through your error, have proclaimed the truth of the matter.
Hey Boys and Girls, Please take any discussion about the merits and/or flaws of whatever it is your arguing about to a more appropreate thread.
I have little use for the Gospels, and as I posit no individual/person as my profit(sic) I am not a 'cult' member.
:yawn: FYI, YHWH is God... :yawn:--and so is Jesus. :sleep:

They provide no evidence concerning "Jesus Christ."

Red herring? This would only be true if you had a pre-conceived conclusion to which all other data must be false because you allow yourself to be deluded by a mythical necessity. Etymology is anything *but* a red herring and your saying it is so doesn't make it so. Indeed, it is an ignorant and narrow minded accusation that denies reality.

LOL! No need to read any further with you! This is a clear statement of delusion! If I'm wrong and you aren't deluded, please cite the evidence that you are "immortal" as well as who your "fellow immortals" are. Failing to do this, please don't bore us with your deluded silliness. Even though this is the "Religion" subforum, there's no reason why we can't base our comments and discussions in reality.

"Your powers are weak, old man..."
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:yawn: FYI, YHWH is god... :yawn:--and so is Jesus. :sleep:
M*W: You speak of a god. Who is this god you speak of? Is he all powerful, all knowing, all present? Is he the god that created the universe? Who are you talking about? Allah?

If you really want to know the god of the universe, you should say so. Otherwise, who is this Jesus you speak of? Can he be proven to exist beyond reasonable doubt? Was he the miracle maker? Was he born of a virgin? Who was his father? Was he a bastard child? Was he a Jew who was circumcised? Surely, he has biblical records of this rite? Why was he born, and why did he die? What was his purpose on Earth? Weren't the Jews waiting for his return? Why were they waiting? That seems silly. Jews are silly people. Why are they like that? You'd think they would've figured all this out by now, don't you?
M*W: You speak of a god. Who is this god you speak of? Is he all powerful, all knowing, all present? Is he the god that created the universe? Who are you talking about?

He looketh upon men, and if any say, I have sinned, and perverted that which was right, and it profited me not; He (YHWH) will deliver his soul from going into the pit, and his life shall see The Light.
FYI, YHWH is God... --and so is Jesus.

Your complete lack of evidence notwithstanding, of course. Your inclusion of "smilies" provides the same lack of seriousness as your fallacious assumption.

"Your powers are weak, old man..."

I nearly deleted this comment since it was trolling/meaningless and issued an infraction, but it seems more prudent to allow your lack of argument and completely illogical position to stand as a testament to your apparent delusion.

My apologies to the OP, but the fallacious claims of the religiously deluded cannot go unchallenged. Their ignorance must be shown for what it is.

To answer the OP's question, the god in question, "Jahovah" (sic) is the same god of christian, islamic and judaic cults. I stand by the etymological evidence provided as well as the fact that the mythical sources are the same. Christianity has since developed several new gods, including Satan, Jesus, the Holy Ghost, and various angels like Gabriel, Michael, etc. One can even argue that Mary and Moses are gods since prayers are uttered in their name and divine acts of magic and supernaturalism are attributed to them in mythology. Those deluded by the various cults of Christianity will, however, deny that there is more than a single god while in the same breath attributing supernatural powers of omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence to other deities like Jesus, Satan and the Holy Ghost.

The bottom line is that the originating culture of the modern Christian "god" is Yahweh, which is the same thing as "Jehovah." The difference in spelling and phonology is basically a language thing and the fact that those deluded by this superstition were afraid to speak or spell out this silly god's name so they used the constants instead: "YHWH" and "JHVH" respectively. The latter being a Germanic translation of the former.
My apologies to the OP, but the fallacious claims of the religiously deluded cannot go unchallenged. Their ignorance must be shown for what it is.
OP- Original Poster?
And let's not worry 'bout what the raver has to say, and get on with an intelligent discussion.
To answer the OP's question, the god in question, "Jahovah" (sic)* is the same god of christian, islamic and judaic cults. as well as the fact that the mythical sources are the same. Christianity has since developed several new gods, including Satan, Jesus, the Holy Ghost, and various angels like Gabriel, Michael, etc. One can even argue that Mary and Moses are gods...Italics mine-OP
Demi-gods maybe.
Actually there is much evidence that 'Mary' was a co-opting of the Mother Goddess archetype that was in Europe prior the the coming of the Christian Hordes,
tho I like your acknowledgment of Satan being a direct product of/from the christians.

Those deluded by the various cults of Christianity will, however, deny that there is more than a single god while in the same breath attributing supernatural powers of omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence to other deities like Jesus, Satan and the Holy Ghost.

The bottom line is that the originating culture of the modern Christian "god" is Yahweh,
Again, So? As I am not a christian this isn't the issue for me. I know that the christ types worship Jehovah,
(*BTW I realized my spelling error and tried to fix it with later posts but don't know how to fix the thread title. If you do. pls share.)
My query is more to the effect of 'If there is a god, (I operate with/from the belief that there is one) are the Avrahm-ic cults deluding themselves by thinking that their "Jehovah" is it?'
Frankly, I don't see how any being that petty and jealous couldn't possibly be the creator.

M-W, While I mostly like your posts and am glad you found your way to this thread, could we please leave Jesus out of it?

Oh, and Photizo, if your not going to add any thing other than spewings from your book, please STFU!
M*W: Why?

Cuz Jesus has nothing to do with it.
Not in the equation of my question whatsoever.
Why are folks even bringing him up???
Is the question truly that unclear?
Would someone please repeat back what you think the question means/is about?