Is it wrong to call President BO?


Valued Senior Member
My friend does this and I tell her sooner or later the Secret Service is going to pop out of her mail box and slap the cuffs on her. She pays me no mind.
My friend does this and I tell her sooner or later the Secret Service is going to pop out of her mail box and slap the cuffs on her. She pays me no mind.

because that's not going to happen.
The first amendment says you can call the Prez whatever you like.

I called the last one "Shrubya"...

Maybe we shold just call whomever's elected President "The head Bozo driving the clown car..."
Is it wrong to call President BO?
Short for Body Odor ?

Seems pretty benign. I myself alternate between Party Comrade Obamsky and The Kenyan Muslim Socialist (when I'm feeling ornery).

Hell's Bells - it's practically a fine old American tradition to call the Presdient something insulting - and not just those who obviously seem to deserve derision -

Washington may be fondly recalled today as "The Father of His Country," but during his life, at least some critics referred to him as "The Stepfather of His Country."

That's pretty gentle treatment compared to the nicknames hung on some of our less popular presidents. Martin Van Buren was known variously as "Whiskey Van" or "Petticoat Pet."

John Tyler was referred to as "His Accidency," as was Millard Fillmore, Andrew Johnson, Chester A. Arthur and Grover Cleveland. (This nickname presumably refers to the manner in which the men attained office, not personal clumsiness.)

Abraham Lincoln, one of our greatest presidents, is remembered today as "The Great Emancipator." Political opponents of his day, however, called him "The Illinois Baboon."

Ulysses S. Grant, "The Hero of Appomattox," was better known to some of his contemporaries as "The Butcher of Galena" or "Useless."

Grover Cleveland had at least 14 nicknames, few of which he'd have liked inscribed on his headstone. Some of the less flattering include "Big Beefhead," "The Dumb Prophet" and "The Stuffed Prophet."

The more controversial a president was, the more nicknames he earned. Franklin D. Roosevelt had at least 15 nicknames of which "FDR" was far and away the most complimentary. Some of the others were "Deficit," "The Featherduster of Dutchess County," "The Raw Dealocrat" and "A Traitor to His Class."

Further -

Thomas Jefferson
The Negro President - For his victory in the election of 1800, won because of the three-fifths compromise.

John Adams
The Duke of Braintree - A sarcastic reference to his grandiose airs.

James Madison
Little Jemmy or His Little Majesty - At only 5' 4", he was the shortest president ever.

William Henry Harrison
General Mum - As in the expression, "keep it mum". Because of his avoidance of speaking out on controversial issues during his election campaign.

John Tyler
His Accidency - Derisive nickname by his opponents (as opposed to "His Excellency", for example), who suggested he could not have achieved the presidency through his own merit, only by accident (succeeding from the Vice Presidency on the death of William Henry Harrison).

Rutherford B. Hayes
Granny Hayes and Queen Victoria in Riding Breeches - Hayes did not drink, smoke, or gamble, and, together with his temperance-supporting wife, "Lemonade Lucy", maintained a very strait-laced White House – much to the disgust of some members of Washington society.
President De Facto, His Fraudulency, Rutherfraud Hayes, Boss Thief, The Great Usurper and Old 8 to 7 - in response to the disputed election against Tilden.

Chester Alan Arthur
Prince Arthur, and The Dude President - He was renowned for his fancy attire and indulgence in extravagant luxury.

Grover Cleveland
The Beast of Buffalo - Because of false rumors that he was a wife beater, spread by political opponents during the 1888 election.

The Stuffed Prophet and The Elephantine Economist - Given to him by hostile newspapers during the 1892 presidential election, by which time his weight had gone up to 250 pounds.

etc, etc...

So tell your pal to carry on like a proper patriot while this is still a free country !