Is Jabril really Gabriel?



If the Jabril of the quran is the same angel as Gabriel (that announced to Mary that she would have a child) of the Bible, why did he use the Greek-based name "Issa" for Jesus (which is the Greek-based name), instead of the more Hebrew or Aramaic "Y'shua"? My point is that Arabic is a semetic language, just like Hebrew & Aramaic, it should have semetic roots to form Jesus' name in Arabic, not have to borrow from the Greek. Jesus means "Yahweh saves", so Jesus' name should be something like "Ya' (then the arabic for saves)", not "Is-sa".

If Mohammad really got the quran from the same angel that gave the good news to us about Jesus (propably in Aramaic), how did he forget Jesus' name in 600 years, that he had to use a hellenized version? Also, did he forget God's name too? Who is this 'allah'? What happened to "Yahweh", God's memorial name forever??? (From Exodus 3:11 to 15).
Found an other site with the same idea:

The simplest and most convincing reason for refusing to use the name 'Issa is that it has no meaning in Arabic. Every Arabic name has its root in a verb.

'Issa as a noun does not conform to the Arabic rules. It is meaningless. No theory that tries to explain it is satisfactory.

Muhammad, a a noun, is derived from HMD (pronounced hamada) which means to praise. Muhammad therefore means the one who is tremendously or greatly praised.

Biblical names have meanings, and thus we must insist on the use of the name Yesu'a in all Islamic languages. Yesu'a means Jehovah saves. Al-Massih is fine, as it means the Anointed One. The question remains, anointed for what purpose, the Biblical answer is to "save His people from their sins." Thus, the necessity of calling our Lord, Yesu'a al-Massih.
Randolfo, as I've said before, using the Bible to "disprove" the Qu'ran is no different than using the Word of Ronald McDonald to attack Burger King.
Randolfo said:
If the Jabril of the quran is the same angel as Gabriel (that announced to Mary that she would have a child) of the Bible, why did he use the Greek-based name "Issa" for Jesus (which is the Greek-based name), instead of the more Hebrew or Aramaic "Y'shua"? My point is that Arabic is a semetic language, just like Hebrew & Aramaic, it should have semetic roots to form Jesus' name in Arabic, not have to borrow from the Greek. Jesus means "Yahweh saves", so Jesus' name should be something like "Ya' (then the arabic for saves)", not "Is-sa".

If Mohammad really got the quran from the same angel that gave the good news to us about Jesus (propably in Aramaic), how did he forget Jesus' name in 600 years, that he had to use a hellenized version? Also, did he forget God's name too? Who is this 'allah'? What happened to "Yahweh", God's memorial name forever??? (From Exodus 3:11 to 15).

I guess the "Greeks" got it right huh? Oh yea and ALLAH comes from AL(supreme ultimate ) LAH (single being) does that not fit? you should be posting about fixing the biblical mistakes rather trying to undermind the Koran
StarOfEight said:
Randolfo, as I've said before, using the Bible to "disprove" the Qu'ran is no different than using the Word of Ronald McDonald to attack Burger King.
so are you saying that I should 'self-censor' myself, that I should not post any opinion on other religions, but my own? do you follow the logic implicid there?

Do you follow the same rules, that you wish to impose on me?

anyway, everyone knows that "Burger King" is
surenderer said:
I guess the "Greeks" got it right huh? Oh yea and ALLAH comes from AL(supreme ultimate ) LAH (single being) does that not fit? you should be posting about fixing the biblical mistakes rather trying to undermind the Koran

you are too funny


AL(supreme ultimate ) LAH (single being), is that Biblical or quarnic arabic? source please? so, explain "supreme ultimate", do you mean by grammarical rule or an implied idea? if so, how does "al" seem to mean "the" when applied to so many nouns, such as 'al-andalus' (islamic Spain)?

you should be posting about fixing the biblical mistakes rather trying to undermind the Koran
why should I stop, I am having too much fun finding errors in the quran.


BTW, why does the quran; both praise the Bible & call it corrupted? why does it praise the 'people of the Book', then condemn them? why does it say the qibla has been changed to Mecca from Jerusalem, that allah was only testing muslims? a god that plays jokes on people, now that is a laugh

invert_nexus said:
Burger King is what!! I'm dying of suspense...

man, you must be a "McDodo", I shouldn't have to finish it, but anyone that eats at "Burger King", knows that it IS...the burger king!!!
It is a known fact that every language has one or more terms that are used in reference to God and sometimes to lesser deities. This is not the case with Allah. Allah is the personal name of the One true God. Nothing else can be called Allah. The term has no plural or gender. This shows its uniqueness when compared with the word god which can be made plural, gods, or feminine, goddess. It is interesting to notice that Allah is the personal name of God in Aramaic, the language of Jesus and a sister language of Arabic.
surenderer said:
It is a known fact that every language has one or more terms that are used in reference to God and sometimes to lesser deities. This is not the case with Allah. Allah is the personal name of the One true God. Nothing else can be called Allah. The term has no plural or gender. This shows its uniqueness when compared with the word god which can be made plural, gods, or feminine, goddess. It is interesting to notice that Allah is the personal name of God in Aramaic, the language of Jesus and a sister language of Arabic.
in aramaic? you mean now, it was forced by conquering islam to conform, find some 3rd or 4th century docs, it will be "El" or its derivitives. 'allah' is the title of the pagan crescent-moon god of the ka'aba, of which Mohammad's family & their Quarish tribe of Mecca worshipped. ask yourself, why Mohammad never explained who this 'allah' was, if he really was a new revelation to the arabs?

also, hebrew is a sister language to both, then why do they use "Yahweh", "El", "Elohim", "Yah", etc...??? why indeed?
"a god that plays jokes on people, now that is a laugh"
see Loki, Norse God of Practical Jokes :D
I prefer the coyote spirit in American Indian mythology. He's a trickster as well, but he is more importantly a teacher. You learn from the tricks that are played on you.
Randolfo said:
'allah' is the title of the pagan crescent-moon god of the ka'aba, of which Mohammad's family & their Quarish tribe of Mecca worshipped. Ask yourself, why Mohammad never explained who this 'allah' was, if he really was a new revelation to the arabs?
I was under the impression that Arabs worshipped Present Day Allah in a very similar fashion as they had worshipped Moon God Allah. The Crescent Moon is still a typical symbol on places of worship and the Cities where Moon God Allah was worshipped (like Mecca) were kept as an utmost place of religious importance.

Most people probably didn’t know much about their moon god over the new improved version. So long as one keeps the name “Allah” and the religious practices (say walking around a square rock or praying towards Mecca) along with moon symbolism then there really isn’t much need to go about explaining to the typical illiterate person the details. Add to that the successful invasion of neighboring kingdoms and the bounces of war booty and people probably couldn’t care. I mean that’s typical of religion be it Christendom’s expansion into Europe or Buddhism into Tibet.

I think it’s easiest to mobilize people by convincing them they have a common identity – a shared history of sorts. To create a common identify you can’t just start from scratch; you have to blend a little bit of everyone’s history into one. I guess at some point victorious Arabs must have absorbed Hellenized Christians and hence Greek Issa over a Aramaic "Y'shua. The Arab millitary leaders (although militarily victorious) would still have had to work with the existing authorities which were probably fluent in Greek.
Randolfo said:
in aramaic? you mean now, it was forced by conquering islam to conform, find some 3rd or 4th century docs, it will be "El" or its derivitives. 'allah' is the title of the pagan crescent-moon god of the ka'aba, of which Mohammad's family & their Quarish tribe of Mecca worshipped. ask yourself, why Mohammad never explained who this 'allah' was, if he really was a new revelation to the arabs?

also, hebrew is a sister language to both, then why do they use "Yahweh", "El", "Elohim", "Yah", etc...??? why indeed?

Actually believe it or not i partially agree with you.Allah was around before the Prophet(saws) the thing was is that alotta people saw Allah as a "father god" with alotta gods underneath him.The Prophets revealation was that ALLAH was ONE god and had no other equals which is what was upsetting to the other tribes because they made alotta money off of people coming to visit Mecca to pray to their "gods" As far as the moon and starthat could be left over from some tribal God or something I honestly don't know but Islam doesnt have an official symbol like the cross for christians but what the moon and star represent now is Ramadan.But back to the point nobody ever said the Prophet "created" Allah only the idea that he was one......peace
invert_nexus said:
I prefer the coyote spirit in American Indian mythology. He's a trickster as well, but he is more importantly a teacher. You learn from the tricks that are played on you.
M*W: Do you know Red Dog? Red Dog is a sorcerer. A good sorcerer doesn't do anything to you directly to hurt you, but a good Red Dog lures you to hurt yourself. Very sneaky totem.
"I prefer the coyote spirit in American Indian mythology. He's a trickster as well, but he is more importantly a teacher. You learn from the tricks that are played on you."

i prefer loki, he is more evil and less helpful :)