Is it pssible to learn Psychic abilities.


Registered Member
Now this is my first post and I have always been interested in this subject. Being paranormal and psychic ablilities and whatnot.

I have talked with a number of people and it is said that you cannot learn psychic abilities, but must be born with them.

If you can please answer this and/or recomend sites or books that i can llok into i would greatly appreciate it.

This also includes Telepathy, invisability, and teleportation.

I am also interested in mind-moving. Ya know, moving this with your mind.
Psychic abilities CAN be leanred. Everybody is born with some degree of talent, whether or not they decide to realize it or not is their choice hehe. Moving things with your mind... AH, you must mean Telekinesis! THAT is probably one of the hardest things ever to do.
Telepathy... Basically you sart out with being an empath, being able to sense EXACTLY how a person feels... Telepathy itself is pretty hard for me, barely works if at all hehe
Invisibility... It can be done, but im years away from that level. True invisibility would be very hard... Being "unnoticed" to everyone however is easier. not able to do that yet either tho lol
Teleportation... Pretty much unless you can turn water into beer, this is nearly unachievable. Int theory hehe it would require TONS of energy and willpower, and leave you drained for a day or so... How to learn? Cant really say.... Its just something u pick up as u go along:D
Edit: O, and welcome to sciforums!
What are these terms

I know some about this stuff and would like to know more. Could somebody please explain what some of the termonology is?

Like what is an Empath or what he said in the last post?
Where do I start.

I want to start this but how, and when.

I am 14, so I might be a little young, but I have dejavu and whatnot happen to me. I want to start, but HOW???
Id begin by trying out Astral Projection, but thats just me. Personnally is a nice place to go for this, especially the methods section. It makes you more aware of your other senses:D
Well well, someone about 1 year earlier whit learning psychic abilities then me :)

I'm 19, and I did find little info when I was 15/16
Telekinesis was my interest too.
But I did learn that it IS really hard to learn.

And, psychic abilities IS learnable, not a gift specificially to a person...
The *gifted* are only born whit it already unlocked, and probably trained at childhood...
This is either under some sircomstances, or genetically...

I'll list the terminology here, I'm out of a job and stay up late at night, so what the hey :)

Telekinesis, psychokinesis: moving things whit your mind.

Astral Projection: mostly compared to OBE, but it is different, your astral body will part whit your physical body, and you can explore a various number of planes...

OBE: Out of Body Experience, I remember a joke from a game...
This is where your consious part whit your body, I don't know very much of both A/P and OBE, but that is basicallty it...

Psi-balls: Commonly used whit Ki/Chi energy trainings...
If you watch Dragonball Z "less doubt about that" it's those energy blasts...
Now don't go *I will blast everybody* whit that.
Dragonball Z is mayorly overfloated about this, but theoretically, it could work...
It's just a ball of energy, it depends on your energy control/level and concentration how much you can do whit it...
Shields are also made whit this...
To learn it, I'd advise to watch the episode 192 "Take flight Videl"

Levitation/Bukujutsu: If you are gonna watch that episode, then you will know that levitation is just flying...
Another things that is theoretically possible, but not commonly whit that factor in the series...
Probably just floating 3/4 inches above the ground...
Also depends on your energy

Ki/Chi/Psi:Just another word for energy

Shield: A shield of energy of what it's purpose can be somewhat controlled.
It's mostly used to defend telepathic intruders, random telepathic interference, telepathic attack shield, shield to respond whit an attack of the attacking telepathic energy.
Filter for good and bad energy's, and then the invisibility trick...
To prevent the light from reflecting you...
Also depends on energy control.

Empathy: Emotional telepathy, like feeling the feelings of others, and letting others feel what you are feeling...
This is an area that somewhat comes naturally whit me...

Telepathy: transfer of thoughts to others, and recieving thoughts from others...
This week I had a few cases of telepathy, either it was coincidence, which I don't really believe in, or really quick thinking, if it wasn't telepathy...
But the chances of not being telepathy where slim...

Remote viewing: Seeing trough someone else's eyes or seeing from a location other then where your eyes are...

Lucid dreams: controling your dreams, just a dream like you sleep, but you have control over it like a day dream...
This can help whit Astral Projections and OBE's

Meditation: Almost forgot to mention this important one...
It is relaxing your mind, by lying down, letting all your thoughts flow away, but don't force this...
Relaxing your muscles, and beginning to visualize something...
Something that relaxes you, that you like, and that gives you a feeling of new energy, posibilities, etc.
It's mostly called rebirth, but that term, isn't used by any average/proffesional psychic, as far as I know.
Let's say it's just day-dreaming, in a mayorly relaxing way :)

Aura viewing: This skill is said to be simple to achieved...
Mostly it comes as you meditate a lot...
There are 2 or 3 techniques to see aura's.
It's seeing some energy fields around a person, and it can reflect their personalities.
*Note to Mr.G and (Q): don't try a discussion on this, this is already proven a fact in science*

Third-eye: This is a term used for one-third to a half of the time you search something...
It's said to be a location on your forehead between, and slightly above your eye-brows...
It's also refered to your visualization, seeing whit your imagination.

Chakra's: Also little info known by me, but these are places in your body where mayor parts of your energy is...
each whit a specific function, but this varies whit a lot of yoga and martial-arts systems...

Sub-consious: This is important, it'll be shoved in your face over and over and over and over again...
your brain has a consious and sub-consious part.
Your sub-consious is the part that works nowadays on it's own...
Like your health defence, some thoughts, automatic body-functions, and the 85% of parts of the brain unused in a life-time...
Your sub-consious can be controlled somewhat whit consentration and your *to say it right for (Q)* visualization...
It's really sensitive to emotional and graphic information...
Let's say that if you have a really terrible thing burned in your memory, let's blame that part...
Because, every thing that is intense in a form of graphic and emotional events, your sub-consious will addept to it, store it in your memotry and possibly use it...

As far as I know, this is all the basics...
I know more about Ki training and a big whit magic*k*
But that is another area...
The one thing that is in common is concentration, using energy and you have to train it a lot...
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Originally posted by Sakiris
Now this is my first post and I have always been interested in this subject. Being paranormal and psychic ablilities and whatnot.

I have talked with a number of people and it is said that you cannot learn psychic abilities, but must be born with them.

If you can please answer this and/or recomend sites or books that i can llok into i would greatly appreciate it.


You can learn to be more focused.

Psychic abilities are nothing but being focused about things which people usually do not care about.

For example, you can tell how close death is, by looking at a man’s ears and how they have positioned ! When a person's death near, (few hours) body and face show various changes.
This knowledge is being used by ayurvedic doctors to study a snake bite case and determine whether to give a treatment or not.

You can tell the basic character of a women, whether she is vulnerable or not or whether she is interested more in money and material things just by looking at her fingers. Detailed in Brihath Samhita for identifying a great bride !

Only a cloud from the west direction is going to bring a rain, the wind changes its direction in any location twice in a day…information like these…

Above examples are to know, understand, evaluate a situation…and ACT LIKE A psychic and make use of the information..the way you want to…!!!

So being psychic is nothing but knowing the body, nature and its signs, the more you try to understand these the more you become psychic !

Then its your ego. You have to reduce your ego to a great level then only you can get in to some one or match your ego with the other person to know what he feels, to know his problems, to be like what he/she is…this you can feel while doing sex ! the lesser the ego..the more your girl is going to love you….

And psychic also means to be very confident about yourself, like a magician, like a snake charmer, like a yogi, believe yourself. And this kind of belief comes to only a person who loves and is also being loved. So you need a girl, one who just tells you to “jump” and the one who jumps along with you without even thinking once (not twice!). And you need to be very truthful, and being truthful makes you very brave, it makes you stand up against any one, that also includes time ! so be brave, be gentle, we kind, be loveable and share the love, only love never hate, stand for the truth, be a great soul..pshychic abilites will come to you and you will find that you do not want them.

Psychic abilities are like money, when you go after it, it will always be a step ahead, but when you do “things” which you like, money, fame, power, family and many other material things comes to you without even desiring for the same.

Then about energy within the body, the lesser the sex, more the power, the lesser you loose your semen, more mental strength you will have. Yogis do sex without loosing semen, they practice to take the orgasmic pleasure without having an ejaculation. But even then if you do that for too much amount of time, that will make your body tired, and when you have a tired body everyday, how that is going to support you in any other activity ? leave being psychic but normal life ?

And when the mind is full of sexual thoughts how is that going to focus on things which are visible, not to a normal eye but to a learned one !?

So first of all it requires a preparation.

Then lets assume you are a psychic..then what’s that you are going to do ?

Predict what’s going to happen with a human being ?
- But can you change it ? Can you undo a single event ? Can you offer a new life ?

Read what’s in a person’s mind ?
- can you avoid the pain what he is feeling ? Can you stop him from thinking ?

Stop a rain ?
- are you free enough to walk in the rain, have a smile in your face and enjoy each drop ?

Fly in the sky and move among stars ?
- there is plenty of unexplored place on earth..even within your family..that’s nothing but the human mind and heart ! Can you tell exactly how your mother looks at you ?

Levitate and walk across a river ?
- in my land you can cross a river by just paying 1/240 th of a US$ !!! do not compare the efforts (practice and effort to levitate) to dollar price as they are two different things!

Make a person become your slave ?
- the most intoxicating drug is love, even if you kill them they will come back to you !

The above list is a very short one, but surely the key ones after which most people are,

Being focused if that makes you a better human being then it worth taking the effortm because its going to make you a divine one some day !

So do give it a try…try to be a great soul .............

and if still interested about being psychic…I can surely give a guidance…whether wrong or have to try me ! (and one more thing, I have to say that, because we are in a international forum where money matters, to me it does not !…so everything totally free !!!!!hahaha)

And better we do it on a one to one basis !

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Well Sakiris, it seems someone offers you a one on one teaching...

From all that Rajagopals has send, I can't really disaggree on a thing he posted.

The first thing I could advise you starting whit psychic abilities is tempering your ego and trust yourself...

Those + concentration is really the basics you need to control.
Try it a few days, and if you think you're up to it, go on ahead.
Even if you wana try, but doubt your abitilies, just do it.

Your confidense will grow, and your knowledge will exstend immensly.

Trust me, it may seem scary and very unfamilliar at first.
But it'll all dissapear the more you will learn.