Is it possible to replace real food entirely with a liquid based diet?


Registered Senior Member
I realize this is kind of a strange question but I'm serious. Is it possible to exist entirely on a nutritionally infused liquid diet? By liquid I don't mean like thick shakes, I mean an actual scientifically created liquid diet that gets passed entirely through the urine, eliminating the necessity for, um, number 2? Would that be dangerous? Aren't some coma patients kept alive entirely via an IV?

Does such a all liquid food replacement exist?

Sure one could live off IVs alone, its not a easy life though. The intestine's blood output goes to the liver for processing, by-passing the liver (and the intestines) to deliver "food" leads to all sorts of complications that reduce average life span.

As for an all liquid diet into the stomach, yeah sure there are tons of those, but the bowels need to excrete something now and then, if only its own mucus and dead cell lining.
Sure one could live off IVs alone, its not a easy life though. The intestine's blood output goes to the liver for processing, by-passing the liver (and the intestines) to deliver "food" leads to all sorts of complications that reduce average life span.

As for an all liquid diet into the stomach, yeah sure there are tons of those, but the bowels need to excrete something now and then, if only its own mucus and dead cell lining.

That's what I thought. So if someone wanted to shut down most number 2 activity, for instance to maintain a clean environment in an off grid situation, there are healthy and nutritionally sufficient diets for that?

That's good news. I intend to live off grid for a few months and am trying to figure out how to deal with that biological requirement with a minimal of equipment and work. If I can just basically shut most of it down, that makes things a lot easier. My only problem is figuring out what is the best diet for that result.
Sure one could live off IVs alone

TPN (total replacement of food via IV) is indeed used for some patients with serious GI problems, although it generally causes severe long term medical problems. Enteral feeding (a "feeding tube") is vastly preferred when possible. Most comatose patients are fed this way.
That's good news. I intend to live off grid for a few months and am trying to figure out how to deal with that biological requirement with a minimal of equipment and work. If I can just basically shut most of it down, that makes things a lot easier. My only problem is figuring out what is the best diet for that result.

?? You will need medical care and a supply of very unusual (i.e. not available most places) food if you go either the TPN or feeding tube route. How is that compatible with living off-grid?

If you mean a low-residue diet that's not too hard - but will eventually catch up with you. I would not imagine that removing impacted stool is something you want to do while living off grid by yourself.
Well I'm sure there are shakes and energy drinks that can do that. I survived peace corps on mostly canned foods and a hole in the ground, by rarely eating the natives food (and rarer still with my hands as they did) I only got horrific projectile fluids out of BOTH ends at the SAME time, only twice. All you need is a hole in the ground really.

Also I greatly recommend a solar shower for bathing AND drinking water: UV and solar heat treated water. You can even use plastic water bottles just lay them out in the sun for 1-2 days. Water filters are great but cost more and need regular cleaning depending on how gritty your water is.
Well I'm sure there are shakes and energy drinks that can do that. I survived peace corps on mostly canned foods and a hole in the ground, by rarely eating the natives food (and rarer still with my hands as they did) I only got horrific projectile fluids out of BOTH ends at the SAME time, only twice. All you need is a hole in the ground really.

Also I greatly recommend a solar shower for bathing AND drinking water: UV and solar heat treated water. You can even use plastic water bottles just lay them out in the sun for 1-2 days. Water filters are great but cost more and need regular cleaning depending on how gritty your water is.

Great advice! I didn't know about the water/sun trick. Thank for your service toward the advancement of peace.