IS Jeff King, MIT Engineer, a conspiracy theorist?


Registered Member
And should he go put on a tinfoil hat, or have you not yet really looked into the unprecedented implosion of the three buildings on 9/11 as deep as he has?

Can you explain how and why those buildings did what they did?

Jeff King examines the prrblems with the unclear official explanation, if one exists. I challenge you to watch and understand his stance in his two part Youtube lecture.

Ben the admin guy thinks I am spewing psuedoscience and I acted like a dick.

Maybe I did act like a dick after I recived hate responses.

I don't think Jeff King is a Pseudoscientist. Do you?

If someone with rights could, please post the youtube link for others convenience..
All 9/11 threads go to pseudoscience. That's just the policy of this board. Ben the Man (mod of Physics and Math) is very strict about threads posted in his sub-forum. Maybe a mod could move this thread to it's appropriate place.

Here is the link you sent me:

BTW King did attend MIT...except his degree is in EE and Biology.
From a PM to me:

adoucette said:
You might want to add this link to the end of that thread.

I doubt he will read it, but it does answer his questions about WTC7

He's correct in that no one expected that it would fall and it took years for NIST to figure out why it did so.

It wasn't seriously damaged by the falling of WTC 1.
It didn't collapse because of the fuel oil in the emergency tanks.
It was in fact because of how it was designed and built and indeed the tower did have one KEY structural member (col 79) whose failure ultimately led to the collapse of the entire building.

It took the collapse of several floors to remove the lateral support for col 79 to cause it to fail. These floor failures are actually the start of the collapse and preceed the curtain wall coming down, it's only the falling of the curtain wall that proceeds at near free fall speed, the building had been collapsing internally prior to the outside shell coming down.

WTC7_column-79-Collapse.jpg 1A.pdf

Interesting reading if you've got the time.
Dear CliffDweller, can you or Jeff King explain, completely and scientifically, how we got men on the moon? Neither can I...!

I think it's obvious what conclusion we should draw from this. Clearly, we did not ever actually land on the moon!! I have documents detailing how Cheney and a youthful George W actually staged the whole thing back in the 60's in an effort to distract the Americans from the impending OPEC oil embargo and subsequent rise in gas prices. FOLLOW THE MONEY. The truth is out there, bro, you just need to be brave enough to open your eyes...